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Why Schools Must Move Beyond One-to-One Computing

Why Schools Must Move Beyond One-to-One Computing
Perhaps it was the driving rain and the dark grey clouds of an approaching storm that contributed to the superintendent’s choice of words. He had spent the past month reviewing one-to-one computing programs in various school districts as he tried to decide whether his own district should commit to the enormous expense of a one-to-one program at a time of declining resources. His conclusion from his visits did not leave much room for interpretation. “Horrible, horrible, horrible implementation from every program I visited,” he said. With this absolute conclusion that one-to-one computing can lead to a waste of precious resources—including dollars and time—hanging in the air, he then asked me my thoughts on the issue. As many schools and districts are now rushing to buy every student a digital device, I’m concerned that most one-to-one implementation strategies are based on the new tool as the focus of the program. Seize the World Developing Leadership Leaders must be given the training to:

home List of the largest libraries in the United States A complication that arises when comparing the size of library collections is the different definition of holdings or volumes used by public libraries and academic/research libraries. The Association of Research Libraries uses the National Information Standards Organization definition of volume, which is "A single physical unit of any printed, typewritten, handwritten, mimeographed, or processed work, distinguished from other units by a separate binding, encasement, portfolio, or other clear distinction, which has been cataloged, classified, and made ready for use, and which is typically the unit used to charge circulation transactions." In contrast, the Public Library Data Service Statistical Report (a publication of the Public Library Association, which is a division of the American Library Association) defines holdings as "the number of cataloged items (number of items, number of titles) plus paperbacks and videocassettes even if uncataloged. See also[edit] List of largest libraries

Librarians Have Key Roles in Blended and Online Learning In January, I joined teacher librarians Steve Coker and Sarah Applegate from the North Thurston (WA) School District to teach a graduate library course at the University of Washington. This wholly online course made me think about the roles that librarians might play as online and blended learning expands in our schools. The points: online and blended learning Many other teacher librarians instruct at the university level in online or blended-learning scenarios. I suspect that more teach or collaborate in K–12 online courses. Online learning can be defined in a number of ways. Learning management systems (LMS) can support online learning by providing open-ended structures for the virtual classroom. The pivots Just as online learning disrupts the classroom and traditional instruction, it disrupts library and information services. We can support online learning by developing high-quality digital resource collections for students’ instructional needs.

8 digital skills we must teach our children The social and economic impact of technology is widespread and accelerating. The speed and volume of information have increased exponentially. Experts are predicting that 90% of the entire population will be connected to the internet within 10 years. With the internet of things, the digital and physical worlds will soon be merged. These changes herald exciting possibilities. Children are using digital technologies and media at increasingly younger ages and for longer periods of time. The digital world is a vast expanse of learning and entertainment. Moreover, there is the digital age gap. So how can we, as parents, educators and leaders, prepare our children for the digital age? Digital intelligence or “DQ” is the set of social, emotional and cognitive abilities that enable individuals to face the challenges and adapt to the demands of digital life. Digital identity: The ability to create and manage one’s online identity and reputation. Share Written by

QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Generator And Creator For Brochures, Print Advertising, Business Cards & Stickers URL Shortener. QR Code Generator. Landing Pages. Analytics. Make Way for Wikis Grandview Elementary in Monsey, NY, is one lucky school. Its media specialist, Sarah Chauncey, is a tech-smart pioneer. Using free software called (the “pb” stands for peanut butter), she spent two hours last month setting up password-protected wikis, or collaborative Web sites, for six classes totaling about 140 third graders. She created the wikis to give students a communal—and fun—space in which to sharpen their writing skills. “A wiki,” Chauncey writes on each class’s home page, “is a Web site that you and a group of people you permit can create and edit as easily as typing plain text. Wikis are fantastic tools for collaborative writing. For the year’s first two lessons, Chauncey will kick off writing for the school’s Web-based newspaper. Chauncey is right. Wikis have also been used to help students gain insights into world events. How Wikis Work Wiki, the Hawaiian word for quick, can refer to either a Web site or the software that runs it. The Wikipedia Model

Get Cracking on Code Matt Ferguson was in a dead-end job, and he knew it. He’d become a paralegal because it gave him flexibility to spend time with his family. But working in a small office, he had no hope for advancement, and he didn’t love the work. After researching different career options, he decided to learn about web development, an area ripe for growth. That’s what led him to the Louisville (Ky.) In a matter of months, Ferguson took a series of free coding classes through the library. Louisville’s library system (LFPL) is one of many across the country offering coding courses to community members. Transformative learning It was a program called Code Louisville that caught Ferguson’s attention in the first place. As part of the Code Louisville program, the library provides the learning platform and KentuckianaWorks (a workforce investment board and partner in Code Louisville) refers people to the library. Scoskie says that coding classes fit perfectly with the library’s role in the community.

Coding Skills Empower Us All |The Maker Issue Illustration by Marco Goran Romano We’ve all seen the hashtags: #code, #coding, #HourofCode, #LearnToCode, #programming. Code is trending in education. Some other questions from the skeptic: Where does code fit in the school day and a traditional curriculum? We’re not coding in schools to make sure every kid gets a job in technology; we’re doing so to give all kids the chance to understand and interact with the technologies—including the social ones—in their lives. What is coding? Coding describes a wide range of behaviors in which we solve a problem by writing procedural steps for a person, computer, or machine to follow. We might code a website that showcases our professional accomplishments with separate pages for teaching, writing, and extracurriculars. All code is about instructions, but the details of how it gets written change from platform to platform. Coding is a lot like gaming, maker pedagogies, and project-based learning. Why code? Learning to code can be a blast. or this:
