book2 - 50languages | Learn many languages online! Free Audio Trainer Free language lessons in over 50 languages book2 contains 100 lessons that provide beginners with a basic vocabulary. With no prior knowledge, you will learn to fluently speak short sentences in real-world situations in no time. The book2 method successfully combines audio and text for effective language learning. THE BOOKS accompanying the audio files are reasonably priced and will supplement your language learning. However, not all books have been printed yet. Learn Spanish, German, Italian, French, Chinese in quick and easy lessons The 100 lessons help you to quickly learn and use a foreign language in various situations (e.g. in a hotel or restaurant, on a vacation, small talk, getting to know people, shopping, at the doctor, at the bank etc.). Learn more about our Voice Talents! Learn Spanish and over 50 other languages online with book2 Copyright © Goethe Verlag GmbH, 50LANGUAGES LLC and licensors 1997-2018.
Make Typographic Gift Wrap This year, I vowed to only make or buy handmade holiday gifts for my friends and family, and I've kept to it so far. But wrapping these gifts in commercial paper didn't seem to make much sense, so I wanted to create some handmade gift wrap to match. I happen to think a gift wrapped in newsprint is actually quite attractive, and love the look of text on a package, but wanted to put in a little more effort. So I came up with a cool option that's clean, masculine, and maintains the typographic look of the newsprint. Plus, it eliminates the need for any "to:/from" tags, as the recipient's name is right there in tasteful type. Once I figured it out, it was actually quite easy and quick - less than ten minutes per gift. Here's how to do it: Materials and Tools 1. 2. 3. 4a. 4b. 5. 6. Happy Holidays!
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Outils de la langue > Dictionnaires Responsable actuel de cette rubrique : Philippe Lavergne | Page mise à jour le 31/5/2017 Dictionnaires de la langue française Dictionnaire La met en ligne gratuitement sur son site un dictionnaire de français et 4 dictionnaires bilingues. Ce dictionnaire propose, grâce à la carte du mot, un accès immédiat et complet à toutes les informations ainsi que des outils très performants pour une maîtrise immédiate du français. Dans les définitions obtenues, chaque mot est cliquable à son tour, ouvrant à d'autres définitions. Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé. TLF informatisé se distingue des autres dictionnaires informatisés présents sur le marché par la puissance de recherche qu'il offre aux utilisateurs. Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, neuvième é version en ligne du dictionnaire de l'Académie française (1986) qui est actuellement en cours d'achèvement.
BBC Learning English | Pronunciation Tips Useful Websites Here is a list of websites we have featured in the past that might come in handy. Remember to set FuckingHomepage.com as your start page if you haven’t already. Educational/Learning favoriteandforget.com – Useful and educational links updated daily. Set it as your homepage and forget about it.khanacademy.org - video lectures on just about any subjectted.com - lectures by smart peopleinternetisuseful.com - for every educational website or useful web app out thereacademicearth.org - classroom lecturesfreerice.com - expand your vocabulary while feeding the hungrylizardpoint.com - a collection of geography quizzesmathrun.net - timed math quizzesclassicshorts.com - the best short storieserowid.org - learn about drugsqwikia.com - turn a Wikipedia article into a videounplugthetv.com - a collection of intellectually stimulating videosfactsie.com - a place to learn amazing and unusual historical and scientific facts Learn Skills Useful Web Apps Entertainment - Music, Movies, Sports, Books
Let's TIC English » home GRAMMAR Online resource to practice grammar, vocabulary, etc: ALL ENGLISH Here you have a lot of grammar (theory and exercises online) about different topics. You can select them according to your personal perception of problem areas. If you find them too easy or difficult for you, talk to me and I will give you more options. Here you have a lot of grammar exercises online about different topics. You can select them according to your personal perception of problem areas. Articles: Word Use: Reflexive Pronouns: Prepositions: Irregular verbs: Quantifiers: Phrasal verbs: Conjunctions: Question Tags: Pronouns : Modals : Don´t forget to keep a record (a notebook, a word document, etc.) specifying the sections, exercises, results and personal impressions. And, if you haven´t had enough… here you can find some more sites about it: *English Grammar - This is where you can work on your English grammar.
Learn to Read at Starfall - teaching comprehension and phonics Specialisms - British Council - LearnEnglish - Professionals In these days of mass tourism it’s difficult to find any destinations that have managed to escape the impact of the tourist industry. It’s harder still to find a beautiful palm tree-filled slice of paradise that has not been irrevocably changed by tourism. And yet Siwa, an idyllic Egyptian oasis, has somehow managed to embrace a very limited amount of tourism and is so far keeping its unique culture and way of life more-or-less intact. 1. 2. 3. 4. le français, le FLE, les TICE... » home IDEA International Dialects of English Archive