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BlahTherapy - Talk Therapy Online and Counseling Services.

Why Clingy Partners Cling There’s nothing like the joy of a new relationship, when the road ahead seems sunny and bright. Your world becomes centered around this object of your latest passion, and you throw caution to the wind as you start to make serious plans. As Henry Alford wrote in the New York Times, it’s all too easy to become “heedlessly romantic,” ignoring the rules of etiquette, if not common sense, and get too close too fast. Sure, there are times when these passionate affairs become the basis for a long and beautiful relationship. However, when they come to a disastrous conclusion, we suffer inner torments at best, and outer humiliation at worst (think the Winona Forever tattoo on Johnny Depp's arm). Alford’s article made me wonder whether the tendency to get into what I would call “bad, mad” relationships varies by an individual’s personality. The way we interact with our adult romantic partners, the research maintains, carries vestiges from our earliest relationships with our parents.

Leisure / Business Travel Packing List - Travel Light (One Bag)! Top Ten Psychology Studies Ten studies that have changed psychology and the way we see humanity. After being told about these psychology studies, generations of psychology students have wandered out into the world seeing themselves and other people in a new light. In this series of posts I look at ten studies that have changed psychology and the way we see humanity: “What do babies understand about the world and how can you possibly find out, given that babies are not so hot on answering complex questions about their perceptual abilities?” “It’s not just Miller who was persecuted by this number though, it’s all of us. “It seems incredible that a successful form of psychological therapy could be based on telling people their thoughts are mistaken. “Imagine it’s the 1960s and you’re a first year psychology student at the University of Minnesota. “What psychological experiment could so be so powerful that simply taking part might change your view of yourself and human nature? Image credit: Patrick Q

Le monde est fait pour aboutir à un beau livre A l’occasion d’une journée spéciale, la Compagnie parcourt les bibliothèques de Vincent Laisney et Lidia Breda remplies de classiques qu’il est bon de (re)lire aujourd’hui. Une émission en forme de voyage subjectif au coeur de de notre histoire littéraire, de ses auteurs et ouvrages patrimoniaux. Vincent Laisney, maître de conférences à l’Université de Paris Nanterre, spécialiste du romantisme et des sociabilités du XIXe siècle, auteur de Sept génies : voyage au centre de la littérature (éd. Les Impressions nouvelles, 2014), nous parle de son parcourt de lecteur de grands classiques et de l'importance de ces derniers aujourd'hui. Lidia Breda, éditrice, a créé la collection "Petite bibliothèque Rivages" aux éditions Payot et Rivages, évoque quelques grands auteurs présents dans cette collection et son engagement pour la publication d'auteurs et d'ouvrages patrimoniaux.

Dashboard - Personality In the Bedroom All aspects of our close relationships reflect our personalities, but perhaps none so strongly as sexuality. By the time we reach adulthood, each of us has formed a core set of beliefs and assumptions about our close relationships. Many of these beliefs developed very early in our lives, reflecting the mental images we formed as a result of the way others cared for us. Deakin University graduate student Christina Stefanou, working with psychologist Marita McCabe (2012), wanted to explore the question of whether people’s attachment to their parents becomes translated, once they reach adulthood, to their sexual relationships. You don’t need to be a dyed-in-the-wool Freudian to understand how such a process might occur. Contemporary personality theory now understands the role of early relationships in shaping adult sexuality in a very different way. A. B. C. Now that you know how psychologists measure attachment style, let’s take a look at Stefanou and McCabe’s findings. Reference:

The Art of Manliness Il faut mettre la méditation au centre des thérapies Professeur émérite de médecine, Jon Kabat-Zinn enseigne la "méditation de la pleine conscience", technique destinée à aider les gens à surmonter leur stress, leur anxiété, leur douleur et leur maladie. Il promeut une compréhension plus approfondie des différentes façons de connaître et de sonder la nature de l'esprit, les émotions et la réalité. Médecine, méditation et neurosciences. Doit-on faire un travail sur soi avant de pratiquer la méditation ? La pratique de la méditation ne peut pas se déployer dans sa pleine potentialité, s’il n’y a pas un questionnement au regard de qui je suis, quelle est ma vraie quête, quel est mon vrai besoin. Cette conférence se situe dans la suite des conversations scientifiques avec le Dalaï Lama qui se sont tenues à l’Université de Strasbourg, le 16 septembre dernier. Jon Kabat-Zinn, fondateur de la clinique de réduction du stress, Center for mindfulness in medicine, health care, and society, University of Massachusetts médical school.

App Sheriff 20 Things Your 20s Are Too Damn Short For 1. Letting anybody convince you that because you’re young, you’re incapable. Plato began his career in politics before he was 20, (and has stated that he faced ridicule in his coming-of-age for that reason.) Some of the greatest cultural tycoons of this century were in their 20s when their first huge contributions were made: Jobs, Zuckerberg, etc. Imagine where we’d be if they listened to the people who said, what do you know? 2. You do not owe it to anybody to carry on a conversation that is only serving the ego, but you do owe it to yourself to step out of the inevitable frustration and self-doubt of interacting with people who don’t listen to understand, but to respond; who don’t speak to be heard, but to defend. 3. Often the most frustrating thing about dealing with someone who is going through a tough time is that they aren’t willing to listen to reason or logic, or even simply, your opinion. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. I’m not saying it will happen tomorrow. 15. 16. 17.
