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Maxscript – Vray Cubemap Generator for Unity | Pixel Envision After weeks of evaluation of today’s cross platform SDK options, we have finally decided to move forward with Unity. While evaluating Unity, I have created a small helper MAXScript to export Vray rendered cubemaps from Max to Unity. Since I’m unable to find something similar, I have decided to release it to the public as I think it might be helpful for the community I’m about to step in… After polishing it up a little bit (UI, etc.) here it is… What it does? With this script, you will be able to easily render cubemaps ready to import to Unity for use as reflection maps or skyboxes. Current Features Planned Features Rendering from the point of view of selected scene object.Using existing (max or vray) scene camera to render, keeping it’s settings.Better seam free blur with more precise control.Option to save default launch preferences.Your suggestions. Requirements & Compatibility In order to use that script, you will need Unity, 3DS Max & Vray. Installation & Usage Download License

10 sitios que todo programador de videojuegos debería conocer Todo programador en general y el programador de videojuegos en particular deberías estar siempre al tanto de las últimas novedades. Si te dedicas a programar videojuegos o tienes intención de hacerlo corre a añadir estos 10 sitios que todo programador de videojuegos debería conocer a tus favoritos. GameDev La web por excelencia que todo desarrollador de videojuegos debería visitar diariamente. Enlace | Gamasutra Otra de las más grandes con artículos escritos por verdaderos profesionales de la industria y que no solo se centra en la programación si no en todas las áreas del desarrollo de videojuegs: Diseño, programación, audio, arte, producción y marketing. Enlace | GPwiki Una gran idea eso es GPwiki, una wiki donde se pueden encontrar artículos relacionados con la programación de videojuegos todos muy bien ordenados y categorizados. Enlace | #AltDevBlogADay Un blog que es un tesoro. Enlace |

John Boardman's Blog - Writing Games With Unity 3D in JavaScript and C# – Part 1 The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Unity is a development environment for creating professional-level games. It is built on top of MonoDevelop, and utilizes it to achieve the deployment of the same code to many platforms. The free version (which is the one I use) supports out-of-the-box deployment to Mac, Windows, Linux, Web, and Google Native (a Chrome technology for deploying without plugins). Unity Pro is a $1,500 license and extends Unity with many high-end capabilities like level of detail (LOD), automatic path finding, high end audio filters, video playback and streaming, IK animation, 3D textures, realtime shadows, and many other professional features. Introduction to KeyShot So, I was asked if I could make a game for the Kansas City Developer Conference. KeyShot is a (very) basic Galaga clone. Implementation 1. 2. 3.

Platform: Under the Hood (Part 2) This post is the second in a series of articles that will be devoted to explaining the Ushahidi Platform at a technical level for programmers and deployers. In the last blog post, we explored how the architecture of the Ushahidi Platform is radically changing from v2 to v3. In this post, I will detail the different types of objects that make up the new architecture and what their role is within the system. If we refer back to the diagram that illustrates the Clean Architecture, the very center is consists of the Entities, followed by the Use Cases layer, and then the layer of Gateways, Controllers, and Presenters. Entities In the Ushahidi Platform, all entities inherit from an abstract base class called Entity, which allows entity objects to define their properties and be constructed from associative arrays. <? And this is the corresponding UserRepository interface today: <? Use Cases <? <? <? Each use case also validates the data object as input by using a Validator object. <? Final Notes

Unity Script Reference: Welcome to the Unity Scripting Reference! This section of the documentation contains details of the scripting API that Unity provides. To use this information, you should be familiar with the basic theory and practice of scripting in Unity which is explained in the Scripting section of our manual. The scripting reference is organised according to the classes available to scripts which are described along with their methods, properties and any other information relevant to their use. The pages are extensively furnished with example code that you are free to use for any purpose without crediting Unity. Subsections of the reference can be selected using the menu to the left.

Qué hacer después de instalar Elementary OS 0.2 Luna Veo que mi primer post tuvo muy buena aceptación, intentare seguir posteando material útil y algún que otro post de humor… Se que es un poco tarde pero les traigo algunos tips para Elementary OS :) 1. Ejecutar el Administrador de Actualizaciones Es probable que luego de haber sido lanzado Elementary OS Luna hayan aparecido nuevas actualizaciones de los distintos paquetes con los que viene la imagen ISO que distribuye el equipo de Elementary. Por esta razón, luego de terminar la instalación siempre es recomendable correr el Administrador de Actualizaciones o ejecutando lo siguiente desde un terminal: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade 2. Accede a Language Support desde System Settings y desde allí vas a poder agregar el idioma que prefieras. 3. Afortunadamente, el instalador de Elementary OS te permite instalar todo esto desde el principio. En caso de que no lo hayas hecho, podes instalarlos de la siguiente manera: Driver de la tarjeta de video PPA con drivers para tarjetas ATI 4. 5. 6.

Unity 3D – France Stellarium
