Roundabout for jQuery by Fred LeBlanc It’s ready-to-go straight out of the box, but if you want to get crazy, Roundabout is highly-customizable with an extensive API that allows for some pretty amazing results. Roundabout requires jQuery (at least version 1.2, successfully tested through version 1.7.2). It works in all major modern browsers and even some of the older, not-so-modern ones. It’s open source and released under the BSD license, meaning that it’s free to use in your personal or commercial projects. See Roundabout In Action Add-Ons Roundabout is equipped to play nicely with a couple of other plugins if they’re made available. Roundabout Shapes by Fred LeBlanc Roundabout can move in more ways than just a turntable. But That’s Not All! The list above is only a list of the plugins that have support baked in, but Roundabout will play nicely with many other plugins. Learn Support New in V2 The code is also a lot cleaner and better commented, which will hopefully allow you to get in there and tweak if you want to. to this: Usage
Backgrid.js - A powerful widget set for building data grids with Backbone.js Sidr - A jQuery plugin for creating side menus You will be able to create multiple sidrs on both sides of your web to make responsives menus (or not, it works perfectly on desktop too). It uses CSS3 transitions (and fallbacks to $.animate with older browsers) and it supports multiple source types. Get started Like any other plugin, you must include it after the jQuery script. For a better performance load them at the bottom of your page or in an asynchronous way. You have to include a Sidr Theme stylesheet too, choose between the dark or the light one, or if you prefer create one by your own. Using bower or NPM Instead of downloading the plugin, you can install it with bower or with npm: bower install sidr --save From a CDN If you want to load the scripts from a CDN to save bandwith or improve the performance you can use jsDelivr. Demos & Usage Here are described differents ways of usage for this plugin, you can read and adapt them to your website’s requeriments. The Simplest Usage Create a div called sidr and place your menu there. Cookbook
10 个免费超棒的编程用等宽字体 太多程序员没有太多心思去关注他们每天都在面对的编程字体,然后编码工作需要长时间盯着屏幕并阅读一些非常复杂的文本。一个好的字体可以很大程度上提升阅读代码的愉悦感,提高生产力。 本文介绍 10 个适合在编程时使用的等宽字体,它们都是免费的,效果很好。 1. Source Code Pro Source Code Pro 是 Adobe 的作品,可从 Github 上免费下载. 2. 作品来自 Mark Simonson studio . 3. DejaVu 的等宽版本,一个广受欢迎的开源字体 4. 一个 固定宽带的字体 ,外观和感觉都很有凝聚力,也是我最喜欢的 5. 一个 好看的和清晰的编码的字体 ,有两个不同版本 —— slashed 和 dotted 6. 一个 很狭窄的编程字体 用于减低间距减少滚动 7. Terminus Font 是一个简介、固定宽度的 bitmap 字体 8. 一个 编程字体 主要用于很小字显示 9. 不是最漂亮的 等宽字体 , 但仍不失为一个好的选择 10. Linux 上很受欢迎的 Linux distro’s font family . via typography-daily
Turn.js: The page flip effect in HTML5 7 Python Libraries you should know about , Reposted here. In my years of programming in Python and roaming around GitHub's Explore section, I've come across a few libraries that stood out to me as being particularly enjoyable to use. This blog post is an effort to further spread that knowledge. I specifically excluded awesome libs like requests, SQLAlchemy, Flask, fabricetc. because I think they're already pretty "main-stream". 1. pyquery (with lxml) pip install pyquery For parsing HTML in Python, Beautiful Soup is oft recommended and it does a great job. What immediately stands out is how fast lxml is. So either slow and easy to use or fast and hard to use, right? Wrong! Enter PyQuery Oh PyQuery you beautiful seductress: from pyquery import PyQuerypage = PyQuery(some_html)last_red_anchor = page('#container >') There are some gotchas, like for example that PyQuery, like jQuery, exposes its internals upon iteration, forcing you to re-wrap: 2. dateutil pip install python-dateutil Handling dates is a pain. 3. fuzzywuzzy 5. sh Done!
michaek/jquery-socialButtons TryStack: A Free Way To Try OpenStack With Your Apps marcuswestin/store.js Sass vs. SCSS: Which Syntax is Better? - Articles Since the creation of Sass nearly 5 years ago, it has been plagued by many levels of controversy. It billed itself as "a better CSS" and added brand new features unheard of to CSS authors such as variables, nesting and mixins. Sass also introduced an entirely different indentation-oriented syntax and a brand new perspective on how to author CSS. The Sass syntax The indented syntax of Sass was inherited from its first-born brother Haml. One common objection among Sass detractors is that the indented syntax is so foreign to CSS. And the objections trail on … SCSS to the rescue! In version 3 of Sass, the SCSS (Sassy CSS) syntax was introduced as "the new main syntax" for Sass and builds on the existing syntax of CSS. Those who are new to Sass have less to learn. Which syntax is better? If you are an old hat at Sass, chances are you've got an opinion about which syntax is better. I'm not even going to pretend to be unbiased in this debate. Pros for Sass Reason #1: The Sass syntax is more concise
jQuery Steps Overview jQuery Steps is a smart UI component which allows you to easily create wizard-like interfaces. This plugin groups content into sections for a more structured and orderly page view. Furthermore, it is as simple as 1-2-3 to add plugins such as jQuery Validation which can prevent step changing or submission. Features HTML5 and Accessability support Async (AJAX) content loading Form validation made easy Embedded iframe content Cool transition effects Keyboard navigation Simple Step Manipulation Multiple wizards in one page Easy Navigation State Persistence * And much more ... * The step position of each individual wizard will be saved into a cookie after a step change, add or remove if saveState is set to true . Download License Copyright (c) 2013 Rafael J.
RhodeCode ksylvest/jquery-age JavaScript secrets of I recently came across the site, which implements an amazing navigation experience through JavaScript and HTML5. The page displays dozens of page icons arranged into angled strips that fit the page, and when you click on one, the icons fly around the page while the clicked link slides in at the bottom. It's an amazing effect - if you haven't seen the site, click on the image below to try it. (Otherwise this article won't make much sense.) Looking at the page, I couldn't figure out how CSS and JavaScript could perform the effects on the page - the way the icons moved around, the angles of the icons and the page, or the way the page blurred and appeared. I set out to understand in detail how the page works. So how does the page work? If you do "View Source" on, you may be surprised - the page is mostly just a bunch of lists of text and links. <h2>Dynamic Pictures</h2> <span class="title">Dynamic Pictures</span></a>: <b>pictures that change</b>? BVLayer library