The Great Philosophers 10: Martin Heidegger
The field is not without other distinguished contestants, but in the competitive history of incomprehensible German philosophers, Martin Heidegger must by any reckoning emerge as the overall victor. Nothing quite rivals the prose of his masterpiece Being and Time (1927) in terms of contortions and the sheer number of complex compound German words which the author coined, among them ‘Seinsvergessenheit’ (Forgetfulness of Being), ‘Bodenständigkeit’ (Rootedness-in-soil) and ‘Wesensverfassung’ (Essential Constitution). At first, it is likely to be puzzling and perhaps irritating, but gradually, one may warm to the style and understand that beneath its vaporous surface, Heidegger is telling us some simple, even at times homespun truths about the meaning of our lives, the sicknesses of our time and the routes to freedom. He was born, and in many ways remained, a rural provincial German, who loved picking mushrooms, walking in the countryside and going to bed early. © Getty Conclusion
Why are you, you? - Janice Bergen
I would say the typical answer of who I am is the product of my Mom and Dad and how much they loved each other. I am also their convictions and perseverance in raising me to be a good person. I would also say their continued support is still changing and molding me to this day. The joy of spending an afternoon with my Mom over a cup of really good tea is a treasure I hold deep in my heart. I am me because of my friends who show me a different side of life. I am me because of my son. I am me because of...well me....I love life.
Why Consciousness Exists: Douglas Rushkoff on Science, God, and the Purpose of Reality
by Maria Popova What to make of the fact “that something wonderfully strange is going on in the dimension we call reality.” “If we ever reach the point where we think we thoroughly understand who we are and where we came from,” Carl Sagan wrote in his magnificent meditation on science and spirituality, “we will have failed.” Joining that canon of intellectual elegance is media analyst, documentarian, and writer Douglas Rushkoff with his contribution to This Idea Must Die: Scientific Theories That Are Blocking Progress (public library) — that mind-stretching volume by Edge founder John Brockman, who posed before 175 of the world’s greatest scientists, philosophers, and writers the certainty-rattling question: “What scientific idea is ready for retirement?” Rushkoff points the skeptical prod of his answer at “the atheism prerequisite” — atheism, of course, being a case of our curious tendency to define what we are by what we are not — and writes: Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr
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Consumer Insights
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Insights That Incite
The best insights are thesimplest ones – the onesthat once introducedblend into our day-to-day consciousness with narya ripple. Arguably the most eective and enduringcommunications are born rom single,simple insights into human behavior –or more specically, human consumer behavior. Insights so simple, in act, thatonce revealed people react by saying,“That must already exist” or “Why didn’tI think o that?” Moby-Dick , which came out in 1851, oneo the characters straps his sea chest to awheelbarrow, but then, not knowing how tomaneuver the barrow, he gathers the wholeassembly and carries it. Insights that Incite The Yellow Paper Series has had such impact.
D_O_Myths Abt Customer Insight
Consumer Insights: Getting Beyond the Myths to the Real ThingMarketing is responsible for stimulating consumer demand; hence genuine consumerunderstanding is the first pre-requisite for superior marketing. As markets become morecrowded the marketer who has superior insights into consumers latent or unmet needs,wants, desires and beliefs gains a critical source of competitive advantage. Thus, no onecan dispute that gaining better consumer insight is a must for new age marketers.However, as is the case with all good intentions, the trouble begins when people starttranslating intent into practice, and this is visible when we examine the state of the arttoday. It seems to me that there are five prevalent myths that act as powerful blocks inthe quest for gaining competitive advantage through superior consumer insight. Myth 1: “I know the consumer – she is my wife, mother, sister, daughter, cousin, and friend nothing like the entrepreneur’s f amilyand friends circle. teams’ see it. Myth 3:
Insight Brainwashing Workshop
Somos una consultora especializada en Consumer Insights & Planning con clientes en Perú, Ecuador y Colombia. Conectamos marcas con personas sobre la base de un profundo conocimiento de las personas y sus verdades humanas (Insights) Tenemos 4 años en los cuáles nuestra principal motivación ha sido replantear la mirada tradicional buscando desarrollar metodología y herramientas propietarias tanto de revelación de Insights como de planeamiento estratégico. Con una mirada fresca, y una pasión por las emociones humanas, desnudamos la mente del consumidor y activamos insights bajo servicios de Insightful Branding, Planning e Innovation. Nuestro trabajo nos ha consolidado como lider en Consumer Insights en el mercado peruano y un referente importante a nivel de Latinoamérica a través de nuestros Workshops, Consultorías y Redes sociales: Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Slideshare, Youtube y Pinterest.
El arte de la persuasión
Saber hablar bien es rasgo de hombres bien educados, cultos, cosmopolitas, gustosos del rico léxico, de la arenga garapiñada. Hoy, en un mundo lleno de discursos y lleno de argumentos, de razones, de demostraciones, de imágenes y de palabras, el guionista necesita, más que nunca, saber persuadir con eficiencia y eficacia, saber escribir guiones de radio poéticos, de televisión, así como textos para revistas y espectaculares: necesita saber cuál es la técnica literaria propicia para cada redacción, para cada receptor, para cada medio de comunicación. Y para saber persuadir hay que saber transformar los `insights´ en argumentos, y los argumentos en gráficos, y luego distribuir los gráficos o materiales audiovisuales en sendos y precisos medios de comunicación. Alberto Manguel, en su libro `Una historia de la lectura´, ha escrito: “Sócrates afirmó que sólo lo que el lector ya conoce puede reavivarse con una lectura, y que el saber no se adquiere a través de letras muertas”.
Insights BrainWashing+Trendhunting
¿En qué consiste este Workshop? El Insights Brainwashing + Trendhunting Workshop es un Taller Creativo de 1 día de duración que permite refrescar tus ideas sobre los Insights y las tendencias para alimentar la Estrategia de marca, comunicación e innovación. En esta edición, tendremos la presencia de insighters y trend-spotters tanto del Perú como México que compartirán su experiencia en decodificar insights y tendencias para diseñar la estrategia de marca. ¿Quiénes deberían asistir? Marketing, Brand Managers, Planners, Estrategas, Trendhunters, Innovadores, Insighters, Publicistas, Creativos y todos aquellos que buscan nuevos métodos y modelos de planeamiento estratégico fundamentada en Insights y tendencias. Imparten: ¿Cuándo y dónde? Viernes 27 de Septiembre de 2013 Registro 8:30 am Horario 9:00 am a 6:00 pm (8 HRS) Meet In Polanco Homero 823, Esq. Colonia Polanco, México D.F. E-Mail: Tel. 4336-0895 Contenido: Precio: Individual – $4,000 MN* Formas de Pago: