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Behind The Scenes Shots From Popular Movies

Behind The Scenes Shots From Popular Movies
Movies were first introduced and shared with the masses in late 19th century, and since then it has captured the attention of millions of audiences. We are totally accustomed of these films which are full of classic hits, drama, action, thrill and romance. But there is a whole different world behind these scenes. Scenes of great and successful movies dissolve us within them and we forget that it is actually a movie and the sights we see might actually be Hollywood sets. Back to the Future Django Unchained Filming The Empire Strikes Back Credits Roll Ghostbusters Harry Potter Inception Jaws Planet of the Apes Stanley Kubrick with his daughter on The Shining Star Wars Superman Terminator The Dark Knight The Gate The Godfather: Fish-line Bullet Holes The Hobbit The Lord of The Rings The Matrix The Muppet Movie Titanic Related:  Cinema • Portal La giornata balorda IMDb Sinopsis:ello, borgataro, romano, ventenne, disoccupato con un figlio di 20 giorni e la di lui madre a carico, Davide passa una [...] Classic Sci-Fi Movies Glosario de cine Irene Papas en Zorba el griego Cámara lenta. Efecto que se logra acelerando el paso de imágenes ante el obturador y proyectando a más velocidad. Es la forma popular de llamar a la ralentización de la imagen (o ralentí) que, de forma paradójica, se consigue proyectando a velocidad normal (24 f/sg) imágenes rodadas a mayor cadencia (48 ó 72). Cámara rápida o acelerado. Se logra con cámaras de filmación lenta y reproduciendo a mayor velocidad. Cameo. Campo. Casting. Cine. Cine de arte y ensayo. Cine de vanguardia. Cine independiente. Cine Underground (Cine-subterráneo). Cinéma verité. CinemaScope. Cinerama. Claqueta. Climax. Contenutismo. Comedia. Continuidad/raccord/racor. Corte. Cortometraje. Crédito. Cuadro. Arriba

El periódico más breve: Un poco de lenguaje cinematográfico Aprendamos hoy algo del lenguaje que utilizan los cineastas para procurarnos distintas sensaciones. Nos valdremos para ello de extractos de la película El vampiro de Dusseldorf (1931), rodada por el genial Fritz Lang. Lo esencial es saber qué es un plano, es decir, lo que la cámara capta en una única toma. Aclaro que para hacer más amena esta introducción al lenguaje cinematográfico he reducido el número de definiciones: La escala de planos Primer plano Vemos el busto del personaje, el rostro ocupa gran parte de la pantalla, sus sentimientos quedan al descubierto. Plano medio Los cuerpos se muestran hasta la cintura, a menudo se recurre a este plano para mostrar conversaciones entre personajes. Plano 3/4, también llamado plano americano El famoso plano americano, cuyo uso se extendió gracias a las películas del oeste, para mostrar las cartucheras de los pistoleros. Plano general Plano en el que vemos la figura entera de los personajes y el escenario en el que se mueven. Plano picado Plano detalle

TÉCNICA CINEMATOGRÁFICA - Post Production News, Websites, Articles, Videos, Blogs & More! For Film and Video, Editing, VFX, Sound, Colour, and Animation 366 Weird Movies | Celebrating the cinematically surreal, bizarre, cult, oddball, fantastique, strange, psychedelic, and the just plain WEIRD!

Reviews of Powell and Pressburger works Reviews of Powell and Pressburger works The reviews have been divided into the following sections: The Masters - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger The Films - Listed by year then alphabetically The People - Actors, Actresses, crew Miscellaneous - Everything else Some articles may deal with more than one person or film, where this happens we have tried to cross reference them. The Masters: Emeric Pressburger Master Storyteller Michael Powell the man himself The Films: (Any reviews are liable to contain spoilers) The People: Note: I have only included the people that I have articles about. There were many more people involved in the making of these films.

The Criterion Collection - The Current - Essays Your web browser (Firefox 17) is out of date. Update your browser for more security, speed and the best experience on this site. Update browser Ignore 0 Items Total Checkout View Cart Search Official Blade Runner Souvenir Magazine When Blade Runner was released, one of the publications that came out at the same time was the Official Collector's Edition of the Blade Runner Souvenir Magazine. Some of you will have your own copy of this - if you don't check out eBay where it can often be found for a quite reasonable price. Many of you will have seen a great many of the pictures all over the Web. Also, please take a few minutes to read Ira Friedman's memories of how he came to publish the Blade Runner Souvenir Magazine. Copyright Obviously I don't own the copyright on this magazine. Philosophy A printed magazine can be reproduced on the Web in two ways. I have not attempted to represent the layout of the magazine 100% perfectly on the Web as firstly things appear differently on the Web anyway, secondly to attempt to do so would just be a waste of effort really and thirdly I am presenting individual pages, whereas the magazine often has images spreading across two pages and text referring to the opposite page.

Películas de culto Underground Film Journal
