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PowToon : Online business presentation software to create free, cool, animated, powerpoint video alternatives Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo Zaption - Interact & Learn with Video Lessons Using Google Chrome as a Calculator & Unit Converter There are tons of good things in Google Chrome which make it a really awesome browser, the lack of extensions is slowing going away and there are tons of Google Chrome Extension available to users. Other than that there are quite a hidden gems in the browser including a truly awesome auto-spell check and corrector. But did you know that you can use Google Chrome as a calculator and unit converter? To perform calculations using Google Chrome, just type the calculation in the Omnibar (address bar) and you should instantly see the result for the calculation in the dropdown with a =sign, to copy the answer just scroll down to it and copy it from the Omnibar. Similarly you can also use the Omnibar to perform unit conversions as shown in the screenshot above, once again you can perform both simple and advanced conversions using the Omnibar, copying the answer is similar to how we did it in the calculation above. What do you think about the feature?

Panoramio - Photos of the World Little Bird Tales - Home Dry Erase Whiteboard Paint for Home, School, and Work | IdeaPaint Buy Now We exist for one simple reason: to fundamentally improve the way people work. IdeaPaint was born from this very notion, a frustration with the way ideas were shared and coworkers collaborated. How can you think big when you write small? How can you harness the collective intelligence when it's awkward to share what's inside your own head? We could see the writing on the wall. Exploration leads to discovery. IdeaPaint is proven on the walls of the world's most innovative and successful companies. IdeaPaint is more than a tool. Leave your mark™ Order a sample Link to product pages Book a presentation to learn more

Kamishibai, el placer de contar y crear cuentos Kamishibai es un teatrito tradicional japonés que se usa para contar historias a los niños. Mediante unas láminas ilustradas el narrador va contando un cuento mostrando los dibujos según va sucediendo la historia. En este artículo descubrirás esta fascinante tradición milenaria para despertar la imaginación y la fantasía en tus alumnos fomentando así el gusto por la lectura y la escritura enriquecida por las herramientas 2.0. Kamishibai, en japonés, quiere decir “teatro de papel”; esta forma de contar cuentos es muy popular en Japón, suele estar dirigido a niñas y niños pequeños que van a disfrutar de él en grupo, también es utilizado como recurso didáctico. Está formado por un conjunto de láminas que tienen un dibujo en una cara y texto en la otra. su contenido, generalmente en forma narrativa, puede referirse a un cuento o a algún contenido de aprendizaje. No cabe duda que anima a los niños a la lectura y a los que son mayores a escribir cuentos. Se me ocurren tantas cosas....
