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Twitter For Learning: 7 Ideas For Using Hashtags In The Classroom

Twitter For Learning: 7 Ideas For Using Hashtags In The Classroom
By Anibal Pacheco, TeachThought intern Twitter For Learning: 7 Ideas For Using Hashtags In The Classroom If you are an Educator looking to use Twitter in the classroom you might have noticed most tweets include a #Hashtag. The use of the # sign with a word attached to it makes up one. I would recommend you search hashtag directory services like, and to see if somebody is using the one you want. When you visit one of these services you can enter a hashtag, view what it means and register yours using Twitter’s app authentication system. Here are some examples for Hashtag usage in the classroom. 1. Have your students engage in class discussion through the use of Twitter. 2. Create a topic hashtag for your class and have your students tweet answers to questions posted on the class Twitter account. 3. Have your student track the hashtag for upcoming events, assignments and announcements. 4. 5. 6. 7.

100 Twitter Tips For Teachers Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown. These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure. It has become a staple at many online colleges and campuses as well, leaving many academics wondering just how and if they should be using Twitter both in the classroom and in their professional lives. You have to start somewhere and these tips will help ensure that your first foray in Twitter is a great experience. Organize your Twitter. The Internet may be a virtual Wild West but there are some unspoken rules of engagement you should know before adding your two cents into the mix. Keep private conversations private. They don’t call it a social network just for fun. Ask questions.

60 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom By Category Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place. Teachers around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool (including TeachThought’s favorite), and we’ve shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we’ll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom. Communication Twitter makes staying in touch and sharing announcements super simple and even fun. Organization Twitter’s hashtags and other tools share a great way to organize information for your classroom. Resources Use these ideas to take advantage of the vast resources that Twitter has to offer. Writing Skills

50 Excellent Chrome Extensions for Students June 11th, 2010 Whether you’re heading to class for the first time this fall or if you’re a returning student, finding tools that make your studies a little easier is always a good thing. Google’s web browser Chrome has grown steadily in popularity since its release, and now there are numerous extensions for the browser that let you customize it to your needs. Here are just a few of the add-ons available that will prove particularly useful to you as a student. Basics These extensions will help make Chrome more secure, allow you to change your tabs, or make it easier to browse. Educational Tools Try out these extensions to learn more and keep your information organized. Google Dictionary: Simply highlight any word on a website when you have this extension and you can get a definition right there. Web-Based Research Make finding the information you need on the web a snap with these great extensions. Productivity and Time Management These extensions will help ensure you’re using your time wisely.

7 Ways To Get More Out Of Twitter Twitter is one of the most powerful tools available to a modern educator, student, or administrator. It’s a free tool that connects you to some of the most innovative and useful ideas the world has to offer. You can communicate with just about anyone in brief messages. This is probably a good thing for the more verbose folks who need some guidance in keeping their messages under 140 characters. Twitter as a Curation Tool  I have written and spoken extensively about the use of Twitter in education: In addition to the above mentioned uses of Twitter, I am increasingly becoming aware of the importance of Twitter as a CURATION tool for me. The term “curation” in itself has become quite popular recently. Mike Fisher has blogged about curation and what it means versus the concept of collection. Collecting is what kids do when asked to find resources for a particular topic. Mike created the following image to point out the continuum from collecting to curating The stages and progression of using Twitter as a mere consumption tool of collected information (by others) to curating information, adding value with additional perspectives, connections, resources or interpretation, the platform of Twitter as a potential tool for curation becomes evident. There are different sides to Twitter as a Curation tool: Download Twitter as a Curation Tool as a pdf file. Ex Follow #hashtags of topics or groups. Ex.

DiU 2-12 Sociala medier - verktyg för skolutveckling TMIKAEL PARKNÄS Rektor, Smedingeskolan, Kungsbacka E-post: I huvudet på en skolledare Sociala medier - verktyg för skolutveckling I en tidigare krönika berättade jag om Smedingeskolans utvecklingsstrategi som bygger på fyra delar: Best practice - dela-kultur - samarbetslärande - nätverkande! De fyra hörnstenarna är till olika delar beroende av vår omvärldsbevakning via sociala medier. Begreppet "det utvidgade lärarrummet" betyder att det finns tusentals kolleger runt om i världen på sociala medier. Ett roligt exempel var när våra TT-pedagoger hade en diskussion med ämneslaget i MaNO om hur de kan använda datorn i undervisningen, Då skickade man ut en fråga på Twitter och fick tillbaka många tips och ideer från pedagoger runt om i landet. Sociala medier är numera större än traditionella medier på Internet. Strategiskt redskap för skolledningen Min kollega Anders Norén och jag twittrar sedan två år tillbaka.

A Visual Guide To Twitter For Beginners You may have a Twitter account that you don’t use very often. You may tweet once in blue moon. You may just use it to ‘lurk’ during hashtag chats you enjoy. ( Check out our list of Twitter hashtags for to get started with that!) But you may not be a full-fledged Twitter user … yet. This dense and highly visual approach to understanding Twitter is just great. From the fine folks at Twiends , it lays out all the vocabulary you need, actions you can perform, and even gives a rough idea of what you should expect from Twitter. The below infographic is basically a beginner’s guide to Twitter except it’s one easy-to-read format: infographics! Click the image below to enlarge it a bit – that’ll help view some of the smaller text.

How to Find Anything Online: Become an Internet Research Expert Einstein once said, “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” The same could be said of intelligence. What they don’t tell you is that the “smart” people of the world are, in most cases, just better at researching and learning things than everyone else. But researching is a learned skill, not something you’re born with. And while some people might be predisposed to learn things more easily than others, it’s generally not enough to make a measurable difference. By learning how to research, you can quickly and fairly easily become knowledgeable about just about anything. It’s all there, online, for free. Start with Wikipedia Whenever you try to learn something new on the Internet, start with Wikipedia. The main reason to start with Wikipedia is that it gives a good overview of most topics. Sure, any given page is bound to have some inaccuracies (as is the case on most user-generated websites), but most of the content is generally reliable. Move on to Google Go Multimedia

Twitter for Researchers guide At my institution we’re really stepping up our support for researchers, and I’ve been doing a lot of stuff around the Web 2.0 end of the spectrum. I’m running a suit of workshops called Becoming a Networked Researcher, and I’ve been into departments to give taster presentations like this one: We’ve also finally completed a guide to using Twitter for Researchers. It’s more a Twitter for Researchers actually, rather than the process of academic research itself (although that is possible). The guide took a surprisingly long time to do – the difference between knowing stuff and actually writing an ideal version of it down in a document never ceases to disappoint me… Adding examples took a while too. Anyhow, here it is – feel free to use stuff from it, with attribution:

Twitter For Teachers: Erin Klein's Awesome 10-Minute Video Tells All 8 Ways To Turn Students Into Storytellers 4.08K Views 0 Likes In the era of social media and always-on learning, it's hard to take a step back. So how do you effectively turn students into storytellers amid distraction? 5 Quick Visual Guides To Earth Day 2013 3.02K Views 0 Likes Want to teach about Earth Day or create an environmentally-friendly project for students? 10 Secrets To Staying Motivated 7.47K Views 0 Likes Whether you're studying, prepping a lecture, or just need to focus on something, you should know about some of these secrets to staying motivated.

25 Twitter Tips For Students, Parents, And Teachers How To Use Mood Boards For Visual Learning 5.03K Views 0 Likes Mood boards are used for photography, game design, interior design, marketing, fashion, music, advertising and even architecture; but who’s to say they shouldn’t be used in the classroom? Free Technology for Teachers How Twitter has made me a New Teacher « Dukelyer TwitterThe other day I managed to pass a couple of Twitter milestones, 500 followers and 3000 tweets, and I made me really stop and think about how this thing that many of us use named Twitter has affected my life and my passion for teaching . I teach at a steadily growing, but really still small, country school in the lower middle of the South Island of New Zealand. The closest town is 20 minutes away and has a standing population 4-5 thousand people year round. Then I grabbed an opportunity to travel to an EXPO in Dunedin where I met up with a teacher who I had met the past year and he was Tweeting. It lay dormant for a few months and it took me many tries to even remember the password and username, but after seeing two passionate, knowledgeable and enthusiastic teachers mention Twitter and a PLN as part of their success I new that I had to give it a go and have not looked back since. Thank you Twitter PN: 13 hours later I have to add one more photo. Like this: Like Loading...
