Japicain Revolution 3D Printer: Changing the way you print by Japica Demo of how the J-Rev prints upward What is the Japicain Revolution? (AKA: J-Rev) The J-Rev is a 3-Dimensional Printing Machine. In basic terms, it can make any physical object out of a chosen material, typically plastic. Most FFF printers can produce good results, but have yet to reach the ability to print as good as high-end Commercial 3D Printers. A 3D Printer can produce most anything you desire, and be a useful tool in your life. Home - 3D Printing Business (Huge demand)Prototype printing - Test your designs before productionLow-Medium Volume Manufacturing - Forget Chinese Manufacturing and build your products yourself.3D Art - (One of the things we love to use them for)Make everyday items (Broken parts, Vases, Tools, Toys, and more)Visit Thingiverse.com for even more ideas and 3D Object files. We have noticed over the last year that there have been a few 3D printer projects on Kickstarter that have raised a lot more than the original funding goal. The J-Rev is a unique 3D Printer.
RigidBot 3D Printer by Michael Lundwall Check our updates tab for the most updated information. **Now all $299 pledges and above have a heated bed! See stretch goals** Upgrade options - We have several upgrade options to add even more value to your RigidBot. What is 3D Printing 3D printing is an exciting technology where you can create and build plastic objects right from the comfort of your own home. Why RigidBot 3D? The RigidBot 3D Printer is an easy to use consumer 3D printer engineered for the everyday user. You can buy it fully assembled and ready to use, or in kit form and have fun putting it together. With our printer there is no limit to your creativity. The RigidBot 3D design is fully expandable in the X, Y and Z directions. Stretch Goals! We are excited to offer some new stretch goals that will benefit all of our backers at the $299 pledge level and higher. **In the news** Printed Examples Awesome Owl design by tom cushwa Great Design Specs The KIT
Makerbot, Ultimaker and Cb printer: customer support comparison | A girl with a 3D printer 3d printers are fun, but you will eventually have problems and will have to write to the customer support to solve them. Maybe after months of faithful usage like it happend to our Replicator or just after unboxing and trying to assemble the creature, but sooner or later you will have to write an email and ask information or spare pieces to who sold you the machine. Sometimes it’s a nice experience, sometimes it’s awful. You already are sad/annoyed/angry because your printer isn’t working and a good user support will brighten or darken your day. So here are our experiences so far, let me know yours! Cb-printer: I’ll start easy, the error was theirs. Makerbot: after working perfectly for months on one day we heard a pop, a bad smell and the printer was dead. Great support, would love to recommend it Ultimaker: I already wrote about the problem we had in my assembly post and won’t get into details again. Based on the user support I would never recommend Ultimaker
Gigabot 3D Printing: This is Huge! by re:3D Share this project Done Share Tweet Embed Tweet Share Email Gigabot 3D Printing: This is Huge! by re:3D Play Dream big, print big! Austin, TXHardware Share this project pledged of $40,000 goal seconds to go Funded! This project was successfully funded . Dream big, print big! re:3D Project by First created | 5 backed re3d.org See full bioContact me About this project Facebook Page | Twitter BIG thanks to Ben Malouf who has graciously allowed us to feature his stunning vases found at thingiverse.com/benitosanduchi! Stretch Goal: $200K! We will be integrating an LCD display into each and every Gigabot shipped to our Kickstarters. Our Vision At re:3D, we believe that the biggest problems in our world are solved by taking a bigger view. "Just saw this at SxSW and it is AMAZING. Our Company re:3D is one of Austin’s newest start-ups, committed to trailblazing new frontiers in 3D printing. Community Focused We love people and 3D printing! Our Product 20mm Calibration Cube available on Thingaverse.com Our Team Rewards
OpenSL 3D Printer: A Stereolithographic printer, For Everyone. What is sLAMPS? sLAMPS is an open design for a 3d SL (Stereo Lithography) resin printer. I've been working on it for the last few months and have gotten it to the point where it is ready to print -- once I get a good supply of resin. How does it work? The printer works using a galvanometer and mirrors to steer a laser into a cured vat of resin. Why do I need funding? I'm seeking funding for two reasons: 1) To be held accountable for my design to ensure that this design makes it into your hands before people are mistaken into spending a lot of money on something that doesn't need to be that expensive. 2) To accelerate my prototype. Big purchases? Well, the funding, if received, would go towards: * Resin Development / Manufacturing / Supplier. * Laser Cutter. Why aren't you selling lots of full, assembled printers? The printer in its current state is still very much a beta. What have you done so far? * Designed and printed several interations of plastic parts for the printer * Built sLAMPS 1.0
dood presents DOM: Digital Object Maker The project Who are we? We are two childhood friends with complementary skills: mechanical engineering, business, arts, marketing, music, teaching... 3D printing has been a passion of ours for years. We use this technology for personal projects as well as for building prototypes for our clients. Origin of the project We decided to create our own 3D printer to become more independant and have access to a cheap and efficient solution. We could have assembly or order one of the many RepRap models available but we were not entirely satisfied by the mechanical part of these machines. Our printer: the Digital Object Maker After more than a year of work, we finally succeed at building a reliable machine. This technology lets inventors, designers, architects or makers with CAD knowledge create objects, test ergonomy or even produce small batches of a product. Technical Specs. of the DOM Dimensions: 61x41x41 cm (24x16x16 inch) Materials: wood, aluminium, stainless steel Layer thickness: 300 to 100 microns
Mataerial 3D printer by Petr Novikov, Saša Jokić, Joris Laarman Lab and IAAC Plastic extruded from this robotic 3D printer solidifies instantly, allowing it to draw freeform shapes in the air extending from any surface (+ movie). Unlike normal 3D printers that require a flat and horizontal base, Mataerial prints with plastic that sticks to horizontal, vertical, smooth or irregular surfaces, without the need for additional support structures. Petr Novikov and Saša Jokić from Barcelona's Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia created the machine during their internship at Joris Laarman Lab, where students are given a platform to experiment with new digital fabrication methods. The process, which the designers call "anti-gravity object modelling", is a form of extrusion that instantly creates chunky three-dimensional rods, rather than slowly building up two-dimensional layers like a standard 3D printer. We recently featured a similar idea on a much smaller scale – a pen that can "print" 3D doodles in mid-air.
Quentin Harley released SCARA based "RepRap Morgan" 3D printer and its design | 3D Printer May.14, 2013 Reprap Morgan is a concentric dual arm SCARA FDM 3D printer, designed and built by Quentin Harley. The SCARA stands for Selective Compliant Assembly Robot Arm or Selective Compliant Articulated Robot Arm. Harley has been working on this project for a couple of years, and in February Harley released pictures showing off the build. The extruder of this Reprap Morgan 3D printer moves along the x and y axes and the bed itself moves along the Z axis. Yesterday Harley has officially released the Morgan plans, this is a big step for the development of entry-level 3D printer. "RepRAP Morgan is all about a dream. The complete BOM and initial build instructions will go live also in some days. If you love this project, you can follow Harley's progress here on his blog, or support him by getting him a coffee, a beer or a roll of filament. In the video below you can see RepRap Morgen is printing bridges at 80mm/s. The video below showing RepRAP Morgan printing with new slic3r settings.
FoldaRap FoldaRap2 Release status: working In my obsession dreaming of a folding RepRap, I finally started to make one, after 5-7 months of development I'm able to travel with it around the town/country/world :) (adventures pictured on flickr / youtube / ustream) And now several people have build one : FoldaRap_Hall-of-Builds, even some by sourcing themselves the parts : google-maps (the red dots) Specifications Printed Parts: 33 Non-Printed Parts: 285 (including every bolts/nuts/washers/ferules/etc.) Special Features Foldable ! Community FoldaRap 2.5 new plates arrangement for the v2.5, to ease color associations ;) FoldaRap 2.1 after several tries and suggestions with Xav83, I ended with this simple piece that hold an endstop with a zip-tie :) (for the Z-endstop, or any machine using 20x20 extrusions) FoldaRap 1.0
The shape of things to come: A consumer's guide to 3D printers CES 2013 proved to be something of a coming out party for consumer-facing 3D printers. Sure MakerBot earned a fair amount of attention at last year's show with the announcement of the Replicator, which snagged its share of awards from various press outlets. This year, however, saw a relative deluge in 3D-printing representation, with strong showings from 3D Systems, FormLabs, MakerBot and the cloud-based 3D printer, Sculpteo. Even with so many companies rising to prominence, the dream of truly mainstream 3D printing still feels a ways off -- if that is indeed where we're inevitably heading. These nascent days are an exciting time, with a diverse array of companies and organizations vying to be the first to bring the technology to our homes. Most of these work by melting plastic (largely Lego-like ABS or biodegradable PLA) and squirting it out through extruder heads. 3D Systems 3D Systems has been in the 3D-printing game since before the term was coined. Bits from Bytes Eventorbot Fab@Home