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Low-cost bamboo housing in vietnam by H&P architects

Low-cost bamboo housing in vietnam by H&P architects
apr 08, 2013 low cost bamboo housing in vietnam by H&P architects vietnamese low cost housing by H&P architectssix member family developed by vietnamese H&P architects, the low-cost housing project is situated in a flood-stricken region that receives extreme temperatures year-round. meeting the basic residential needs of a residential dwelling, the building will be assembled using minimal components and bamboo module units. secured using anchors, ties and solid connections, the structure will be strong enough to float in floods. built with local materials such as bamboo, leaves and recycled oil containers, the concept combines traditional architectural characteristics to distinguish the exterior fabric. costing just under 2000USD per unit, the plan allows for mass-production, and the ability for villagers to build themselves. eight member family perspective eight member family diagram building steps materials concept 6 member family existing project details H&P Architects

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Crochet : galeries Picasa - Galerie Picasa de "… - Une bibliothèque de… - Une bibliothèque de… - Une bibliothèque de… - Une bibliothèque de… - Une bibliothèque de… - Une bibliothèque de… - Une bibliothèque de… - Une bibliothèque de… - Une bibliothèque de… Samedi 30 juillet 2011 6 30 /07 /Juil /2011 07:03 Je vous présente une nouvelle Galerie Picasa , celle de " Ursula " , qui nous propose un incroyable choix de catégories et de nombreux modèles gratuits ! De quoi nous satisfaire un moment , nous les passionnées du Crochet d'art . Clique sur les images pour aller aux modèles & grilles . Classical Klein Bottle Here's what Felix Klein had in mind back in 1882, when he first dreamed of a closed, one-sided surface. It's elegantly curved, with a side loop making a transverse puncture at the nexus. An Acme Classical Klein Bottle is big enough to show to a classroom, yet slides easily into your backpack for trips across the Yukon. With its center of gravity directly over its base, your Acme Classical Klein Bottle stands on its own -- no need for extraneous stands, complex levitation apparatus, or unreliable anti-gravity fields.

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