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The Art of Conversation: How to Avoid Conversational Narcissism

The Art of Conversation: How to Avoid Conversational Narcissism

5 Items to Snap You Out of Your Digital Writing Routine This content is brought to you by the new Hyundai Elantra which helps you “Snap Out” of your routine to live your best life. Click here to learn more about the new 2011 Elantra. What’s this? Tis the age of clickety clack. Well, more like just clickety. But while technology has made communication easy and convenient, traditional methods of writing should not be totally forgotten. By scanning the brain, researchers have found that writing by hand improves memory, cognitive activity, and the expression of ideas. So writing with pen (or pencil) and paper can really keep your mind sharp and your ideas fresh. Col. Every man should keep a journal. Maybe you’re among the millions of people who have tried to start a journal, but never got into the habit. Price: $142 Fountain Pen We sign documents every day. Enter the fountain pen. Price: $50-$1500 Correspondence Cards It’s time to snap out of your Web-based correspondence routine and embrace the art of the handwritten letter. Price: $15 Price: $4.25

10 Adult ADHD Symptoms: Disorganization, Recklessness, and More Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. Many people think of rowdy kids who can’t sit still when they think of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. But the fact is, symptoms of ADHD can linger into adulthood. What Causes Adult ADHD? While experts don’t know for sure what causes ADHD, they believe genes may play an important part in who develops attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Unlike other psychiatric disorders, including anxiety and depression, ADHD doesn't begin in adulthood. 10 Problems That Could Mean Adult ADHD The conventionally used diagnostic criteria for ADHD, including the most common symptoms, were developed based on how the condition shows itself in children. These symptoms include forgetfulness and excessive daydreaming, as well as an inability to sit still, or constant fidgeting with objects. Continue reading below...

How and Why to Start a Journal My grandpa, Bill Hurst, was a journal writer his entire life. His journal was quite simple. He just kept a small notebook in the pocket of his pearl snap shirts and jotted down a short description of the things he did and the people he did it with. This is something he did pretty much every day for his entire life. He also kept extensive diaries of his time as a forest ranger in the Wasatch Range. About 12 years ago, my grandpa took all these diaries and daily journal entries and began to write his memoir for his children and grandchildren. My grandpa met my grandma by hitting on her while she worked as a telephone operator.My grandpa helped pay for college by playing pool.He worked as a sheep herder during the summers in high school and college. There’s more. But his life story would have been but a few pages long had he not kept a journal. There are a myriad of other benefits to keeping a daily journal besides remembering what you ate five years ago. Great Men Keep Journals Blogspot.

Creating and Consuming: How to Be Mature After doing the podcast on the “Making of Modern Immaturity” a few months ago, and reading the comments left on that post, I got to thinking about this question: “What makes a man mature anyway?” Masculine maturity used to be easy to spot and define: a man got married, sired some progeny, and got a job to support his family. He knew he was a grown man and everybody else did too. These days those kinds of markers are being put off more and more. There are a variety of reasons for this, some cultural, some economic. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this trend. And while I personally believe that getting married and having kids is one of the most effective ways to grow and mature as a man, I’m not comfortable saying that men who don’t do these things aren’t mature men. The problem is, in the absence of these old markers of maturity, guys don’t know how to transition from boys to men. So I’d like to suggest a definition of maturity for our modern age. Create More, Consume Less.

Win the War on Debt: 80 Ways to Be Frugal and Save Money The manliness of frugality cannot be overstated. Frugality cultivates the manly qualities of independence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, simplicity, and minimalism. It keeps a man free from the enslaving chains of debt and gives him an sense of manly pride and satisfaction. Frugality build a man’s immunity to the siren call of “stuff,” helps him learn to make do with less, and adds pleasure and happiness to his life by providing opportunities to practice delayed gratification. Frugality also fosters the DIY spirit and inspires a man to create, instead of consume. We could wax long and poetic about the manliness of frugality but let’s get down to the brass tacks: how does a man become frugal? We’ve created this list of 80 practical–and often pretty painless–ways to save money. Victory over debt is at hand! Automobile/Travel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Dressing and Grooming 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Health and Fitness 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Food 31. 32.

The 5 Switches of Manliness: Legacy We started the last post in this series with a surprising fact–that only about 33% of our ancestors were male. We’ll begin this post the same way: When the Titanic sunk, the survival rate for the rich, first class men (34%), was lower than that for the poor, third-class women (46%). Most people know that the Titanic had less lifeboats than were needed for the number of passengers, and that the richest passengers were given first dibs on those limited seats. And yet, the numbers tell an interesting tale. What happened? Women and children first. The Expendability of Men The answer goes back to what we discussed last time in the Switch of Challenge and can be traced to the biological differences between men and women. In World War I, there were 9.7 million, almost exclusively male, military deaths. 6,026 American service members have died in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Men made up 93% of the 6,000 on-the-job deaths last year. The Chance for Immortality She looked at me blankly. “What?”

Manvotional: Energetic Men Energetic Men We love upright, energetic men. Pull them this way, and then that way, and the other, and they only bend, but never break. Trip them down, and in a trice they are on their feet. From Readings for Young Men, Merchants, and Men of Business, 1866 Manvotional: The Know-It-All State of Mind From “New Mexico,” 1928By DH Lawrence Superficially, the world has become small and known. Poor little globe of earth, the tourists trot round you as easily as they trot round the Bois or round Central Park. This is quite true, superficially. The same is true of land travel. As a matter of fact, our great-grandfathers, who never went anywhere, in actuality had more experience of the world than we have, who have seen everything. We are mistaken. The 5 Switches of Manliness: Nature In this Switches of Manliness series, we’ve been talking about those unique parts of a man’s psyche that have fallen into disuse in the modern world and need to be reactivated. But there’s likely some overlap between the needs of men and the needs of women; for example, primitive women used to be quite physical too, and I think modern women need to have an element of physicality in their lives as well. But with this switch, there’s definitely more than a little overlap. The Switch of Nature is for everyone. Men. Man’s Separation from Nature: The Third “Frontier” With the rest of the switches, there was a good amount of theorizing going on as we looked back in time and tried to uncover the life and perspective of primitive man. A life that centered on a deep, vital connection to nature was the norm for humans for tens of thousands of years. In the Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv breaks American history into what he sees as the country’s three “frontiers.” Nature and a Man’s Health
