50 Facial Expressions and How to Draw Them
10 Awesome Infographics for Graphic Designers
As a graphic designer, you’ve probably designed at least a few infographics for your clients – or even for fun. You can create (and sell) infographics for any topic or industry, which means infographics can be a lucrative source of income. Some designers make a full-time living designing infographics alone. And while infographics always require the talents of a graphic designer, how many infographics have you seen that feature graphic designers? The following 10 awesome infographics were made by graphic designers, for graphic designers. 1. Learn what different colors represent and what emotions they stir, and when and how to use them in your own designs. 2. This infographic serves as a quick reference for the basic elements of design, complete with tips for how and why each should be considered when creating any design. 3. A humorous look at the daily life of a graphic designer – super deadlines, tons of work, frantic environment and (hopefully) good pay. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Archivos de videos e imagenes para copiar de pintura decorativa maBel
100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands | Brand Identity Essentials
ImageryColorDimensionContrastShapeSymbolsTypographyWritingStoryOrderVariationPersonalizationPsychologyProcessProductionDigital IdentityTrendsShortcutsSocial MediaMultiplesIntellectual PropertyDocumentationEvolutionCompetitionOriginalityWitIdealismAuthenticityCommitmentStrategyResearchTouchpointsInspirationSimplicity
realiser une girafe pas a pas peinture acrylique et huile
La peinture acrylique se mélange à l'eau , nous allons commencer par le ciel avec un mélange de bleu de blanc et d'ocre rouge pour casser un peu un bleu trop marqué. l'acrylique permet de réaliser des lavis un peu comme en aquarelle. comme vous pouvez le voir j'humecte la partie du ciel avec un pinceau brosse rond pour ensuite appliquer la peinture.
It's me problem too... Draw is not my best performance, but, one of these day !!! ;) by sergedemontreal Dec 15