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Spark project Wiki ナビゲーション (Japanese page) What is FLARToolKit ¶ AS3 ported version of ARToolKit. The license ¶ FLARToolKit is free to use for non-commercial applications under the GPL license. For more information about the conditions of the GNU General Public License, version 3, click here. Commercial Licence ¶ If you are interested in developing a commercial application or not releasing your FLARToolKit application source code then you should contact ARToolWorks ( for a commercial license. Download ¶ Download Browse source code ¶ version 4.0.0-fp10 version 2.5.x version 1.x.x trunk Source code ¶ You can get latest source code with following command. How to use ¶ Import of FlashBuilder? Forum ¶ Examples ¶ Who made it?

as3isolib - ActionScript 3 Isometric Library As3isolib (v1.0) is an open-source ActionScript 3.0 Isometric Library developed to assist in creating isometrically projected content (such as games and graphics) targeted for the Flash player platform. As3isolib includes utilities, primitives and views. As3isolib was developed with simplicity, speed and performance in mind so that developers can focus on actual implementations rather than having to learn a complex API. The as3isolib is loosely based on a scenegraph implementation. donate As3isolib (v1.0) is a free, open-source project. who's using as3isolib? The target audience for as3isolib is for anyone who wants to create an isometric game. built with using as3isolib It is highly suggested that you use an SVN client to easily manage your local as3isolib source files as this project is being updated often. bundled source - download (fp10 only). Keep in mind the documents reflect the latest development efforts so some documented feature may not be present in the stable releases just yet.

The GAE SWF Project: Flash and Flex apps on Google App Engine Grape Animation Library Grape is the animation library I introduced last post . Its goal is to offer a modular means to animate along parametrized paths. Here’s the updated demo: Architecture Animations have 2 essential component parts: a path and a curve. Grape’s Animation type by itself doesn’t assign values to your objects as you’re probably accustomed to with most popular tweening engines. The engine is a singleton called Grape. //create the path to animate along var spiral : Path2D = new SpiralPath2D ( new Point ( 100 , 100 ) , 200 , 0 ) ; //view is your DisplayObject and 2000 is the duration in milliseconds. And that’s it, your DisplayObject will tween in a spiral with original radius of 200 and end radius of 0 for 2 seconds. The method returns the animation instance, in the case that you need a reference or would like to handle some of its events: You can also listen for an event everytime a looping animation loops and each tick of the engine: Paths ComplexPath2D

processingas - Google Code is a port of the Processing programming language to ActionScript. It includes a fully functional parser and evaluator, as well as an API layer, to run many existing and new Processing scripts. To check out in action, take a look at the following examples: The processing.swf file can be placed in any webpage and loaded with a Processing script dynamically via JavaScript. var Processing = null; ProcessingAS.onLoad = function () { // movie loaded, get object reference Processing = document.getElementById('processing'); // start interactivity Processing.start();} ProcessingAS.onStart = function () { // drawing APIs are now available Processing.size(200, 200); Processing.fill(255, 0, 0); Processing.rect(0, 0, 100, 100); // run some Processing code'line(0, 0, width, height)');} ProcessingAS.onResize = function (w, h) { // Processing canvas resized; resize embedded element Processing.width = w; Processing.height = h;}

Utility Library When in the heat of constant application development and tight deadlines, it helps to have a set of go to AS3 libraries that will save you from repetitive everyday code/functionality. Whenever you can shave off minutes of your development time, take advantage of it. There are many AS3 libraries that are simply so priceless when it comes to everyday AS3 development tasks. CASA Lib is no different and personally, this is one of my go to AS3 Libraries. A Flexible ActionScript Library CASA Lib is a flexible AS2/AS3 ActionScript library designed to streamline common chores and act as a solid, reliable foundation for your projects. To say thanks to Aaron Clinger and the CASA Lib Team for contributing such a quality library to the Flash community, I will be breaking down the library into a series of how-to posts on how to leverage the time saving capabilities of CASA Lib. Also, as I add more posts on implementing CASA Lib’s utility set, I will add them below as a quick reference.

flensed :: flXHR Project [ draw.logic ] Flare | Data Visualization for the Web
