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Welcome to the Don Wide Interest Web Site
Nationwide Educational Reform Campaign Sponsored by Donald L. Potter Don teaching Blend Phonics Unit 14 with cursive Purpose Statement Blend Phonics is an easy, single-letter phonics technique for teaching reading to student of any age which will prevent the development of whole-word dyslexia in beginning students and remediate whole-word dyslexia in older students. Goal The goal of this Blend Phonics web page is to initiate a nationwide campaign to make Blend Phonics Technique available to every parent, every elementary teacher, and every reading tutor in America in order to eliminate the current epidemic of artificially induced whole-word dyslexia. How it all started Several years ago I read the following stirring recommendation for Hazel Loring's 1980Reading Made Easy with Blend Phonics for First Grade by Robert W. "An effective answer to illiteracy … Let me offer a less costly, and more effective answer. That last sentence struck me with great force. What I have discovered What you can do

Magic Tree House #16 Hour of the Olympics | Rise To Reading Magic Tree House #16 Hour of the Olympics By Mary Pope Osborne Jack and Annie get to travel to Greece at the time of the ancient Olympics. Chapter 1 Where are Jack and Annie going on this adventure? Chapter 2 What great event was taking place when Jack and Annie got to Greece? Chapter 3 What is a philosopher? Chapter 4 Who is the poet? Chapter 5 Where do athletes train for the Olympics? Chapter 6 What kinds of things were in the Olympic parade? Chapter 7 Why was Jack angry at Annie? Chapter 8 Was Jack able to get to Annie when the guards had her? Chapter 9 Why did Jack close his eyes as he rode in the chariot? Chapter 10 What story did Jack and Annie bring to Morgan? Questions without Answers Chapter 1 Where are Jack and Annie going on this adventure? Chapter 2 What great event was taking place when Jack and Annie got to Greece? Chapter 3 What is a philosopher? Chapter 4 Who is the poet? Chapter 5 Where do athletes train for the Olympics? Chapter 6 What kinds of things were in the Olympic parade? Chapter 7

5ª ONHB – Sections: public_page pageTitle “Mas e Charles Miller, o ‘pai do futebol brasileiro’? Onde entra nessa história, se o esporte já era jogado por aqui desde a primeira metade da década de 1880? Afinal, é para este brasileiro de nome inglês que o nosso senso comum aponta quando o assunto é a introdução do futebol no país. Charles Miller nasceu em São Paulo, no dia 24 de novembro de 1874, filho do engenheiro escocês John Miller e de Carlota Fox. Durante boa parte de sua vida, no entanto, morou e foi educado na Inglaterra. Em 1894, retornando ao Brasil, Miller trouxe na mala alguns itens de sua adoração: um livro de regras do association football, uma camisa do Banister School e outra do St. Várias hipóteses podem explicar a origem do mito segundo o qual Miller seria, além de grande craque e divulgador pioneiro, o ‘pai’ do futebol entre nós. O jornalista Thomaz Mazzoni, foi, talvez, o único a descrever vários jogos no Brasil antes do retorno de Charles Miller, em 1894.

Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics BLOG DA ESCOLA OSVALDO ARANHA Progressive Phonics - Progressive Phonics Using E-Portfolios in the Classroom For decades, students have been completing assignments in school. Often, these were seen only by the teacher, graded and returned to the student. Sometimes, the work was posted on a classroom wall or in a school hallway. Many teachers kept portfolios of student work for report card conferences, and the rare teacher taught students how to build their own portfolios from their work. With more and more schools going paperless or migrating to the "cloud" (storing files on the Internet), student work has become more easily shareable, accessible by many, and more easily organized. Many teachers have turned to digital portfolios -- or "e-portfolios" -- for their students. However, with so many options for collecting and sharing student work, it's hard to know which method or tool to use. Defining Your Needs Here are some guiding questions to consider before you commit to a tool or platform: Can student work be made public or is it housed inside a "walled garden?" Some Options Project Foundry

Dr. Helen Barrett's Electronic Portfolios Using Technology | Electronic Portfolios in the K-12 Classroom The use of personal portfolios for assessment and presentation long has been a component of higher education. In fact, personal portfolios are a graduation requirement at many colleges and universities. Now, electronic portfolios have begun to enter the world of K-12 education as well. Learn what electronic portfolios are and discover how they can help you and benefit your students. "A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work demonstrating the student's achievement or growth as characterized by a strong vision of content," according to Todd Bergman , an independent consultant and a teacher at Mt. Helen Barrett, an assistant professor and educational technology coordinator for the School of Education at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, provides another definition, one developed by the Northwest Evaluation Association: A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas.

Pulso - Corrida, triatlo, caminhada e uma pitada de aventura - Iúri Totti: O Globo Com a participação de aproximadamente 1.500 competidores, representando 38 países e divididos nas categorias Elite e Faixa Etária, acontece, neste domingo (9/11), pela primeira vez, uma etapa do Ironman Brasil em Fortaleza, juntando-se ao tradicional de Florianópolis, realizado em maio na capital catarinense desde 2000. Na capital cearense, os atletas enfrentarão 3,8 km de natação, 180,2 km de ciclismo e 42,2 km de corrida que, aliados ao calor e os fortes ventos da região, colocarão à prova a resistência e preparo de cada um dos "homens e mulheres de ferro". A largada será no Marina Park Hotel, às 5h50m, para os atletas da categoria Elite e, às 6h, para os atletas Faixa Etária. Em jogo estão 50 vagas aos atletas Faixa Etária para o Mundial de Ironman em 2015, no Havaí, além de importantes pontos no ranking para os atletas da Elite, que também dividirão um prêmio de U$ 75 mil, entre os oito mais bem colocados, no masculino e feminino.

Apps That Rise to the Top: Tested and Approved By Teachers Michelle Luhtala/Edshelf With the thousands of educational apps vying for the attention of busy teachers, it can be hard to sift for the gold. Michelle Luhtala, a savvy librarian from New Canaan High School in Connecticut has crowd-sourced the best, most extensive list of apps voted on by educators around the country. “I wanted to make sure we had some flexibility because there’s no one app that’s better than all the others,” Luhtala said. 30Hands allows a user to make pictures, annotate them, record a voice explainer and then packages it all into a video. Adobe Voice is a recently released education product from Adobe that allows students to narrate a story over an array of digital images. Book Creator is only available for iPads, allowing kids to easily create their own iBook by importing images, multimedia, text, and audio. Tellagami is a tool to share quick animated messages. ExplainEverything is another tool for creating video like tutorials. Symphonizer is great for music classes.

o converter um PDF em Word Online | Dicas e Tutoriais | TechTudo O Word Online é a versão do processador de texto da Microsoft feito para rodar diretamente no navegador. Entre suas vantagens, por exemplo, está a facilidade de colaboração para redação de textos em equipe. Mas, como tirar proveito da ferramenta quando o trabalho precisa ser feito a partir de um documento PDF? Veja a seguir como convertê-lo e usar o Word na web. Veja como fazer etiquetas no Word Aprenda a converter um PDF em Word Online (Foto: Divulgação/Microsoft) Passo 1. Arraste o arquivo PDF para o Convertii (Foto: Reprodução/Paulo Alves) Passo 2. Insira e-mail e converta (Foto: Reprodução/Paulo Alves) Salvando no OneDrive Passo 1. Baixe o arquivo DOCX (Foto: Reprodução/Paulo Alves) Passo 2. Passo 3. Carregue o arquivo DOCX (Foto: Reprodução/Paulo Alves) Passo 4. Abra no Word Online (Foto: Reprodução/Paulo Alves) Pronto. Como reparar o Microsoft Office 2013?

sorting - How to sort the tasklist in the command prompt?
