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Dungeons and Dragons Tools and DM Resources

Dungeons and Dragons Tools and DM Resources
Adventure Hook Generator AD&D DM Program by Torquil Gault Background Generator Campaign Suite from Mortality Chainmail Battle Sheets Chainmail Terrain Chainmail Comprehensive Rulebook (319 Kb ZIP) Chainmail Warband Generator 3a (481 Kb ZIP) Chainmail Warband Generator update 1.4 Chainmail Stat Cards City Generator by Robert Bottorff (ZIP 100 Kb) Combat Tracker ZIP by Eduardo Moranchei (no AV done) Cool Tools by Keith Uher (ZIP 688Kb) Cool Tools 2 Program to help DMs by Keith Usher Critical Hits Table by Orestto Robles (ZIP 103 Kb) Critical Hits Table by ?? (ZIP 39 Kb) Combat Generator (ZIP 160k) needs Java 1.3 Runtime Mak)e sure Java 1.3 is installed. Combat made easy (ZIP 82 Kb) by Paul Barker D&D Helper using D&D Adventure critical and fumble tables. Related:  Analog Enjoyment

Wekufe The Wekufe also known as huecufe, wekufü, watuku, huecufu, huecubo, huecubu, huecuvu, huecuve, huecovoe, giiecubu, güecubo, güecugu, uecuvu, güecufu; is an important type of harmful spirit or demon in Mapuche mythology. The word wekufe comes from the Mapudungun word wekufü meaning "demon, outside being". Concept[edit] In the Mapuche language, Mapudungun, the word wekufe can be attributed to any person that tells lies or is deceptive. Since that time the idea behind wekufe has broadened to include multiple meanings, either as a subject, quality or agent depending on the speaker’s reference point or the situation that it is used in. These beings can have solid, material bodies, evanescent ghost-like bodies or be extracorporeal spirit-like entities. The missionaries who followed the Spanish conquistadors to America incorrectly interpreted the Mapuche beliefs regarding both wekufes and gualichos. Wekufe legend[edit] Relationship with kalkus[edit] Relationship with the dead[edit] WikiMiniAtlas

crooked staff productions roleplaying aids Please note that this site and its contents are Copyright © Kristian Richards 2002 - 2011 <p>Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: <a href=" />Powered by FeedBurner</p> Hello and welcome to the CSP home page! It is the aim of this web-site to provide a wide variety of roleplaying aids for both the GM/DM and player alike. For all the latest CSP news, updates, and even more free downloads be sure to check out... *However, a number of products are now for sale via RPGNow, DriveThruRPG, and lulu.

s Citadel: 100 Unique Town/City Properties By Redgre I have created this table plus, as a fantasy RPG resource. The idea is to assist in quickly mapping out an area of the adventure and be able to tell something unique about each populated location. Some of the following entries are reliant on location, others are not. I have created enough entries that you may want to use percentile dice to randomly determine each location. Due to this, I have created a separate table to assist with the randomness for your convenience. – The city is famous for it's baked goods. Pies Cakes Bread & Scones Pastries Cookies & Squares – The city has an ample supply of leather from local ranchers or ranchers from other settlements that have no other location to dump their hides. – This city had discovered an elephant's graveyard in it's backyard (or something similar). - A legendary or almost legendary sword smith had settled in this city many years ago. - This town honors a great hero, long dead, whose favorite weapon was an axe. – This city is in a slump.

Meet the man who invented the emoticon ... in 1879 In 1982, computer scientist Scott Fahlman became the first person to suggest that typing the characters ":-)" or ":-(" could be used to express a happy or sad face, and therefore display a sense of emotion. On that fateful day the now-ubiquitous emoticon was born, but that shorthand we now know and love (or loathe, depending on your point of view) actually started more than a century earlier, when communicating long distances meant using a lot of dots and dashes. In the late 19th century, just about the only way to quickly send a message over long distances was by using the telegraph. These then-innovative devices used Morse code to translate text into long and short beeps (dashes and dots), which were received and retranslated back into text on the other side. Telegraphs sped up world communications in the late 1800s — they were much faster than mailed letters, after all — but they had a few key drawbacks. They were expensive (each letter mattered) and they still took time to transmit.

Game Material D20 Source Updated whenever Advertise on d20 Source Dungeons & Dragons Game Content Here's where you can find an array of material for your game. Subscribe Subscribe to this site via RSS or e-mail. Over 500 Articles Archive Pre-2006 Older material Advertise on d20 Source D20 Source ©2005-2014 Jonathan Drain. House Rules: Parry,Toughness, Pace, and Charisma – Radiation Sings… You may not have noticed, but two of the many things I enjoy are math and consistency. By and large, Savage Worlds is math-lite, which is often a good thing when creating characters or running games on the fly. I appreciate and enjoy that. Savage Worlds is also very consistent, setting a standard target number and applying bonuses and penalties to players’ rolls. This keeps things from getting too complicated and further reduces the math load on our poor brains. Touche, mon ami! There is, however, one very specific section of the rules which is not consistent: Parry. First, divide your Fighting die type by 2, as normal. Then, subtract 2 instead of adding 2. Multiply by negative 1. Note that all Edges, Hindrances, or other bonuses which would have affected your Parry still affect it as expected – the only difference being that bonuses now enlarge the Parry penalty while things that lowered Parry now shrink the Parry penalty (possibly turning it into a bonus for attackers). Wait, salsa?

Paizo Publishing Mind Mapping et jeu de rôle : la création d’un scénario Après un article très commenté sur l’utilisation du Mind Mapping pour la prise de notes en cours de partie, voilà quelques idées pour appliquer cette technique à l’écriture et la création d’un scénario de jeu de rôle. Bien sur, il serait difficile de présenter une technique complète de A à Z en un seul article de blog, mais voici quelques pistes pour aller plus loin et être plus créatif avec le Mind Mapping. Pour ceux qui auraient loupé l’épisode précédent, avec quelques rappels sur le Mind Mapping, vous pourrez le trouver ici. Collecter les idées La première phase de l’écriture d’un scénario ou d’un brouillon, quelque soit la méthode, est une recherche d’idées. Même la moins préparée des improvisations doit se reposer sur quelques idées solides, pour emmener les joueurs à l’aventure. Quelques templates pour la recherche d’idées Et si les idées ne sont pas là ou bien ne viennent pas ? Il peut être utilisé comme « template » pour presque tous les scénarios et univers possibles.

The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Contents In the best possible future, there will be no war, no famine, no crime, no sickness, no oppression, no fear, no limits, no shame... ...and nothing to do. This online novel contains strong language and extreme depictions of acts of sex and violence. Readers who are sensitive to such things should exercise discretion. Chapter 1Caroline at Play Chapter 2Lawrence Builds a Computer Chapter 3Caroline and Anne-Marie Chapter 4After the Night of Miracles Chapter 5Caroline Approaches Chapter 6After the Change Chapter 7Caroline and Lawrence Chapter 8After the Fall By request! E-Mail the Author New! Note: The trick used to render normal-looking paragraphs in the novel text will not work unless your browser is set to load graphics.

83 Free D&D Adventures Written by Expy - Published on November 12, 2009 Free resources for dungeon masters Here are a few(!) adventures for you to choose from. Along with a link the the adventure resource (pdf) or page you will find the suggested level range and a short snippet from the adventure itself. The adventures are grouped by publisher. I hope this tool will help you prepare your sessions faster and have more fun playing them. Latest update Khyber’s Harvest (LVL 2) by Keith Baker This D&D adventure, created for Free RPG Day 2009, is set in the Eberron campaign setting, but it can be adapted for any D&D campaign. — DUNGEON MAGAZINE 4th EDITION ADVENTURES DND4E: Keep on the Shadowfell (LVL 1) by Mike Mearls, Bruce R. Test drive the 4th edition rules: includes quick start rules so you don’t need the 4th edition rulebooks.A priest of Orcus named Kalarel heads the death cult. DND4E: Heathen (LVL 4) by Scott Fizgerald Gray For five years, the Hand of Naarash has extended its dark hold over the borderlands.

FATE (role-playing game system) Tabletop role-playing game system Game Probability of results in the Fate system An aspect is a free form descriptor of something notable about either the character or the scene. A new (4th) edition called Fate Core (again a generic version) was published in 2013, funded by a successful crowdfunding campaign, and released under two free content licenses: CC BY 3.0 and the Open gaming license. As a result of the crowd funding effort, Evil Hat Productions released Fate Accelerated, a streamlined version of the rules based on the same core mechanic intended to get players into the game faster. First Place - Best Free Game of the YearFirst Place - Best SupportThird Place - Indie RPG of the YearRecipient - Andy's Choice Award The Fate roleplaying game has resulted in winning the following ENNIES awards:
