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ViceUp - Culture magazine Art - Design & Lifestyle -

Flat design examples: 15+ innovative flat design websites I first took notice of flat color web design when Google started to redesign their sites. This was during a time when gradients and drop shadows were all the rage. In using what was then Google Docs and my Google Calendar, I always realized there was something better and more user friendly about these sites but I never could put my finger on what it was. Eventually, I think I was just messing around with the apps when I finally noticed the buttons had no gradients and the icons didn’t either. Quickly, I was met with a few people who just didn’t like it. Of course Google isn’t the first brand to use flat color in their designs. This flat color web design is a trend right now not just because it looks good but because it makes sense. Microsoft Windows Microsoft has always had their issues with being a bit behind the times, especially with a competitor like Apple. Wistia Wistia is professional video hosting that specializes in hosting for businesses. David Hellman Standbuy Minimal Monkey Koken

Alsacreation_tuto web Proposez votre tutoriel Niveaux : Débutant Confirmé Expert Langages hypertexte (HTML, HTML5), balises, structure des pages web et validation W3C Feuilles de style CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) Accessibilité Accessibilité des sites internet, bonnes pratiques, ergonomie, utilisabilité Javascript Langage de script pour le web dynamique exécuté par le navigateur Développement Langages et technologies du web tels que PHP, MySQL, Ajax Responsive web design Tout pour smartphones et tablettes Design Design et graphisme pour le web Vue & Nuxt Vue.js et Nuxt Formats, encodage, XML Formats variés, XML et microformats, sémantique Web Le monde du web et d'internet en général Dans les cas les plus extrêmes, on se retrouve à chercher une aiguille dans une meute de foin.

Le Bélial' | L'éditeur des mondes imaginaires The Collective Loop Free Screenshot App Marketing Tool & Templates How do I record my iOS app? Please click here for instructions on how to record your iOS app. How do I record my Android app? Please click here for instructions on how to record your Android app. I've installed Recordit but it keeps asking me to install Recordit If you're on a Mac, you'll want to check to see if you have your notifications on "Do Not Disturb". If you're on a PC, try shutting Recordit down. Which gestures do you support? We currently support swipe up, swipe down, swipe left, swipe right and tap. I can't get Recordit to work... what can I do? What does Recordit do? Recordit is our app so yes, it's perfectly safe to use. I don't like the camera movement. Yes!

Alsacréations : Actualités et tutoriels HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, standards du web 30 Stylish Examples of Layouts in Magazine Design Visually attractive and easy to read. It is the task of the layout designer to create a stylish magazine look. In addition to knowledge of the fundamentals of design, a MagazineLayout designer also requires some creativity. Magazine Design has its own value. Basically, it's not just talking about the layout but it's also about what are the things that should be visualized in order to support the existing content. Each magazine has its target audience and has a variety of different segments as well. So, below are 30 stylish layout in magazine designs for your viewing pleasure. 1. A mono Thematic magazine for bicycle: BAR focuses on long-term developments and emotions of the movement and around the wheel's why in our first issue of FOCUS: MOTION to understand a physical phenomenon of progress and a common philosophy of what unites us: the satisfaction of being part of a movement to be, for the true joy 2. Layout redesign for Finnish monthly fashion magazine Trendi. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

| Inspirations Graphiques est un blog dédié au design graphique, à l'illustration et au webdesign Un regard en profondeur sur le Flat design Le flat design, ou Flat UI (design en aplat), est probablement la tendance en design qui se démarque le plus sur le web en ce moment. Le flat design est défini par son style graphique minimaliste et la simplification de l’interface en supprimant des éléments supplémentaires tels que les ombres portées, les surfaces brillantes, les textures et les dégradés qui créent habituellement un look tridimensionnel. La popularité du flat design provient principalement des choix graphiques de Microsoft avec la création de Windows 8 (style Metro), de Google qui prône la simplicité depuis longtemps et de la venue des sites web adaptatif (responsive design) où le style doit s’adapter aux différentes plateformes (ordinateur, tablette et téléphone intelligent). Dès cet automne, même Apple emboîtera le pas avec son nouveau système d’exploitation mobile pour ne pas rester en plan. Un peu d’histoire On attribut le terme flat design à Allan Grinshtein de LayerVault. Une approche globale minimaliste

The art of magazine covers: 20 incredible examples from 2012 The art of print design and magazine covers is more important than ever. With cutbacks, iPads, and the internet, it's imperative that art directors, editors, and photographers get their magazine covers right. Thankfully, celebrations such as the D&AD awards continue to support the art of magazine covers. And rightly so; just take a look at our pick of 20 of the best magazine covers of the year and you could be surprised at the array of talent on offer. Don't forget to check out: The art of print ads: 50 stunning examples 10 inspiring gig posters for 2012 Bloomberg Businessweek: a masterclass in magazine design Bloomberg Businessweek: September Bloomberg Businessweek have always made an impact in the print industry, with a string of D&AD awards for previous issues and endless critical acclaim. TransWorld Surf: The Travel Issue TransWorld SURF is a magazine which strives to promote the sport of surfing with youthful eyes on the future. Collect: May Little White Lies: Lawless The Ride: Issue 6

Resources in Designing Your Brand Identity - iBrandStudio Tour d’horizon de revues et magazines à la direction artistique soignée | Sophie Masure - Interaction & Brand Designer - NYC written by Sophie Masureon August 18, 2011 A l’âge de 14 ans, lorsque je m’imaginais grande et en train de travailler, je me voyais en train de créer la mise en page d’une revue sous QuarkXpress, à soigner chaque détail telle une dentelière sur son ouvrage. Depuis ce temps, j’observe, je décortique et j’analyse ce qui passe sous mes yeux, et notamment les livres, revues et magazines. Nous voilà plus de 15 ans plus tard et la dentelle prend de l’ampleur. Je ne travaille pas (plus) sous QuarkXpress car je me sens plus à l’aise avec Indesign, mais l’idée est bien là. Tous ces projets sont bénévoles, me demandent du temps et de l’investissement, mais je ne regrette pas une seule seconde mes choix. Mais en attendant, comme je suis un peu le nez dans les mises en page et chartes graphiques de magazines et revues en ce moment, j’en profite pour vous régaler un peu les yeux avec mes découvertes. Selon le contenu à mettre en valeur, la charte graphique sera différente. Remix –

Art The Wallery The Wallery is a place where international and emerging artists think outside the frame. → Continue reading The Wallery From the reader #14 Artist Vincent Kohler shows the different pieces of wood that are cut from a log. → Continue reading From the reader #14 The Rhein-Herne slinky If only every footbridge was as creative as the one over Germany’s Rhein-Herne canal. → Continue reading The Rhein-Herne slinky Showcase of beautiful booklets for design inspiration | DesigNirvana - Design resources, inspiration, tutorials and freebies Booklets are tiny books or magazines which holds a very significant role in the field of advertising and marketing. A booklet usually contains 5 to 20 pages of data, which can be text, images, graphs or illustrations. Booklets are usually found at marketing fairs, conferences, job fairs etc where people gather in huge numbers. Booklets are usually used by companies to inform public about their products or services. They are marketing pieces widely used by companies to publicize their annual reports or for showcasing their portfolios or achievements. In order to serve the purpose, booklets need to be really attractive and visually appealing in terms of design. This is a post to showcase some of those cool looking and creative booklet designs. Unlimited Portfolio Brochure Unlimited Portfolio Brochure Oko besede 2012 Yellow booklet Oko besede 2012 booklet design Corporate Business Booklet Mid Tech An editorial project about the dialogue between the analog and digital design A4 Business Booklet
