Controversial headline against Jeremy Lin This ESPN slip up doesn't surprise me at all, because it was something that's been brewing up over the years, from ancient antiquity till today, many walks of life have been slandered, abused, and out right mistreated due to hatred, and unfair behaviors on the part of aggressors whom feel their somewhat superior, but times have definitely changed since than, and to see the remnant of such injustices vent it self off in the most unlikely places such as ESPN and aiming at an NBA player is utterly preposterous. The ESPN reporter responsible for the wrongful controversial report about Jeremy Lin was fired pretty much, or as they said on the Global Grind network he was let go, which tells me ESPN is trying to protect themselves, what are they to do, well they also stated an apology towards the Lin family, the entire Asian community, and to the world of fans due to this unrighteous deed towards Jeremy Lin.
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