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Create your own Personal 3D Avatar – send it to dozens of online destinations!

Create your own Personal 3D Avatar – send it to dozens of online destinations!

Educatief gebruik van een avatar Ik kan me niet herinneren dat één van de Nederlandstalige Edubloggers al over Voki heeft geschreven. Met behulp van deze tool kun je een avatar aan je weblog of website toevoegen. Educatieve redenen hiervoor kunnen zijn: Je maakt je blog of website wat menselijker. Zie ook: Adding A Voki Speaking Avatar To Your Blog Sidebar

Challenges of Immersion « Zha’s Virtual Musings Challenges of Immersion A major part of Second Life’s value is immersion. Second Life is at its most compelling when users fully enter the virtual world as participants engaging the space, not observers visiting it. Immersion consists of several facets. Traditional web experiences The traditional web experience is different from the experience of visiting a virtual world. Singular Reading a web page, including most social media web pages is a singular experience. Asynchronous Facebook, Twitter, blog comments. Interstitial Experiences The singular, asynchronous nature of many web interactions makes them perfect interstitial activities. Most web pages and applications require little context, little planning and little time. Click and Type The most common things one does on the web is click or type. The Challenges of Immersion Contrast the web page based experience with a virtual world interaction. The challenge of Synchrony The challenge of contiguous time Non Interstitial Use Food for thought.

RoboHash The Teachable Agents Group @ Vanderbilt University Pimp My Profizzle Healthcare › CAE Caesar™ Preparing Nurses for Today’s Healthcare Environment Learn how nursing students and professionals are using healthcare simulation to master the fundamentals, retrain for new units and practice interdisciplinary communication. Featured: The University of Huddersfield in Huddersfield, United Kingdom Immersive Training for Lifesaving Heroes Learn how emergency medical services responders are using healthcare simulation in their training. Featured: WakeMed Center for Innovative Learning in North Carolina, USA Modeled Physiology and Challenging Scenarios for Medicine Learn how residents and physicians are using healthcare simulation to practice anesthesia, critical care, ultrasound assessment and surgical procedures. Featured: Leiden University in The Netherlands Advancing Clinical Competency and Patient Safety Learn how hospitals are using healthcare simulation to onboard and retrain staff, reduce errors and improve patient safety. Featured: Madeira Clinical Simulation Center in Madeira, Portugal

Create A Face Online! Make Your Own Character Online, Create A Virtual Person. Your Caricature, Caricature Drawings From Photos. EMBOTS: Embodied Agents Research Group VirtualConstructor (COHIBIT) At Volkwagen's Autostadt in Wolfsburg, two virtual characters, Jara and Taron, invite visitors to build model cars with real car pieces. Using camera and RFID technology for input, the two characters seamlessly interact with the real world. They are controlled using statecharts, modelled in our Scenemaker tool. A cooperation with Augsburg University, Charamel and Autostadt. Researchers: Alassane Ndiaye, Patrick Gebhard, Michael Kipp, Martin Rumpler, Michael Schneider, Gernot Gebhard. DFKI project website Autostadt exhibit website Publications: Kipp, M., Kipp, K.H., Ndiaye, A. and Gebhard, P. (2006) Evaluating the Tangible Interface and Virtual Characters in the Interactive COHIBIT Exhibit In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2006), Springer, pp. 434-444.

A New Window to the Face The human face is a complicated thing—powered by 52 muscles; contoured by the nose, eyebrows, and other features; and capable of an almost infinite range of expressions, from joy to anger to sorrow to puzzlement. Perhaps that is why realistic animation of the human face has been what Microsoft Research Asia scientist Xin Tong calls a “holy grail” of computer graphics. Decades of research in computer graphics have developed a number of techniques for capturing three-dimensional moving images of the human face. But all have flaws, capturing insufficient detail or failing to depict accurately a changing expression. Xin Tong Now, researchers at Microsoft Research Asia, led by Tong and working with Jinxiang Chai, a Texas A&M University professor, have developed a new approach to creating high-fidelity, 3-D images of the human face, one that depicts not only large-scale features and expressions, but also the subtle wrinkling and movement of human skin. That’s a big challenge, Tong says. - Chatbots, virtual agents, virtual assistant, chat bots, conversational agents, chatterbots list. Directory Modeller: 3D Face Generator 3D face modelling software for Windows. Create faces from one or more photographs, or at random. Edit faces in over 150 ways, including race, age and gender. Overview Features Resources Evaluation Purchasing Licensing Legal Overview With our unique statistics-based technology, you can: Create highly realistic or caricatured faces at random from any race, gender and adult age group: Easily create a face from one or more photographs: ... goes to ... Edit faces by just clicking and dragging: Edit faces with over 150 powerful parametric controls, from race morphing the whole face to tweaking the nose shape: ... Apply one of over 50 skin 'detail' textures to the face you've created: Select the mesh and UV layout of your choice (or use your own with the Customizer): Instantly apply animation morphs and accessory models: Export your texture maps to JPEG, BMP, TGA or TIFF. Choose a default scale, rotation and translation for all your exports. FaceGen Modeller 3.5 runs on Windows XP, Vista and 7. Resources

avatar - Kinect SDK facial expression data

Création d'avatars (avatars imaginaires ou possibilité de créer un clone de soi) by bettyrenoir May 10
