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39 People With Watercolor Paintings Tattooed To Their Bodies

39 People With Watercolor Paintings Tattooed To Their Bodies
Related:  Tattoo ideas

Books This belongs to Anke Hans. The quote is from Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slaughterhouse Five”. I did not know that when I got the tattoo, I had just seen it on Pinterest and got it at ‘Kingdom Within Tattoo studio’ during my holidays in Iceland last February ;-) This belongs to Bryce Cole, who got the tattoo on his birthday (July 6, 2013). This belongs to Fox. I read Slaughterhouse Five for the first time when I was 18 and it is one of my favourite novels. This was posted as a part of “So it Goes” Saturdays.

Custom Tattoo Designers | We're Obsessed With This Easy DIY Artwork Project (& You'll Be, Too!) UPDATE: The long weekend is the perfect time to start some new projects, so why not try this awesome (and so easy) artwork DIY? This story was originally published on July 25. If there are two things that have been commanding our attention lately, they're cool artwork and chevron prints. So, we were obviously pretty stoked to find a way to incorporate both — for cheap! Inspired by the work of artist Nancy Ramirez, two stellar Refinery29 interns collaborated on this easy-does-it way to spice up an empty wall. From the moment we spied this Nancy Ramirez painting on Pinterest, we were smitten. To do this project, you'll need: A canvas, in any size you choose Painter's tape Acrylic paints in your preferred colors, plus one bottle of white paint A paintbrush (or two, if you'd rather alternate brushes than wash one between colors) Scissors A disposable plate, wax paper, or scrap cardboard to use as a palette Paper towels or a drop cloth to cover your work area Et voilà!

Geometric Tattoos | theddi Peter Aurisch is a tattoo master from Berlin. Using a great mix of geometry lines and bold and fine colors Peter is definitely standing out with his tattoo style. Do you maybe plan to make another tattoo this summer? Bill Withers - Still Bill (Full Album) Illustrated Tattooed Disney Princesses | Senses Lost Wednesday, August 3, 2011 These tattooed Disney princesses were created by the illustrator Telegrafixs. You may also like Sexy Disney Princess Pin-ups Source: UFunk

Jen Mann's Return Today, we revisit artist Jen Mann since her last two previous features back in September 2011 and May 2010. Mann is currently based out of Ontario, Canada where she continues to produce oil on canvas paintings. Xoïl Tattoos Xoïl is a tattooer at Needles Side Tattoo in Thonon-les-Bains, France. > facebook Track of the Day: (24/04) - Electronic Diary Kink nous livre ici un remix magistral d'une track déjà épic ! Athmosphère techno épurée, beats puissants. Maginifique EP techno, où les beats se chevauchent. Après Shigeto pour son I Gave Into It présenté quelque part ci dessous c'est a Eskmo de nous présenter sa preview du titre Glacier qui figurera sur Outliers Vol 1. On avait déja dit tout le bien que l'on pensait sur leur récent et somptueux EP Stare (chroniqué ici: Ólafur Arnalds & Nils Frahm - Stare) mais on ne savait pas qu'un ces morceaux serait remixé par un maestro de la techno minimale: j'ai nommé Max Cooper. Oliver Schories a eu l'audace de reprendre cette merveilleuse track alternative très planante à la base et a réussi à lui inssufler une energie house incroyable. Entendu à l'inox park par Sven Vath l'été dernier, je cherchais désespérément cet Ep. Pas besoin de présenter Maxime dangles, activiste depuis des années de la scène techno francaise signé sur les plus gros labels bedrock, skryptom etc... Wow! inShare
