Visualizing Device Utilization Device utilization is a key metric for performance analysis and capacity planning. In this post, I’ll illustrate different ways to visualize device utilization across multiple devices, and how that utilization is changing over time. As a system to study, I’ll examine a production cloud environment that contains over 5,000 virtual CPUs (over 600 physical processors). I’ll show how well different visualizations work for an environment of this scale, including: CPU utilization heat map Command Line Interface ToolsTabulated DataHighlighted Data3D Surface PlotAnimated DataInstantaneous ValuesBar GraphsVector GraphsLine GraphsTernary PlotsQuantized Heat Maps Device utilization can be defined as the time a device was busy processing work during an interval, so a device at 100% utilization is active doing work 100% of the time. For any given device type (CPUs, disks, network interfaces), and any number of devices (from a single device to a cloud of servers), we’d like to identify the following: ).
Peter's Functions for Computer Vision To use these functions you will need MATLAB and the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox. You may also want to refer to the MATLAB documentation and the Image Processing Toolbox documentation Octave Alternatively you can use Octave which is a very good open source alternative to MATLAB. Almost all the functions on this page run under Octave. See my Notes on using Octave. An advantage of using Octave is that you can run it on your Android device. MATLAB/Octave compatibility of individual function is indicated as follows Runs under MATLAB and Octave. I receive so many mail messages regarding this site that I have difficulty responding to them all. Please report any bugs and/or suggest enhancements to Acknowledgement: Much of this site was developed while I was with the School of Computer Science & Software Engineering The University of Western Australia I thank them for continuing to host this site. Cheers, Peter Kovesi
Tools - KitwarePublic From KitwarePublic This page was based on Sebastien Barre's VTK Links: Tools page. These are not directly integrated to VTK, but might be useful in specific context. If you are using such additional tools in your daily work, then other users might need them too. BioImageXD BioImageXD - free open source software for analysis, processing and 3D rendering of multi dimensional microscopy images. 3D Slicer Slicer, or 3D Slicer, is a free, open source software package for visualization and image analysis. 3D Slicer is natively designed to be available on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux and Mac Os X. vtkCNMRRLibrary 1.3.1 The vtkCNMRRLibrary is a collection of classes built on VTK that extend VTK for use in MRI post processing. To download vtkCNMRRLibrary visit VTK Designer 2 VTK Designer is a graphical tool for creating and manipulating VTK pipelines. To download VTK Designer visit ParaView (S.
Truthy What is Truthy? Truthy is a research project that helps you understand how memes spread online. We collect tweets from Twitter and analyze them. With our statistics, images, movies, and interactive data, you can explore these dynamic communication networks. The name Truthy comes from a term coined by Stephen Colbert, truthiness, which describes claims that feel like they ought to be true, but aren't necessarily. What is a meme? How do you pick the memes for the Election Coverage tool? For the 'Candidates' election coverage selection, we have chosen the top four memes (by tweet volume) that contain "obama" or "biden" to signify the left, and those that contain "romney" or "ryan" for the right. For the 'Politics' selection, we determined the memes based upon the following criteria: #p2: Most popular left-leaning meme #ows: Most popular co-occurring left-leaning meme #topprog: Second most popular co-occurring left-leaning meme #dems: Official hashtag for democrats What is astroturfing?
Main Page - Computer Vision Primer Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit Facebook Platlas: Social Media Atlas Reveals All User Actions Platlas - the Facebook Version [] is not one of easiest interactive infographics around, as its attempts to provide a better understanding of the driving principles behind social media, and Facebook in particular. Branded as the "first ever social network ecosystem exploration tool", it starts from revealing the variety of actions users tend to take on the various social platforms available today. The center is the user profile, from which users interact with the icons present in the inner-most circle. More background information is available here.
Welcome Gandalf Home Page d3.js CVonline - Compendium of Computer Vision Overview CVonline is a resource for computer vision, machine vision, image analysis and some visual psychophysics and visual neurophysiology. The main elements are: Because of the improvements in the content available in Wikipedia, it is now possible to find about 1000 of the 2000 topics in CVonline. Topic Hierarchy in GoogleSites that index Wikipedia pages Wikipedia general topic pages Non-Wikipedia CVonline resources Additional Vision Educational Resources Editing CVonline Topic Hierarchy We had originally tried to create the hierarchy of CVonline inside Wikipedia so that the community could edit the structure. Administration We gratefully thank all of the contributors. Comments and suggestions to: , who is really Bob Fisher. Other CV Online Sites Please note that there are other "CV Online" sites, including: An employment services site in Hungary There have been accesses since November 1999.
LTI-Lib (C++ Computer Vision Library) Hive Plots - Linear Layout for Network Visualization - Visually Interpreting Network Structure and Content Made Possible The Computer Vision Industry David Lowe Note to the reader: I started this web page in the 1990's when there were only a handful of companies with computer vision products. Since then, computer vision has had huge success in developing useful applications, and it is no longer feasible for my list to keep up with the constant growth in the number of companies working in the field. Most large tech companies also have computer vision groups that are not captured here. I am leaving this web page up because many find it useful, but it should only be seen as giving some interesting examples of what is being done rather than being a comprehensive catalog. This web page only lists companies that develop computer vision products. Image Sensing Systems (St. Iteris (Santa Ana, California). MobilEye (Jerusalem, Israel). TrafficVision (Pendleton, South Carolina). Gazepoint (Vancouver, Canada). Mirametrix (Montreal, Canada). Smart Eye (Göteborg, Sweden). SMI (Berlin, Germany). Hawkeye (Winchester, UK). Vizrt (Bergen, Norway).