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Perspectives on Contemporary American Democracy by Jeb Barnes After receiving his law degree from the University of Chicago Law School, Jeb clerked for a federal bankruptcy judge and then practiced as a commercial litigator in Boston and San Francisco. In 1994, he left the practice of law to pursue a doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley. His research centers on the intersection between law and politics and how policy emanates from interactions among the various levels and branches of government. His research has been published peer-reviewed articles in a variety of journals, including Political Research Quarterly, Law & Society Review, Law & Social Inquiry, and Annual Review of Political Science, and three books: Dust-Up: Asbestos Litigation and the Failure of Commonsense Policy Reform (2011), Overruled? | Big Band Charts, Big Band Arrangements: Home A Step Forward? Bertelsmann & Others Back $100 Million Venture Fund For Innovative Education Just as (mobile) technology is bringing some exciting changes to the health industry, it’s simultaneously over in the classroom trying to save education before it’s too late. I’m not sure we’re even close to “too late”, but it’s hard to ignore the fact that, like the health industry, the educational system (and I don’t limit that to the U.S.) is broken. Millions of young people are entering a system that just isn’t built to handle the diversity of learning styles — or the speed of innovation. Peter Thiel is right: Higher education is in a bubble. The truth is that, while higher education may be in a bubble, most institutions are starved for cash. Because of these funding limitations, institutions struggle to take big steps forward, with STEM initiatives, technology in the classroom, etc. Again, this is only part of the answer, but these public-private partnerships can certainly make some waves. What do you think?

5 portales que ofrecen cursos virtuales gratuitos Creo que el 2012 será el año de la «educación virtual masiva», un hito en la historia de la educación al empezar a establecerse un vínculo entre entidades de enseñanza reconocidas mundialmente, con usuarios presentes en cualquier latitud (ved el ejemplo de la Universidad de Stanford). Por supuesto, aún falta mucho para luchar con la actividad presencial en cuanto a alta calidad en la formación -quienes la tienen-, pero se nota que se está trabajando bastante en lograrlo. Existen institutos ofreciendo cursos gratuitos en todo el mundo, como podéis ver en esta completa lista, así como portales especializados en ofrecer este tipo de contenido. Como ejemplo, cortesía de Chronicle, tenemos como importantes exponentes a: Do It Yourself Computer Science Udacity Coursera También con cursos ofrecidos por profesores de Stanford pero junto a educadores de la Universidad de Michigan y la Universidad de California en Berkeley. GoodSemester Udemy

Now On iOS And Android, 2tor Brings Higher Education To Mobile Students There’s a growing focus on the intersection of education and technology, from Apple’s initiatives to reinvent the textbook and Inkling’s efforts to take virtualized textbooks to professional publishers to Bertelsmann and others backing a $100 million fund for innovative education. All of these projects, in one way or another, focus on higher education. Peter Thiel declared that higher education is in a bubble, and John Katzman, the founder and Executive Chairman of 2tor, wrote that your alma mater may very well be in jeopardy. Among other things, this is due to the fact that the cost of higher education is soaring, and as a result, there’s more attention being given to distance learning — or, in other words — ways that the Web and digital technology can transcend borders to bring a quality education to people, regardless of proximity to a campus, at a far lower price. The reason for raising so much? For more, check them out at home here.

Free Piano Music! Selon Monique Palomares qui écrit sur, En cherchant des renseignements sur qui étaient ces "compagnons de la marjolaine", j'ai trouvé que la marjolaine était utilisée dans les chansons comme la rose ou le muguet, comme prélude à l'amour, ainsi que le fait que les jeunes gens qui partaient faire la fête mettaient des brins de marjolaine qui dépassaient de leurs bottes, formant ainsi une mouvante "Compagnie de la Marjolaine", les deux versions disant qu'ils étaient des séducteurs. J'ai aussi trouvé dans "Trésors des plus belles mélodies de tous les temps et de tous les pays", Delfolie, Editions Edsco, Chambéry, 1947" qu'au 15ème siècle, les gens ne disaient pas "donner la sérénade" à quelqu'un mais "réveiller les pots de la marjolaine" et que la Confrérie de la Marjolaine était la confrérie des parfumeurs, très puissante parce que la cour et la ville faisait un usage intense des parfums. La chanson remonte aux alentours de 1650.

Blinklearning secures €350k of R&D funding to personalise education Blinklearning, the e-tutoring platform, has raised €350k of public money from the Spanish CDTI NEOTEC program for further R&D into how Artificial Intelligence can be leveraged to offer a more personalised education for learners. Based on the premise that education must be adapted to the needs of each individual student who may learn at a different pace to their peers, the Spain and UK-based startup currently gives teachers better tools to create learning content along with technology to “track the individual performance of every student and subsequently provide those students with tailor-made content and exercises.” The new funding will enable Blinklearning to conduct R&D into new product developments with the goal to help teachers to reduce underachievement and the failure of school for many students. The company is also in the process signing agreements with additional publishers and international expansion in markets like Colombia, Peru and Chile. (via Loogic)

Soundslice features Soundslice is the most advanced music education software on the web. Here’s an overview of what you can do with it. The basics Our player shows you beautiful standard notation and tablature right in your web browser. No plugins or apps necessary. It works in any modern browser, including tablets and smartphones. Audio sources Our core philosophy is that you learn music better if you hear the music while you read it. Track controls With support for multiple staves, Soundslice can handle anything from a piano’s grand staff to a string quartet or a full jazz band’s arrangement. Customizing notation Soundslice pioneered the concept of “responsive” notation — music that wraps to fit your screen. Video Our notation can be synced with videos, sourced either from raw video files or YouTube. Fretted instruments We have a few bonus features for fretted instruments, such as guitar, mandolin or electric bass. Importing Exporting More export formats are coming soon. Next steps

Technology Cannot Disrupt Education From The Top Down Editor’s note: Guest contributor Patrick Gibbons is a Las Vegas-based writer and researcher focusing on education policy and reform. Computer technology has penetrated the classroom for thirty years with little impact. After hundreds of “disruptive” education startups, the best innovation in education is still the chalkboard. Many K-12 education technology startups target teachers and administrators by offering tools to become more productive: Lesson plan sharing, gradebooks, training tools, whiteboards and more. Unfortunately, the top down “practical” approach won’t work for some very good reasons. To innovate in education, entrepreneurs need to understand some key education statistics. Finally, while Devin believes public schools have “few computers” the data shows the number of pupils per computer fell from 12.1 in 1998 to 3.8 by 2005. Despite more money, more teachers and more computers per pupil, student achievement in K-12 education has been stagnant for forty years.

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Dramatically Bringing Down the Cost of Education with OER SOURCE: AP/ Jim Mone A Blaine (MN) High School student is shown with a printed online textbook. Instead of mass-produced textbooks, the more than 3,100 sophomores in the state's largest district are learning from an online curriculum developed by their teachers over the summer with free software distributed over the web. By David Wiley, Cable Green, and Louis Soares | February 7, 2012 Open Educational Resources Download this issue brief (pdf) Read this issue brief on your browser (Scribd) We are in the midst of a revolution in education. The key to this sea change in learning is open education resources, or OER. OER are starting to hit the public consciousness in the form of initiatives like the Khan Academy , MIT OpenCourseware , and Washington’s Open Course Library . OER are already being used by learners for self study, by teachers to enhance classroom learning, and by education providers to bring down the cost of instruction. OER and you Education at its core is sharing The BOGO conundrum
