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Porting for an OS - lwIP Wiki The operating system emulation layer is located in two files, cc.h and sys_arch.c. It provides a common interface between the lwIP code and the underlying operating system kernel. The general idea is that porting lwIP to new architectures requires only small changes to a few header files and a new sys_arch implementation. It is also possible to do a sys_arch implementation that does not rely on any underlying operating system. Sources of information Edit In addition to this page, you should probably have a look at the doc/sys_arch.txt file that is shipped along with the lwip source code. cc.h This is a basic header that describes your compiler and processor to lwIP. Data types: u8_t, u16_t, u32_t: The unsigned data types. #define BYTE_ORDER LITTLE_ENDIAN or #define BYTE_ORDER BIG_ENDIAN Packet headers data is stored in network byte order which is the the big-endian mode. For example: Computing cheksums: IP protocols use checksums (see RFC 1071). #define LWIP_CHKSUM_ALGORITHM 2 Edit sys_arch.c

Pruebas - wiki XY-pic MásPáginasDeWiki (depruebas) Esto es un macro (\begin{xy}..... Mirad qué cosas se editan en dicho macro Pero esto lo hemos conseguido añadiendo una URL, no metiendo código. Y... por fin sale este dibujo! \begin{xy} \xymatrix{0 &1 &2 &3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 \\ \bullet\ar[u] & & & \bullet\ar[u] & & & \bullet\ar[u]} \end{xy} Por que esto ya funciona: Xypic permite comandos para las flechas, dibujar "diagramas de Venn" (que aún no sé por supuesto...) y todo tipo de cosas que se utilizan, vaya, líneas curvas, flechas dando vueltas... Aquí sigue siendo accesible un texto introductorio a xypic: Si editáis veréis en la figura "peine" que La [u] tras "ar", osea \ar[u] significa que desde el objeto sale una flecha hacia arriba; que es lo que quería dibujar ahí y que ha salido, una multiflecha (parte) metiéndose en el objeto "números naturales". Algunas cosas sobre las imágenes Si quieres meter una imagen: es bastante fácil, metes la URL y ya está.

How to Write a Custom Swing Component When you hear comparisons between AWT and Swing components, one of the first points mentioned is that Swing is lightweight. What this essentially means is that there are no real native controls "behind" Swing buttons, internal frames, and menus. Everything is controlled in pure Java, including rendering and event handling. While this provides a much more flexible way to create truly platform-independent components, the task of creating a custom Swing component that has a consistent look across all platforms and look-and-feels is not an easy one. This article walks through the process of creating a new Swing component of medium complexity and highlights the important points, steps, and pitfalls along the way. Basic Building Blocks The Swing architecture overview provides an excellent high-level overview of the architectural decisions that were made during the development of Swing. The main building blocks of all core Swing components are: Figure 1. The Component Class: UI Delegate Plumbing

.clay - latex symbols selector Enquête 2014 sur l'utilisation de 5250183310c61d5f2e013e25 - Mardi, 08 Avril 2014 Question : 1 sur 4 Comment évalueriez-vous 5250183310c61d5f2e013e25 sur une échelle de 1 à 5 (1 étant la meilleure note) ? Question : 2 sur 4 À partir d'où utilisez-vous 5250183310c61d5f2e013e25 ? Question : 3 sur 4 Combien de fois utilisez-vous 5250183310c61d5f2e013e25 ? Question : 4 sur 4 Naviguez-vous sur 5250183310c61d5f2e013e25 sur ​​votre téléphone mobile ? Envoi de réponses ... ©2014 All Rights Reserved. Your privacy is important to us.

The Architecture of Open Source Applications Converters from LaTeX to PC Textprocessors - Overview Up to the TUG homepage (external link) Up to Converters between LaTeX and PC Textprocessors homepage Switch conversion direction: From PC to LaTeX Author: Wilfried Hennings (texconvfaq "at", this page last updated on June 30, 2011 The url of this page is I maintain these pages because I need converters between LaTeX and PC Textprocessors for my work and I want to share the information with others who need it. This list is as good or as bad as its support, and it needs YOUR support to update and supplement this list. Neither correctness nor completeness is guaranteed. Note that this FAQ list contains information about converters ONLY between LaTeX and PC word processors. For the impatient, here is a table with overview of features of the most recent converters. General Remarks Before looking for a converter, stop and think about a principal question: What do you want to be converted in which way? There are several ways to convert. Free:

Chart: Samples This page contains examples of the charts that can be produced using JFreeChart. If you'd prefer to see a live demo, please try our JFreeChart Demo (web start) . Note: All the samples on this page are created using programs that are available for download (the complete source code) when you purchase the JFreeChart Developer Guide . The tooltip text for each image is the name of the demo application source file. Writing a Windows Form Application For .NET Framework Using C# Download demo project and source files - 20 Kb Introduction This article is a very simple introduction on writing a Windows Form application for the Microsoft.NET framework using C#. What is the starting point? Like every Win32 application source, we will start with the inclusion of some header files. using System; using System.WinForms; We will need some more namespace definitions, but I will explain them as we go along with this sample application. public class WinFileInfo : Form The next thing that needs to be identified is the entry point for the application. public static void Main () { Application.Run (new WinFileInfo ()); } The Application class provides static methods to manage an application like running, closing, and managing windows messages. How do I layout controls on the form? Since we are writing a GUI application, we need some controls on the form. First lets see what the output of this Form application looks like. public WinFileInfo () { InitForm (); } Yes, you can do it. !
