How to connect deeply with anyone (in 5 minutes) 468k shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter I’m going to share a game with you. This game will reveal incredible things about whoever plays it; surprise, shock and delight complete strangers, and has kickstarted more friendships than I know how to count. Play along and you’ll see. I want you to imagine a desert, stretching out as far as your eyes can see. In this desert is a cube. Your first task is to describe the cube. There are no right answers here, only your answers. As you look at the desert and your cube, you notice there is also a ladder. Now imagine that in the scene there is a horse. We’re nearly there now. Final question. If you’ve been playing along, this is going to be fun. Ready? The cube is yourself. The size is ostensibly your ego: a large cube means you’re pretty sure of yourself, a small cube less so. The vertical placement of the cube is how grounded you are. The ladder represents your friends. Are your friends leaning on the cube? The flowers represent children. Comments
Life is a game. This is your strategy guide 682k shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Real life is the game that – literally – everyone is playing. But it can be tough. This is your guide. Basics You might not realise, but real life is a game of strategy. Most importantly, successful players put their time into the right things. Childhood Life begins when you’re assigned a random character and circumstances: The first 15 years or so of life are just tutorial missions, which suck. Young adult stage As a young player, you’ll have lots of time and energy, but almost no experience. This is the time to level up your skills quickly. Now that you’re playing properly, your top priority is to assign your time as well as possible. This may sound simple, but the problem is you won’t always know what tasks to choose, and your body won’t always obey your commands. How to obey your own commands Many players find that when they choose to do something – say “go to the gym” – their body ignores them completely. This is not a bug. Where you live
15 Things That Emotionally Strong People Don't Do There is a particular aspect of mental strength that is the deciding factor of whether or not you will have a good life. There are many levels to mental strength and all are needed to be successful and happy. The one particular area of mental strength that has the greatest impact is that of emotional strength. Emotions are, of course, a part of our psyche, yet nevertheless, can be distinguished from the remainder of mental qualities because they most directly influence our physical body. They affect the way our body functions and they drive every single one of our actions. Without emotion, we would have no reason to act, to do anything with ourselves. Emotions are our greatest motivators. 1. Needing attention is directly linked to emotion. 2. Emotional strength requires resilience. 3. If you’re holding a grudge, then you already care more about a situation than you should. 4. Emotionally strong individuals do what they do because they love doing it. 5. 6. People are mean. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Hello uncertain world - Reaktor Johtopäätöksiä tai edes käyttökelpoista visualisaatiota ei useinkaan pysty tekemään datasta suoraan, vaan tarvitaan mallintamista. Mallintaminen erottaa kiinnostavan ja ei-kiinnostavan variaation, ja auttaa johtopäätösten luotettavuuden arvioinnissa. Pienehköissä projekteissa mallintaminen perustuu valmispaketteihin, joista kukin soveltaa yhtä, yleensä melko suppeaa malliperhettä. Esimerkiksi R:n mgcv-paketilla voi sovittaa GAM-malleja. Mutta mikään paketti on harvoin tarpeeksi joustava, joten pakettia valitessa tehdään kompromissi, joka jättää tiedettyjä asioita huomioimatta. Vaihtoehto olisi kirjoittaa ongelmaan sopiva malli, mutta sen estimoinnin joutuu koodaamaan itse. Valmiiden ratkaisujen ongelmat korostuvat, jos datasta ei ole osoitettavissa yhtä riippumattoman näytteen tasoa. Todennäköisyysohjelmoinnin (probabilistic programming) idea on vanha, mutta muuttunut viime vuosina toteuttamiskelpoiseksi. Mallintamista voidaan soveltaa näin kohteissa, joissa se ei aiemmin kannattanut.
Hållbart ledarskap | Det krävs ett hållbart ledarskap på grund av att organisationerna allt mer håller på att bli expertorganisationer, och Finland står inför stora ekonomiska utmaningar. Ett föränderligt arbete kräver av experter mer samarbetsfärdigheter. Det behövs kollektiv expertis, vilket förutsätter att man lär och gör saker tillsammans. Då hållbart ledarskap är som bäst uppnår man resultat och säkrar organisationens framgång. Ta i bruk nätverktyk SEFE vill vara ledande och genom sina medlemmar främja utvecklingsarbetet för ett hållbart ledarskap på finländska arbetsplatser. Hur kan du utnyttja nätverktyget gällande hållbart ledarskap? Du kan analysera nuläget av hållbart ledarskap i ditt företag eller i din organisation. Ta i bruk nätverktyget gällande hållbart ledarskap (på finska) Vad är hållbart ledarskap? Hållbart ledarskap betyder samarbete, mångfald och beaktande av individen i ett långsiktigt och dagligt ledarskap. Minneslista gällande hållbart ledarskap
Legal Challenges Related to Crowdfunding: Volume 3 Editor's note: This is a guest post by Antti Hemmilä, of Attorneys at Law Borenius, and our go-to person when it comes to the legal side of crowdfunding. See is past articles here, and here. I had a chance to write two blog posts about crowdfunding last year, published on 23 October and 26 November 2012. Shareholders’ agreement or notLet's face it. Professional VCs invest in your company in return of (usually) a minority stake of shares and with the aim of realizing their investment in the eventual exit (sale of the company or initial public offering (IPO)). So in my opinion every company planning equity crowdfunding should at least consider having a shareholders’ agreement that allows the execution of investments in the future (although shareholders’ agreements are not discussed in detail here, there is an earlier blog post on these that you can read here). It is almost like running a semi-listed company. SummaryEquity crowdfunding is still a rather young and developing area. inShare
Leading a Customer-Centric Transformation The Lewis Model Servant First, Leader Second “I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves.” -- Navy SEAL Creed Servant leadership. That’s a concept that comes easily to a Navy SEAL, because a SEAL is trained to lead and to follow. Team leaders are strong and bold, and have the ability to make hard decisions under the most extreme conditions imaginable. But they also encourage their team members to step up, share the power, and not hesitate to take care of business without waiting for further instruction. Servant leaders are not afraid to share the power. Here are four tips for becoming a better servant leader: Stop talking and listen. Today, when you interact with your team, start by truly listening.
How To Craft Your Pitch Email To Startup Media I would estimate that within my tenure at ArcticStartup the amount of electricity used to send us pitch emails could power the ISS. Ok, that's an overstatement. But the fact is that we get a lot of emails and I've become a connoisseur of the pitch. First of all, we're accessible. Tell us why you're doing what you're doing.This fits into the one liner, but it's worth mentioning separately. Tell us where you're from. Give us a story or trend you'll fit into We know startups, we know the region, and we have some idea of what's happening in this world. Embargoed news? Shoot me with some bullet points.Hook me with an intro and then provide the quick info that I'll use to fill up the story. Stats.We love numbers. The background info.I'm pretty good at scanning emails for whatever I need, so feel free to fill up your email with info after you get the quick facts out of the way. Let's Skype.This is a paradox but you can pull it off. Specials for our readers? After the story goes out: inShare
How To Become Valuable To A Start Up (If You’re Not An Engineer) For all the glamor and noble intentions attributed to start-ups, working at an early-stage technology start-up isn’t fundamentally dissimilar from working at an established technology company. Products are built, released, iterated upon based on customer feedback, and the cycle is repeated. And while I don’t think I’d ever want to trade in jeans and a t-shirt for slacks and a button-down, I know I could probably get a job at GeneriCorp, the company that makes automated accounting process optimization software for mid-sized wastewater treatment plants, and not feel totally out of place. One key distinction does exist between life at an early-stage technology start-up and at an established technology company, though: diversity of workload. These ancillary duties almost always involve coding, because a technology start-up is driven by software engineering. Marketing is perhaps the field to which programming knowledge provides the most benefit (but is most often glossed over). inShare
'Dropbox' Is Taking Over The World BEFORE Apple launched iCloud in 2011, Steve Jobs allegedly offered to buy Dropbox, a file-sharing service founded in 2007, for $800m. When Dropbox declined, Apple's late boss disparaged it as a feature, not a company. Soon after, Dropbox raised $250m, putting its value at over $4 billion. In December Dropbox concluded a promotional campaign that, in just a few weeks, added 2m new users, bringing the total to over 100m, roughly double the number when Jobs made his comment. Dropbox dominates online file-sharing. Most of them use the free version of the service. Dropbox relies on individuals and small firms, for whom its rudimentary security features are good enough; bigger businesses with sensitive information prefer more secure services like Google and Microsoft clouds emulate Dropbox in these respects. Dropbox is also striving to make itself the default choice for smartphone users. A bigger long-term worry is the plummeting price of digital storage.
Legal Challenges Related To Crowdfunding, Volume 1 Editor's note: This is a guest post by Antti Hemmilä from Attorneys at law Borenius. While crowdfunding is not a new concept, it is getting a lot of media attention nowadays. Crowdfunding is evolving and new crowdfunding platforms provide an excellent tool for financing different projects, whether these are art projects, game or hardware/device development or even equity financing. Lessons learned - How to plan your (non-equity) crowdfunding campaign to comply with Finnish law The crowdfunded book campaign by Senja Larsen has sparked a lot of controversy in Finland in the past few weeks (if you don’t know Senja's case, you can google all about it). The magic word when considering legality of crowdfunding campaign is consideration. If you want to run a crowdfunding project safely within the Finnish fundraising regulation, you need to design it as a pre-order scheme for physical or digital products and be very specific about the nature of the project. Antti Hemmilä inShare
The 3 Questions People Always Forget to Ask in an Interview