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Dispatchwork Onishi Yasuaki Website KAYOKOYUKI この度KAYOKOYUKIは、10/24(水)から11/24(土)まで、青木真莉子、有賀慎吾、土居下太意、野沢裕の4人のアーティストによる展覧会『地点 -POU STO-』を、千代田線沿線の3つの会場にわたって開催いたします。会場は、西日暮里の「TALION GALLERY」(10月28日[日]-11月24日[土])、湯島の「JIKKA」(11/9日[金)-24日[土])、もう一つは表参道にて行われる青参道アートフェア(10月24日[水)-11月4日[日])の「JAMIN PUECH」ショップ内です。3会場の会期が異なりますので、足をお運びになる際にはご注意頂けますと幸いです。 青木真莉子(1985年生まれ)が扱う素材は熊や鹿、海亀の剥製から、カラフルなラメ素材、蛍光色、パフォーマーとしての身体まで、物質を愛しい存在へと昇華させる道具として選ばれています。 場所も性質も異なる3会場にて開催されるこの展覧会では、ギャラリーの次世代を担う4人のアーティストをご紹介いたします。 マザースペース, 6min, video, 2012 マザースペース, resizable, mixed media, 2012 鳥屋, 20min, video, 2011 New Garden ~繕い少女~, F30, mixed media, 2010 青木真莉子 埼玉生まれ 東京造形大学大学院修了 主な展示 〈いないいないGO〉相模原市民ギャラリー(神奈川県) 〈KOSHIKI ART PROJECT〉(甑島/鹿児島) 〈リムトリップ〉ANEXギャラリー(東京) 〈Ongoing Festival〉Art Center Ongoing (東京) 〈the two geostationary objects〉Art Center Ongoing(東京) 〈Ongoing X'mas〉Art Center Ongoing (東京) 〈アートアワードトーキョー2012〉丸の内行幸地下ギャラリー(東京) 〈西川肇一企画;日本人アーティストのプロジェクト「いま、日本のアートをつむぐ‐てわざ・こまやか」〉Por Amor a Arte Galeria(ポルトガル) 〈アーティストレジデンスプログラム2012〉セルヴェーラビエンナーレファンデイション(ポルトガル) 受賞歴 ZOKEI賞 Mariko Aoki Born in Saitama. 野沢裕

MAYA LIN STUDIO Giant Glowing Sculpture Made From Crushed PET Bottles Rises at the Venice Architecture Bienniale A freestanding sculpture made from thousands of salvaged PET bottles popped up at the Venice Architecture Biennale. Created by Rodrigo Garcia and Maciej Siuda, this repurposed public art installation titled Devebere represents the massive amounts of waste we create. Garcia and Siuda created Devebere after winning the Gau:di student competition for sustainable architecture. The temporary sculpture provided a free space for recreation and relaxation—and created some cool shadows—during the city’s Biennale. The sculpture was made by first cleaning the outside of the bottles, then taking the label and top off, and sucking the air out of them, which makes them much stronger. + Devebere Photo © Devebere Via Experimenta

Loopcamp: Giant Musical Recycled Paper Cylinders Rise From The Dusty Desert Plain at Burning Man The desert extravaganza Burning Man started in 1986 as a small gathering of free-thinking artists, but it has since evolved into a storied pilgrimage for creatives that attracts about 50,000 people each year. In 2012, Stéphane Malka of Malka Architecture took to the flat and dusty scene of Black Rock City in Nevada with Loopcamp - an installation comprised of giant recycled paper cylinders of different widths and heights that serve two important functions. Hit the jump for the "deets." Black Rock City is carefully organized in a giant semi-circle with grid rows that all face the open desert, and the scene of the final burning event. Malka Architecture installed their recycled cylinders, which look like giant paper towel cartons, in an open space amid the geodesic domes and art cars and half-naked participants. Loopcamp’s was specifically oriented in a semi circle that faces directly into oncoming winds in order to take advantage of wind pressure to create a giant wind chime.

Enormous Beehive Made of Recycled Plastic Bags Dangles at Rome's Museum of Contemporary Art In the 16th century, Italy produced Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel, but now many of the world’s art museums are filled with trash. Not any old trash, mind you. Pascale Marthine Tayou’s latest installation at MACRO – the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome – is made of nothing but plastic bags and stands nearly 10 meters tall! Very interested in modern nomadism, the Cameroon artist is fond of using every day objects to highlight the behavior of present day society. Plastic Bags on display at the museum in northeast Rome through April 1, 2013 is part of a larger exhibit entitled Secret Garden, and offers a colorful critique of capitalism, consumerism and widespread plastic pollution. This bold plastic sculpture shaped like a giant beehive is creating quite the buzz, so stop on by if you can. + Pascale Mathine Tayou Via collabcubed Photos by Giorgio Benni/MACRO; Sandra’s Studio; Queensland Art Gallery and eventi cultural mag

Bruce Munro CDSea Used Compact Discs. As with the Field of Light, the moment of connectedness that led to creation of CDSea happened whilst Munro was living in Australia. One Sunday afternoon as he was sitting on a rocky peninsula at Nielsen Park, one of the beautiful Sydney Harbour beaches, he remembers ‘…the light was still strong, like a blanket of shimmering silver light. I had this childish notion that by putting my hand in the sea I was somehow connected to my father’s home in Salcombe, Devon’. Munro left the beach that day in a very positive mood, amazed that the play of light had changed his state of mind so profoundly. CDSea was installed at Long Knoll Field in Wiltshire in June 2010, where in 2004 the first Field of Light had been created.

Yamamoto crée des compositions de taille impressionante en ...sel fin!! C'est ephémère, c'est magnifique, c'est japonais!!! by sylviane84 Aug 30
