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Piwik - Web analytics - Open source

Piwik - Web analytics - Open source

How to choose between Advanced Segments versus Profile Filters in Google Analytics As anyone who has looked at the plethora of web metrics data available knows, even for a moderately active website, segmentation is the key to gaining insight. It allows you to group similar visitors e.g. customers, subscribers, contributors, engagers etc. together for comparison. Therefore instead of viewing metrics that are average of averages, the numbers actually mean something. For example, quoting the Average Order Value for all customers is pretty meaningless. Knowing that the Average Order Value for visitors that have downloaded your PDF catalogue is twice that as people who haven’t, is a KPI that values your digital collateral. [ After defining and configuring goals, I view segmentation as your next most important step for your best practice web analytics setup. ] Segmentation is important you – no, critical. Within Google Analytics, there are 3 ways to segment your visitors: Profile Filters and Advanced Segments are complementary features.

Google Analytics Trick: See The Full Referring URL If you use Google Analytics to track your websites stats, you have probably realized that Google doesn’t let you see the full URL of the sites referring traffic to you. That’s a basic feature that somehow is not included in GA but fortunately for us, there is a simple trick you can implement to display the full URL of the referring site. Before I explain you this trick, let me give full credit to Ruben Yau for actually coming up with it. I also want to thank Ruben for replying to my comment/question on his blog so quickly. As stated above, Google Analytics doesn’t let you see from what specific page your visitors are coming. For example, instead of showing this as the traffic referrer: it will just show you this: That’s not very useful information… The solution to view the full URL of the referring site is to implement a simple hack that uses filters to place the referrer into the User Defined Report. That’s it!

Webmarketing | Browsing all articles in Webmarketing SEMRush est une fantastique source d’information pour connaître les mots clés sur lesquels sont positionnés vos concurrents, tant en trafic naturel qu’en trafic SEM. Je me suis amusé à dénicher les 20 plus gros annonceurs sur Read more » Si vous avez un site internet, celui-ci a probablement un ou plusieurs objectifs. Pour atteindre votre objectif, vous avez certainement conçu un « parcours type », celui que vos visiteurs devraient suivre…. théoriquement ! Mais bien souvent, le plan que l’on a soigneusement mis en place ne tient pas toutes ses promesses. Read more » Si vous gérez un site e-commerce, il est fondamental de placer l’internaute dans un environnement lui inspirant confiance. L’aspect dématérialisé du e-commerce engendre un sentiment de peur bien naturel, l’internaute va vous confier ses coordonnées personnelles… et son numéro de carte bancaire ! Connaissez-vous ce chiffre ? Read more » En 2010, elle est de 0,6 %. Caramail n’existe plus.

Link Anatomy - Understanding The Value Of A Link Far too many of us in the SEO industry tend to think in absolute terms. You are either White Hat or Black Hat, this works or it doesn't, this link is amazing or it is get the point. This is dangerous thinking because if something isn't absolutely perfect or golden, we tend to evaluate it as useless. Link builders come from two schools of thinking. If you think like the first group, then this post is not for you. The anatomy of a link can be thought of in five parts: anchor text, trust, relevance, placement and outbound links. I already know what you are thinking- what about authority? This means that if your link is on a high quality, authoritative website, search engines will pay a lot more attention to the metrics of that link that one on some spammy website. Let's look at each individual metric then and see what they all mean. 1. As I just mentioned, authority is what determines the size of the pie. 2. Exact match anchor text isn't the only way to be successful here.

SEO Basics – Using Allinanchor, Allintitle Allintext There’s nothing like witnessing the transformation of a site that starts at the bottom of a niche ranking for a few sparsely related terms then systematically expands their keywords to encompass several thousand traffic-bearing key phrases through embracing SEO. This occurs as a result of balancing the ratios that determine relevance which are (allinanchor, allintitle, allintext). Each ratio when adjusted can provide your pages with a gradual increase in organic traffic. Having developed dozens of websites from a few hundred hits or visitors a month to thousands of visitors a day, one fundamental still remains the same. Keep it simple when addressing how relevance and ranking apply through SEO basics. Content, Intelligent use of Keywords and Theming Relevant Subject Matter Tagging your content as well as having strong internal site architecture to support your main keywords is often all that is required to create a top 10 position. What are Search Engines? -Jeffrey

Expert Référencement Google | Consultant SEO - Agence en Savoie, Rhône-Alpes Pour en savoir plus sur Laurent Bourrelly X.V.M S.L. BP 186 - La Poste AD 500 Andorra la Vella ANDORRE Tél : (+376) 364 Xarxa de les Valls Marquets S.L. Société À Responsabilité Limitée au capital de 6 000€. Je suis né en France, grandi à Paris, puis déménagé à Cahors de la 6ème à la Terminale où je suis retourné à Paris pour passer mon Baccalauréat C. Petit retour en arrière pour évoquer un autre volet de ma vie qui compte pour le choix de mon métier. La combinaison d'une expérience professionnelle en marketing et communication avec la passion pour la technologie et l'informatique en particulier m'ont forcément fait lorgner sur les possibilités d'exploitation d'Internet et du médian Web en tant que vecteur marketing. Cependant, c’est un coup du hasard qui m'a fait concrètement prendre le virage commercial du Web en 2003. Finalement, je suis devenu consultant car la demande s’est faite de plus en plus pressante. Après le 8ème magasin ouvert en 8 mois, j'ai décidé de jeter l'éponge.
