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Lait Fraise Mag

Lait Fraise Mag
14 avril 2014 Shopping Pâques Tout ce qu’il vous faut pour passer des fêtes de Pâques très festives ! Du chocolat bien sûr mais aussi des objets déco et un peu de DIY pour se mettre dans l’ambiance. Continuer la lecture 11 avril 2014

How I made my swingin' pop-up invitations Tribe member Melaina not only made these rad wedding activity books for the children, but she also made some seriously awesome pop-up wedding invitations. We figured, not only would you want to ogle them, but you may want to attempt to make something like them yourself. So Melaina was nice enough to hook us up with a "how to." We can't wait to see what eye-popping invites y'all come up with now! 5 ways to organise your kids activities 5 ways to organise your kids activities by kath_red on January 23, 2012 in Kids Crafts Share and Enjoy: Tagged as: diy craft kit , kids craft kits , kids crafts Bias Tape Tutorial by Guest Blogger, Heather of Bias tape is one of those things that can make any project feel really special. We are excited to share Heather's tutorial, of the fantastic blog Here you'll find step by step instructions on how to make this versatile trim! And stay tuned for another tutorial from Heather, where you can put your beautifully finished bias tape to use! I am quite sure there are many, many tutorials for making your own bias tape on the internet, but as a self-taught novice sewer I still get confused by it sometimes. Bias tape is simply strips of fabric, cut on the bias (the diagonal) then sewn into one continuous strip, folded, folded, and folded again to make a neat little casing for raw edges.

Babyccino Kids Boutiques Apple Streusel Kuchen March 11, 2016 A lot of things surprised my parents when they first moved to Germany as a young couple (no music playing between 12-3pm everyday, no greeting random strangers on the streets), but there was one custom they adopted immediately: the Sunday afternoon cake. Free Printable Tooth Fairy Notes Every­one loves the tooth fairy. What’s not to love? Loose a tooth, get a prize. Colored Pencil Jewelry Note from Design Mom: I asked Kate of Mini Eco to create a Back to School themed project for us to try. I think making beads out of colored pencils is brilliant! Wouldn’t these beads be fun for your elementary school-ers to string for a class project? It would also be a fun activity at an art-themed birthday party. Here’s Kate:

Scented Mini Bunny Pillow I’ve been tidying up my sewing room and came across a tin full of pastel toned paper pieced hexies that never made it into my Hexagon Table Runner. All those pretty vintage florals got me thinking about Easter themed crafting, and after having a little play with the hexagon shapes, these cute little bunnies hopped right out at me. These Mini Bunny Pillows are fun to hand stitch and can be made with the smallest of fabric scraps. If you’d like them to scent your drawers or wardrobe, include some dried lavender to make them smell just as sweet as they look. They would make a great Easter gift that lasts all year round, add a pin to the back to turn your mini bunny in to a wearable brooch.

Messenger Bag Tutorial and Pattern Who loves a good bag? I’ve got a thing for them. (In fact, see my posts about 25 Bags to Sew and 15 MORE Bags to Sew.) And for hot pink. DIY Vintage-Inspired String Holders We’re serv­ing up a dou­ble dose of crafty good­ness this week with another amaz­ing craft tuto­r­ial from Eva Monleón. Here’s a fun craft tuto­r­ial inspired by vin­tage string hold­ers. I love those cute pot­tery heads with strings com­ing out of their mouths like they’re eat­ing spaghetti. So fun! String hold­ers are super handy to have around for craft projects, whether you’re cro­chet­ing, tying up a pack­age, or sim­ply keep­ing string and cord orga­nized.
