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Exporting from Rhino to .dwg, .ai - School of Architecture Digital Technologies Wiki Viewing Rhino objects in Shaded View All the Rhino viewport settings can be accessed by right clicking on the name of the current viewport and selecting from the view options (Wireframe, Shaded, Rendered, Ghosted, XRay). The default view setting for opening new Rhino files is generally _Wireframe Default view setting is Wireframe. Change the view setting to Shaded by right clicking on the viewport name and selecting Shaded. Change the view setting by right clicking on the viewport name and selecting Shaded. The Shaded view setting shows surface isocurves. The default Shaded view setting shows the surface isocurves (the non-edge lines on the surfaces of your objects). The surface isocurves can be turned off by editing the Object Properties of an object. To remove the surface isocurves (or perform any other operation on the properties of an object), select the object and click the rainbow colored donut button on the top toolbar. Two-dimensional lines in a Top view. Export Selected objects

The Hacker's Keyboard will become one of your top 10 Android apps Jack Wallen believes that the Hacker's Keyboard is a must-have Android app. Find out how to install, enable, and use the Hacker's Keyboard. I don't know about you, but the standard Android keyboard is not always the most efficient tool in the toolbox. This is especially true when using any type of secure shell tool where special commands and key combinations are necessary. And for anyone who prefers a standard QWERTY keyboard (complete with arrow keys, function keys, and number pad), the built-in tool just isn't enough. Fear not, oh noble power user, because there's a free app out there to replace the less-than-power-user friendly keyboard. Let's take a look at how to install, enable, and use the Hacker's Keyboard. Installation The basic installation for Hacker's Keyboard is simple. Open the Market appSearch for "keyboard" (no quotes)Tap the Download button to install Once installed, there are a couple of steps that must be taken care of before the keyboard will be accessible. Settings

Agentgroup rhinoscript code . a collection of scripts & scripted tools in RhinoScript for Rhinoceros. ContouRapid. Creates tomographic sections and orients them on XY plane (useful for fabrication with layering technique). ContouRapid_Rhinoplugin_Co-de-iT < Rhinoceros plug-in (for Rhinoceros v.4 & v.5) Gradient Descent algorithm. Generate two version ( normal and rotated) of a Gradient Descent Algorithm on a surface. Gradient Descent algorithm_Co-de-iT-RH5 <Rhino5 64bit VBscript( for Rhinoceros v.5) Convert annotation dots. Convert annotation dots in Annotation Dots+coordinate points or Text Labels and much more. Convert annotation dots_Co-de-iT-RH4< Rhino4 VBscript (for Rhinoceros v.4 sr7)

7 Clever Google Tricks Worth Knowing Email Below I have compiled a list of 7 clever Google tricks that I believe everyone should be aware of. Together I think they represent the apex of the grand possibilities associated with Google search manipulation tricks and hacks. 1. 2. 3. You’re connecting to a public network at a coffee shop or internet café and you want privacy while you browse the web. There are subscription services and applications available such as TOR and paid VPN servers that do the same thing. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bonus Material: Here is a list of my favorite Google advanced search operators, operator combinations, and related uses: Want more info on Google Hacking? If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)...

motej - a Wiimote library for JAVA February 2010 In these days at ZHA office we needed a quick and fast task to rename and manage annotation dots created previously. I wrote and custom for our purpose a series of RhinoScript from one of the codes archived on McNeel website . 1.RH convert_annotation_dot_to_points Option Explicit'Script written by Davide del Giudice'Script copyrighted by Co-de-iT'Script version Sunday, 21 February 2010 20:40:21 Call convert_annotation_dot_to_points()Sub convert_annotation_dot_to_points()Dim arrDots, strDotarrDots = Rhino.GetObjects("Select dots", 0, True, True )If Not IsArray(arrDots) Then Exit SubDim arrPt, strTextFor Each strDot In arrDots If Rhino.IsTextDot(strDot) Then strText = Rhino.TextDotText(strDot) arrPt = Rhino.TextDotPoint(strDot)Rhino.AddPoints array(arrPt) 'Rhino.AddText strText, arrPtRhino.DeleteObject strDot End IfNextEnd Sub 2.RH convert_annotation_dot_to_points_coordinates Rhino.DeleteObject strDot 2a.RH points_coordinate_ from_points NextEnd Sub Dim obj,pts,i,pointCoord

Less Popular Google Search Tips There’s not a day that passes by without searching for information on Google. We’re pretty sure that you’re aware of some advanced Google search operators like AND, NOT, etc. but here are some lesser known tricks that you can implement when you’re searching on Google. We bet you wouldn’t know at least one of these! 1. Some of you would have known the site: search operator. Forget the site operator and use the at keyword instead. 2. The nerds among us would frequently use the define: keyword to look up for definitions. You needn’t necessarily use the define keyword anymore to get definitions in search results. 3. AROUND(n) is an undocumented search operator and it will be of immense use when you’re looking for pages with two terms separated by n number of words. 4. You can use the tilde (~) operator to search for pages that not only contain the word that follows it, but also its synonyms. The next time you’re looking for cheap mp3 players, try searching for [~cheap mp3 players].

SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) est une spécification du W3C dont l'objectif est de permettre l'intégration de contenus multimédias diversifiés (images, sons, textes, vidéo, animations, flux de texte) en les synchronisant afin de permettre la création de présentations multimédias. SMIL est un langage de la famille XML. SMIL est le format utilisé par les MMS. Logiciels permettant de visualiser ou modifier du SMIL[modifier | modifier le code] Firefox 3.7a1pre lecteur SMIL 2.x (Logiciel open source)Ambulant Player, lecteur SMIL 2.1 (Logiciel libre (LGPL))limsee2 éditeur SMIL 2.x WYSIWYG (Logiciel open source)Helix player, lecteur SMIL 2.0 (Logiciel open source)RealPlayer, lecteur SMIL 2.0 (Logiciel propriétaire et gratuit)Apple Quicktime, lecteur SMIL 1.0 (Logiciel propriétaire et gratuit)GriNs, éditeur et lecteur de fichiers SMIL (Logiciel propriétaire et payant) Autres liens[modifier | modifier le code]

Ribs structure Dec07// Master degree at Politecnico di Torino with a computational design thesis TMD_tsunami memorial design competition, network as design tool::: prof.Roberto Apostolo, prof.Mario Grosso, Arch.Andrea GrazianoJan08// Join at studioGriffa, Turin as project architectFeb08// at DRL TEN exhibition, Architectural Association, London with K_pavilion project ::: visiting Zaha Hadid Architects London, attends co|de lecture: Shajay Booshan, Danilo Arsic Feb08// K_pavilion publicated at DRL TEN book.Mar08// UIA infopoint competition.May08// MCA, Mario Cucinella architects "Una stanza di luce" workshop at Cavallerizza Chiablese, TurinJun08// Workshop “Parametric Architecture” tutors Ludovica Tramontin Asp(e)x and Erich Schoenenberger(Su11 architecture+design, Pratt Insitute, NY, USA)Jul08/// Torino World Design Summer School “Prototyping the city” assistant tutor of EcologicStudio-Architectural Association, NSU-GSAPP-Columbia University and Politecnico di Torino+ Configuration 0 project.
