Time for a New Theory of Money by Ellen Brown By understanding that money is simply credit, we unleash it as a powerful tool for our communities. posted Oct 28, 2010 The reason our financial system has routinely gotten into trouble, with periodic waves of depression like the one we’re battling now, may be due to a flawed perception not just of the roles of banking and credit but of the nature of money itself. In our economic adolescence, we have regarded money as a “thing”—something independent of the relationship it facilitates. But today there is no gold or silver backing our money. Instead, it’s created by banks when they make loans (that includes Federal Reserve Notes or dollar bills, which are created by the Federal Reserve, a privately-owned banking corporation, and lent into the economy). Money as Relationship In the payment system of ancient Sumeria, prices of major commodities were fixed by the government. The concept of money-as-a-commodity can be traced back to the use of precious metal coins. The Credit Revolution
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Category:Payment systems Articles about ways money can be moved between persons, organizations, and locations, as well as how financial transactions can be executed. Subcategories This category has the following 21 subcategories, out of 21 total. Pages in category "Payment systems" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 296 total. (previous 200) (next 200)(previous 200) (next 200) AlertPay Fees/Pricing Structure for Indian Merchants | General AlertPay hasnow( on 14th May) merged with larger Payza. Read this AlertPay blog here. The result of this is that now AlertPay users will have larger payment options and currencies supported world-wide. Payza is among a few select international payment gateway companies allowing you to receive payments in Indian Rupees. Given Paypal's non-stop woes in India, Payza now is the simplest international payment gateway to receive credit card payments online & also in Indian Rupees. If you're a startup then start with Payza, opening account is free. Procedure to Open Account with Payza Visit Payza Click Signup Now button Select Country as India Select Personal Pro or Business ( Don't select the first choice!) Applying for your Ecommerce Website As soon as you login, in "My Account", in Message Center click the button "Start selling on your website!". This will take to a new page with this warning: Click "Add Website" & fill the questionnaire. Payza Fees Details for Indian Merchants Saliant Features
The Blog: Symbionomics Themes What follows is a synopsis of the major themes we are exploring with the Symbionomics project (see kickstarter link on the right). Obviously, this is just a starting point. We are open to these concepts growing and evolving as this process unfolds. With each theme, we are seeding an online video discussion (as linked to in the titles). Ultimately, we will have video forums for each theme. New Media: In the last twenty years, a wave of new tools has transformed the way we communicate. Flattr: A Social Micropayment Platform for Financing Free Works People have been talking about "micropayments" since the early days of the world-wide-web, so I'm always skeptical of micropayment systems. Flattr is an interesting variation on the idea though. It's a voluntary system, without the overhead or chilling effects associated with "pay walls" and it puts donors in control of how much they spend, allowing them to split their donations among beneficiaries based on a monthly "pie" model. The greatest asset of Flattr is its simplicity of use -- similar in many ways to the various social networking services that abound on the web today. Flattr may well succeed, and it may fill a niche of financing small projects from free software to online videos. I found out about Flattr a short while back, got an invite to beta-test the site, and have had a little time to play with the interface. The idea is pretty simple. Flattr functions very nearly like a social networking or social bookmarking site -- but with money So what do you get for your money?
Wirtschaftsinformatik aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Hier werden Themen der Wirtschaftsinformatik eingeordnet. Siehe auch Kategorie:Wirtschaftsinformatiker Unterkategorien Es werden 7 von insgesamt 7 Unterkategorien in dieser Kategorie angezeigt:In Klammern die Anzahl der enthaltenen Kategorien (K), Seiten (S), Dateien (D) Seiten in der Kategorie „Wirtschaftsinformatik“ Es werden 200 von insgesamt 219 Seiten in dieser Kategorie angezeigt: (vorherige 200) (nächste 200)(vorherige 200) (nächste 200)
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Micropayment Der Begriff Micropayment, Kleinbetragzahlung bzw. Mikrozahlung bezeichnet ein Zahlungsverfahren geringer Summen, die vor allem beim Kauf von „Paid Content“, also digitalen Gütern wie Musikstücken und Zeitungsartikeln,[1] aber beispielsweise auch beim Kauf eines Brötchens anfallen. Nach herrschender Meinung fallen unter Micropayment Beträge zwischen 0,01 und 5,00 Euro. Darüber hinausgehende Summen werden entsprechend als Macropayments bezeichnet. Diese Grenze wird allerdings in Praxis und Theorie nicht einheitlich verwendet. Die Bedeutung micropaymentfähiger Zahlungssysteme erwuchs im Zuge zunehmender E-Commerce-Umsätze Anfang des 21. Problematik[Bearbeiten] Bei geringwertigen Gütern stellt die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Bezahlung ein zentrales Problem dar: Herkömmliche Verfahren, wie Kreditkartenzahlung oder die Lastschrift sind ungeeignet, da hier die Kosten für die Zahlungsabwicklung oftmals den Warenwert übersteigen. Geschichte[Bearbeiten] Systematisierung[Bearbeiten] eGeld[Bearbeiten]
5 Reasons NOT to Pay Your Credit Cards Are you one of the millions of Americans trying to decide between paying your credit card bills and eating? John Galt -- Activist Post We live in a matrix that goes to unspeakable expense to nurture us from the teat to be good consumers. It is a brilliantly designed game: the banksters create a unit of money out of thin air; lend it to people with interest attached; get them to buy real items; then raise the rates, force people to work harder, hover like a vulture until expected default occurs, and rake in the forfeited assets. Sure, you get to "rent" a flat-screen TV, a car, or a home from them, making life in the matrix almost worth it. In truth, if there was real justice in America, the criminal banking cartel would be arrested under the Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, and their assets should seized and returned to their victims. Here are the top five reasons not to pay your credit cards: