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A Tour through Ancient Rome in 320 C.E.

A Tour through Ancient Rome in 320 C.E.

De la naissance à la chute de l'empire romain Cette carte fait partie d’un ensemble de 8 cartes animées portant sur Rome et son empire Rome, à l’origine modeste cité d’Italie, finit par dominer l’ensemble de la Méditerranée. La ville a d'abord connu la royauté, puis la République et enfin l'Empire. De -753 à -509, Rome est gouvernée par des rois. Après Romulus, le fondateur légendaire, viennent des rois d'origine sabine, puis des rois étrusques dont le dernier est Tarquin le Superbe. Sous la République, la ville est gouvernée par le Sénat, aux mains des patriciens*, et par deux consuls* élus chaque année. Rome s’agrandit peu à peu en luttant contre ses voisins, les Latins* et les Étrusques*, puis en occupant le sud de la péninsule où les Grecs ont fondé de nombreuses colonies. Au cours des Guerres puniques, Rome combat Carthage, et s’approprie progressivement ses territoires en Méditerranée occidentale. À l’ouest, Rome pénètre en Gaule méridionale et s’empare d’une large partie de l’Espagne. Le plus célèbre d’entre eux est Jules César.

Plaça de Catalunya, Barcelona The Plaça de Catalunya, a large plaza surrounded by monumental buildings, is Barcelona's busiest square. It is located between the old city (Ciutat Vella) and the nineteenth century Eixample district. Plaça de Catalunya Two of Barcelona's most famous streets, the Rambla (a wide promenade in the old city) and the Passeig de Gràcia (a grand showcase of modernist architecture in Eixample) start at the Plaça de Catalunya. Even though the square is enormous in size, it is constantly crowded with people walking to and from one of the nine streets emanating from the square. History Until the middle of the nineteenth century the Plaça de Catalunya was a rural area just outside the city walls. Eixample Masterplan The first place was awarded to a design by Rovira i Trias, which consisted of a plan with streets radiating from the historic Barri Gòtic neighborhood. The central government prevailed and the new Eixample district was designed according to Cerdà's design. Final Design La Deessa The Square

sans titre Sénèque dans Epistula 14 XC raconte à sa manière l’invention de la meule à broyer le grain : le sage aurait imité un processus naturel ! Lisez plutôt ! Deinde non est contentus his artibus, sed in pistrinum sapientem summittit; narrat enim quemadmodum rerum naturam imitatus panem coeperit facere. ‘Receptas’ inquit ‘in os fruges concurrens inter se duritia dentium frangit, et quidquid excidit ad eosdem dentes lingua refertur; tunc umore miscetur ut facilius per fauces lubricas transeat; cum peruenit in uentrem, aequali eius feruore concoquitur; tunc demum corpori accedit. Mais, non content de leur avoir attribué ces découvertes, il abaisse le sage jusqu’à le transformer en boulanger. Sur la terre était répandu un pauvre monceau de blé ; il en prend pour lui autant qu’en contenait sa mesure, qui peut renfermer le poids de deux fois huit livres.

Villa d'Este, Tivoli Villa d'Este, Tivoli The Villa d'Este in Tivoli, with its palace and garden, is one of the most remarkable and comprehensive illustrations of Renaissance culture at its most refined. Its innovative design along with the architectural components in the garden (fountains, ornamental basins, etc.) make this a unique example of an Italian 16th-century garden. The Villa d'Este, one of the first giardini delle meraviglie , was an early model for the development of European gardens. La Villa d'Este à Tivoli avec son palais et son jardin est un des témoignages les plus remarquables et complets de la culture de la Renaissance dans ce qu'elle a de plus raffiné. La Villa d'Este, de par sa conception novatrice et l'ingéniosité des ouvrages architecturaux de son jardin (fontaines, bassins, etc.), est un exemple incomparable de jardin italien du XVIe siècle. فيلاّ ديستي، تيفولي source: UNESCO/ERI 提沃利城的伊斯特别墅 提沃利城的伊斯特别墅及其宫殿和花园,全面系统而鲜明地反映了最精致的文艺复兴文化。 Вилла д`Эсте в Тиволи Villa d’Este (Tívoli) ティヴォリのエステ家別荘

A glimpse of teenage life in ancient Rome - Ray Laurence Parc Güell, Barcelona Parc Güell is one of the world's most intriguing parks. The park's colorful main staircase and the fanciful pavilions that were designed by Antoni Gaudí look like they belong in some fairy tale. This popular park started out as a development project. Eusebi Güell, a well known Catalan industrialist, acquired a seventeen hectare (42 acres) large hilly plot in the Gràcia district, just north of Barcelona. He wanted to turn the area into a residential garden village based on English models. Sixty housing units as well as several public buildings were planned. Pavilion In 1900 Güell commissioned his friend and protégé Antoni Gaudí with the development of the project. In 1918 the city of Barcelona acquired the property and in 1922 it opened to the public as a park. Two houses were completed as well as pavilions for visitors and park keepers. A connecting flight of stairs leads to another famous feature of the park: the Gran Placa Circular.

Early Christian Catacombs - Rome, Italy The Early Christian catacombs are one of the most interesting and most popular sights in Rome. Forming an underground maze in the outskirts of the city, the catacombs provide a rare glimpse into the earliest centuries of Christianity. In addition to the countless burial chambers that line the tunnels, the catacombs are home to some of the earliest examples of Christian art. History The burial custom of most ancient Romans tended to be cremation, with ashes stored in urns. The catacombs had other advantages as well: they were an ideal way to strengthen the sense of Christian community (both in life and death) and they provided quiet, out-of-the-way places for memorial ceremonies and displaying Christian symbols. The first large-scale Christian catacombs were excavated in the 2nd century AD. Many modern depictions of the catacombs show them as hiding places for Christian populations during times of persecution, but there is little evidence for this. What to See Map Data Map References

Timgad Valeur universelle exceptionnelle Brève synthèse Dans un site montagneux d'une grande beauté, au nord du massif de l'Aurès, à 480 km au sud-est d'Alger, et à 110 km au sud de Constantine, Timgad offre l'exemple achevé d'une colonie militaire romaine créée ex nihilo. La Colonia Marciana Traiana Thamugadi fut fondée en l'an 100 de notre ère par Trajan, probablement pour servir de campement à la 3ème Légion Auguste qui, par la suite, fut cantonnée à Lambèse. Colonie forte et prospère, Timgad se devait de donner une image saisissante de la grandeur romaine en terre numide. Critère (ii) : Le site de Timgad, par son régime de camp militaire romain, son modèle urbanistique planifié et son type d'architecture civile et militaire particulier reflète un profond échange d'idées, de technologies et de traditions exercées par le pouvoir central de Rome sur la colonisation des hautes plaines de l'Algérie antique. Intégrité La clarification des limites du bien a été soumise mais doit encore être revue.

Montjuïc, Barcelona The Montjuïc is a hill located near the center of Barcelona. It features a large number of attractions including the Spanish Village, the Magic Fountain and MNAC, one of the city's most important museums. Sardana Monument, Montjuïc Several thousand years ago, Iberic Celts settled on the Montjuïc, a 213 meter high hill southeast of Barcelona's current city center. The hill was later used by the Romans as a ceremonial place. Today the Montjuïc is a mostly recreational area with a large number of sights and attractions, most of them originating from two major events that took place here: the 1929 International Exhibition and the 1992 Olympics. Palau Nacional Palau Nacional One of these sights is the Palau Nacional (National Palace), originally built as the central pavilion for the International Exhibition. Magic Fountain Magic Fountain Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Poble Espanyol Poble Espanyol Anella Olímpica MontjuïcTelecommunicationsTower Montjuïc Gardens Castell de Montjuïc

Parque del Retiro, Madrid The Parque del Buen Retiro is the most popular park in Madrid. It can get crowded during weekends when many Madrilenian families go for a stroll in the park and street musicians, sidewalk painters, fortune tellers, jugglers and street performers animate the crowd. A Royal Park The Retiro Park was created as a royal park; it belonged to the Real Sitio del Buen Retiro palace. is partially laid out in a formal French style, while other parts are more natural. Museo del Ejército Of the original palace, only two buildings survived, the rest was destroyed during the Napoleonic wars. Alfonso XII Monument is the cross that Columbus took with him to the New World. The Lake Close to the northern entrance of the Parque del Retiro is a large artificial lake, the Estanque del Retiro. Palacio de Cristal equestrian statue of the King in front. Palacios More to the south is another, much smaller lake. Palacio de Velázquez Satan Another feature of the park is the Rose Garden, the Rosaleda. Location

Acropolis Virtual Tour The Virtual Tour of the Acropolis is a web application based on HTML5 technologies (webGL and CSS3D) to display effectively panoramic photographic images in desktop and mobile browsers. The production of panoramic photomosaics at resolutions of several gigapixels was realised between 2010 and 2014 by employing established practices of digital image acquisition and processing. In order to achieve the best possible mapping of natural lighting on the monuments together with the display of shaded details, High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging techniques were used for capturing and combining different exposure levels of the same theme. Starting from the RAW photos all the way up to the combined and color-corrected finalised panoramas, all intermediate outputs were maintained in order to be able to reproduce and control the entire manufacturing process for future reference. The krpano viewer and revelant tools are used for the display of the panoramic images within the application.
