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Related:  Photographes contemporains

Philippe Marchand Denis Darzacq, actu 马良 - Maleonn Jon Rafman CLAUDE NORI - PHOTOGRAPHE Nick Brandt Pieter Hugo Amateur d'art | Lunettes Rouges Elo Vazquez ellen kooi Todd Hido exometries Former Writer, Part 1 / Thomas Albdorf Former Writer: Colour on Surface Pigment prints, unmounted, mounted or framed, varying sizes, 2013 In 2012 my photographic practice mainly consisted of wandering through urban peripheries, seeking and finding littered and abandoned objects, and staging them to record the scenery via a photograph. On these ramblings I often came across paintings which took me back to my first contact with art production in my early teenage years: graffiti-writing. The desire arose in me to use spray-paint again – a wish to use painterly intervention to apply a contextual shift to objects and scenarios. "Former Writer: Colour on Surface" integrates graffiti-related methods into my photographic and sculptural work.

Irene Kung
