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Microsoft Tag
They're in your favorite magazine, on product packages, and bumper stickers. They're Tag barcodes, QR Codes, and other recognition technologies. You can use them to connect customers from your offline marketing materials to information, entertainment, and interactive experiences on their smartphones. People’s phones are an essential part of their daily life, connecting them to their entire world of friends and information. The Microsoft Tag marketing solution gives you and your customers the easy way to use a rich suite of recognition technologies, from QR Codes to the current Tag barcodes and beyond to the next generation in mobile, Near Field Communication (NFC). With the Tag solution, you also get access to free reporting that measures the success of each of your campaigns. Create Tag barcodes, QR Codes, or NFC URLs in less than five minutes using the free Tag Manager tool, then add them to your marketing materials. Marketing Goes Mobile Your customers are on the go. What Is NFC?
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create barcodes QR DataMatrix
You can encode either a link to a website, a message to a friend, or your contact details. Then turn the information into a mobile barcode, one that can be printed on stationery, advertising or packaging, a t-shirt, or even built into a website or a Facebook page - and read by an i-nigma enabled mobile device. Creating a mobile barcode is easy. Select what kind of barcode you want to create (QR Code or Data Matrix), then type in the web address (URL) or text you want to encode, and watch the mobile barcode being created, instantly. When you're finished, give it a title, and then scan, print or save it. The following requirements must be followed to ensure your mobile barcode will work effectively: Barcode size - Minimum 2cm x 2cm. White space surrounding the barcode - for best results, we suggest at least 4mm. of white space around the barcode. Scanning distance - A 2cm x 2cm barcode can be scanned from 10cm away.