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50 Tools that can Increase your Writing Skills - by Dumb Little

50 Tools that can Increase your Writing Skills - by Dumb Little

Fiction Writer Character Chart If you're a fiction writer -- whether you're working on a novel, short story, screenplay, television series, play, web series, webserial, or blog-based fiction -- your characters should come alive for your reader or audience. The highly detailed chart below will help writers develop fictional characters who are believable, captivating, and unique. Print this page to complete the form for each main character you create. IMPORTANT: Note that all fields are optional and should be used simply as a guide; character charts should inspire you to think about your character in new ways, rather than constrain your writing. If this character chart is helpful, please let us know! Looking for more character questionnaires / charts?

40+ Tips to Improve your Grammar and Punctuation - Dumb Little M After all these years you finally have the courage and opportunity to write the email announcing that you and you alone have single handedly saved the company from utter disaster. You’re excited, you type it, you spell check it, and you hit send.Everything is great except that your gold star memo has dangling modifiers, double negatives and run-on sentences colliding with each other. Now I am no grammar whiz but I know a good resource when I see it. Purdue University maintains an" target="_blank">online writing lab and I spent some time digging through it. Learn and enjoy! • A or An? • Adjective or Adverb? • Adjectives with Countable and Uncountable Nouns • Using Articles ( A/An/The ): with 2 exercises and answer keys Nouns • A Little Help with Capitals • Count and NonCount Nouns (with Plurals, Articles, and Quantity Words): with 2 exercises and answer keys • Count and NonCount Nouns (with Articles and Adjectives): with exercise and answer key Prepositions Pronouns • Pronoun Case Commas

Keys to Writing a Killer Amateur-Sleuth Mystery Novel Xlibris Book Publishing Company: Book Self Publisher Print on De Online - Thirty Tools for Writers [Author’s note: Of the many things I’ve written for the Poynter website, none has been as popular as my "Twenty Tools for Writers." This list has been quoted, cited, praised, debated, and repurposed by writers, editors, teachers, and other professionals who care about the craft. That folks find these tools useful gives me courage. So I’m adding ten more to my workbench, and sharpening up several others. As you can see, I’m very impressed with myself. At times it helps to think of writing as carpentry. Below is a list of 30 writing and revising tools. Sentences and Paragraphs 1. 2. 3. 4. Language 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Effects 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Structure 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. The Writing Life 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. This list contains tools, not rules. Tags: Writing tips and techniques

Serendipity Bad Language — Writing about writing Biblio Book Distribution Effective February 1st, 2008, all active publishers with Biblio will move under the care of AtlasBooks, the distribution arm of BookMasters, Inc. AtlasBooks is currently contacting all active Biblio publishers. This process will take approximately one week, as there are nearly 500 publishers to contact. AtlasBooks represents its publishers clients' titles to the book trade and undertakes all necessary tasks to generate sales from retailers and wholesalers, including the library and on-line markets. We provide a full array of operational and sales support, including: Sales and trade marketing Inventory storage and management 24/7 live customer service center to support both trade and direct response marketing Direct-to-consumer fulfillment Accounting services, including a dedicated A/R collections department Detailed monthly reporting Online account management AtlasBooks and Biblio are working together to contact buyers of major wholesalers and chains. Orders can be placed with AtlasBooks at:

Fifteen Writing Exercises Writing exercises are a great way to increase your writing skills and generate new ideas. They give you perspective and help you break free from old patterns and crutches. To grow as a writer, you need to sometimes write without the expectation of publication or worry about who will read your work. Don’t fear imperfection. That is what practice is for. Pick ten people you know and write a one-sentence description for each of them.

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