❍ IcoMoon IcoMoon is striving to build and provide the best iconography and icon management tool for perfectionists. IcoMoon's icon library features only the very best icon sets out there. All of our icons are designed on a precise pixel grid. The IcoMoon app lets you build and use your own icon sets in many different formats including SVG, Polymer, PDF, XAML, CSH, icon font or simple PNG/CSS sprites. IcoMoon was first built and released back in the November of 2011. Since its release, it has changed the way icon fonts (and icons in general) are being used in web today. IcoMoon was also the first to solve a big problem with icon fonts: Compatibility with screen readers. IcoMoon is constantly improving and it offers many unique features. With over 4000 free and open source icons available in IcoMoon's library, and by allowing you to generate crisp icon fonts and SVG sprites locally/offline, this service is far ahead of any similar one. Need to contact us?
How To Design Call to Action Buttons That Convert Day 4 of Conversion Centered Design week brings us to the mighty call-to-action. If you’re not sure how they should look or what they should say to increase conversions, you’re in for a treat. Today we have another stellar post by Mr. Don’t forget to check out the 3 awesome posts that have already come out this week, and stay tuned for Friday’s post that will close out the week. This article, packed with case studies and examples from the real world, will provide you with important insights on how to design effective call to action buttons for your landing pages. What you need to understand about call to action buttons On your landing pages, the call-to-action represents the tipping point between bounce and conversion. Your buttons consist of two overall elements: design and copy Both these elements have direct impact on conversions; however, they play two different roles in the conversion scenario. Let’s start with an example from the real world It’s all about standing out Visual effects
HTML5 : Nouveaux éléments de section, article, header, footer, aside, nav Les éléments de section HTML5, une nouvelle façon de penser Les éléments de section (section, article, nav, aside, header, footer) segmentent des portions du document ou de l'application web, qui possèdent une valeur sémantique particulière ; contrairement à des éléments génériques comme span ou div qui ont un rôle totalement neutre, et ne servent qu'à regrouper d'autres éléments HTML pour leur affecter un style CSS commun, voire pour interagir avec eux via le DOM... Il ne s'agit donc pas de nouveaux éléments avec des noms génériques : c'est bien plus que ça ! HTML5 inclut la majorité des éléments HTML4 pour assurer une rétro-compatibilité avec les navigateurs. Au-delà de ce critère, les groupes de travail qui ont élaboré HTML5 ont su analyser les usages courants et s'adapter aux tendances du web avec (entre autres) les nouvelles façons de trier l'information sur une page web. Liste récapitulative des éléments de section HTML5 Un cas particulier : Internet Explorer <9 Exemples de documents
Create a Mobile App Icon in Photoshop This tutorial is part of a three-part series explaining how to design UI elements for mobile applications in Photoshop. In this part, we will explain how to design an icon for your mobile device's home screen. Let's get started! Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. Wood Texture Step 1 Create a new document. Step 2 With the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape using a red color. Step 3 With the Brush Tool (B) Paint a vivid light red color to create a light spot on the upper right part of the icon. Step 4 Add a black shadow with the Brush Tool. Step 5 Add a shape like this on top of the icon with the following Layer Style. Step 6 Duplicate and reduce the last shape with Cmd/Ctrl + T. Step 7 Refine the upper lights using the Brush Tool (B) alternating light and dark red. Step 8 I refined the bottom part using the same way as the previous step. Step 9 Step 10 Make a Rectangular Selection. Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Add two Highlights stripes. Step 14 Step 15
7 Website Design Trends To Watch In 2015 The end of the year is coming and that means your inbox will be flooded with “best of” and “trending” posts. I know, I know, it’s not even Thanksgiving. BUT, when it comes to what’s trending, you don’t want to be caught trying to plan big changes at the last minute. Coming from a compulsive procrastinator, trust me when I say this never ends well! Before we dive into my predictions for the top website design trends to watch in 2015, I’ll start by summing up key trends that emerged in 2014. I can do it in one word. Web design this past year was all about stripped out the pizzazz and focusing on design that will maximize visitor to lead conversions. Recommended for YouWebcast: Strategies, Tactics & Tools for Content Marketing in 2015 Building on the concept of simplicity, here are seven trends to watch in the coming year. 1. This isn’t a new one and shouldn’t come as a suprise. Contrary to popular belief, you aren’t creating your website just for phones, tablets and desktops anymore. 2. 3.
HTML li tag Designing With Grid-Based Approach Advertisement The main idea behind grid-based designs is a solid visual and structural balance of web-sites you can create with them. Sophisticated layout structures offer more flexibility and enhance the visual experience of visitors. And this is what this article is all about. Examples of Grid-based design But first few examples of grid-based designs to make clear what the article is about. Things You Probably Don’t Know About Grid-based Design “The grid is the most vivid manifestation of the will to order in graphic design. [...] Articles about Grid-based Design Approach
Link Building Case Study: How I Increased My Search Traffic by 110% in 14 Days Here’s the brutal truth about link building: There are WAY too many people in internet marketing today that think “great content” is enough. They say, “if I publish great stuff, people will naturally link to me”. If only it were that easy… If you’re serious about generating high quality links, you need to be very systematic with how you create and promote your content. Otherwise you’re taking the “cooked spaghetti approach”: throwing a bunch of stuff against a wall and hoping something sticks. Well today I’m going to show you a technique that almost guarantees that you get high quality links from every piece of content that you publish. Get More Traffic This Month: Get access to a free downloadable PDF checklist that will show you how to get higher rankings with The Skyscraper Technique. Keep reading to learn how… The Skyscraper Technique: (Content Marketing for Link Builders) On April 18th I published Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List. The best part? Step 1: Find link-worthy content
HTML5 Please - Use the new and shiny responsibly Less Framework 4 Every layout in Less Framework is based on a single grid, composed of 68 px columns with 24 px gutters. The only measures that change from layout to layout are the amount of columns and the width of the outer margins. The three sets of typography presets are aligned to a 24 px baseline grid; one is based on 16 px body text, one on 17 px, and one on 18 px. Both sets contain several harmonious type sizes calculated using the Golden Ratio. Technically The idea is to first code the Default Layout (992 px), and then use CSS3 media queries to code several child layouts: 768, 480, and 320 px. If you think of Mobile First as progressive enhancement, Less Framework will feel more like graceful degradation; old desktop and mobile browsers will only use the default 992 px layout. Philosophically The goal of Less Framework is to make building websites with multiple layouts efficient, and to make the layouts feel consistent. Less Framework is simple.