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I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate

I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate

Born to Learn ~ Home The 8 Elements Project-Based Learning Must Have If you’re contemplating using Project-Based Learning or are already trying out the latest craze to hit the modern classroom, you should know about this checklist. It details if you’re actually doing it correctly. For example, does your project focus on significant content, develop 21st century skills, and engage students in in-depth inquirty (just to name a few)? If not, you might want to reconsider your PBL approach. See Also: What Is Project-Based Learning? The checklist is by the PBL masters over at BIE and they’ve outlined 8 different ‘essential elements’ that must be present in a project in order for it to be considered PBL. These elements are actually useful for even more than PBL. What do you think about this PBL Checklist? Via TeachBytes and

How Fourth Graders Are Achieving World Peace In 1978, John Hunter introduced a complex, immersive, interactive, collaborative, geopolitical game to his elementary school students. In 2011, he gained a global following when he delivered a TED talk about his 30-year experience of "Teaching with the World Peace Game." The talk was shared far and wide as millions were moved by his example of hands-on teaching. When I met John Hunter and experienced his humility, warmth and thoughtfulness, I caught a glimpse behind the effectiveness and sincerity driving his work. The Journey Leading to the Game Hunter grew up in the segregated South, instilled with a foundation in nonviolent social change. Many of his questions had no clear answers. Rules of Engagement The World Peace Game has two primary goals: Over 50 global problems (including climate change, rogue satellites, chemical warfare, massive oil spills, tsunamis, and ethnic and religious conflict) can be unraveled and solved.Every nation’s asset value must exceed its starting point.

The 7 Powerful Idea Shifts In Learning Today by Terry Heick, : Shift_Learning: The 7 Most Powerful Idea Shifts In Learning Today So we’re taking a stand here. This is all incredibly subjective, but so are the VH1 Top 100 Hair Bands Videos and those are fun, am I right? So subjective it is. Let’s make a list. Utopian visions of learning are tempting, if for no other reason than they absolve us of accountability to create itright now, leading to nebulous romanticizing about how powerful learning could be if we just did more of X and Y. But therein lies the rub: Tomorrow’s learning is already available, and below are 7 of the most compelling and powerful trends, concepts, and resources that represent its promise. The Challenge of Implementation It’s challenging enough to manage a traditional learning environment where the curriculum is handed to you, and meetings are set, and you’re simply there to manage; adding more ingredients to the mix seems like asking for trouble. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Western Philosophy 18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently This list has been expanded into the new book, “Wired to Create: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind,” by Carolyn Gregoire and Scott Barry Kaufman. Creativity works in mysterious and often paradoxical ways. Creative thinking is a stable, defining characteristic in some personalities, but it may also change based on situation and context. Neuroscience paints a complicated picture of creativity. And psychologically speaking, creative personality types are difficult to pin down, largely because they’re complex, paradoxical and tend to avoid habit or routine. “It’s actually hard for creative people to know themselves because the creative self is more complex than the non-creative self,” Scott Barry Kaufman, a psychologist at New York University who has spent years researching creativity, told The Huffington Post. While there’s no “typical” creative type, there are some tell-tale characteristics and behaviors of highly creative people. They daydream. They observe everything.

Technology and Education | Box of Tricks Can Schools Create a Culture of Learning By Doing? - Education What if we had a culture of "do" instead of a culture of "know" in our schools? That was the question posed by sixth-grade language arts teacher Bill Ferriter and three other educators at last weekend’s EduCon, an education innovation conference held in Philadelphia. Ferriter writes on his blog, The Tempered Radical, that the group came up with the question during a session designed to push educators to dream big and develop ambitious solutions for the problems facing schools. Although knowing academic content is foundational, he writes, students often complain about feeling disconnected from what they’re learning because they’re never given the chance to apply their knowledge in meaningful ways. Models like service learning are proven to boost student engagement and reduce the dropout rate, yet the test-heavy school culture has created an environment where teachers simply cover the curriculum and students regurgitate facts onto a test. Photo via (cc) Flickr user Mark Gstohl

3 Things That Have Slowed the Change Process Down in Education (And What We Can Do About It) There has been a lot of talk on the idea that education as a whole takes a long time to change. As an educator, this is a challenging notion, since we are seeing many people doing some amazing things that did not exist when I was a student. Change is happening but sometimes it is hard to see when you are in the middle of the process. Some things are out of the hands of schools. Here are some of the challenges we have had in the past and how we can tackle them 1. Education has traditionally been an isolating profession where we get some time together, but not nearly enough. How so many educators have shifted this “norm” is by using social media spaces to connect and learn from educators all over the world, and making a significant difference in their own classrooms, and creating much more engaging and empowering learning spaces. We need to make this happen and create transparency in our own classrooms. Make it go viral. 2. 3. Wow.

The Characteristics Of A Good School The Characteristics Of A Good School by Terry Heick For professional development around this idea or others you read about on TeachThought, contact us. When a society changes, so then must its tools. Definitions of purpose and quality must also be revised continuously. This really starts at the human level, but that’s a broader issue. When technology changes, it impacts the kinds of things we want and need. When these “things” are forced in with little adjustment elsewhere, the authenticity of everything dies. The Purpose Of School In An Era Of Change What should schools teach, and how? How schools are designed and what students learn–and why–must be reviewed, scrutinized, and refined as closely and with as much enthusiasm as we do the gas mileage of our cars, the downloads speeds of our phones and tablets, or the operating systems of our watches. Why can’t education, as a system, refashion itself as aggressively as the digital technology that is causing it so much angst?

יוטיוב - סרטים מזוית אחרת יוטיוב מזוית אחרת - סרטים אשר מספקים לנו נקודת מבט שונה על הדברים... • The Secret - סרט "הסוד" ע"פ הספר המפורסם. הסרט מתבוסס על תיאורית "חוק המשיכה" אשר אומר אומר שאם אנו חושבים על דבר מה מסוים, אנחנו בעצם יוצרים אותו וגורמים לו לקרות. הסרט מביא עימו תאוריות שונות על החיים ממורים ומאמנים שהגיעו להארה בנושא. (1 ש' 30 דק') • Thrive (שגשוג) - סרט למחשבה - מביא ראיות להגעת חייזרים אלינו, וראיות ליכולת יצירת אנרגיה נקיה זולה (שאפשר שהושתקה ע"י גורמים ממשלתיים). (2 ש' 12 דק') • Loose Change - זוית אחרת על פיגוע מגדלי התאומים ה 11 בספטמבר - הסרט המדובר. (1 ש' 21 דק') • פענוח יציאת מצרים - הסרט חוקר ומנסה לפצח את מסתרי יציאת מצרים ומציע תשובות לשאלת אמיתות האירועים בתקופת התורה על פי ממצאים ארכיאולוגיים ובעזרת טכנולוגיה ואנימציות ממוחשבות. • אימפריה בלתי נראית (empire invisible) - הסרט מוכיח קונספירציה עולמית - איך אליטה מצומצמת זוממת ממש מתחת לאף שלנו להשתלט בערמומיות על העולם. • מזון בע"מ (Food Inc) - "לאחר הסרט, הארוחה הבאה שלכם תיראה לגמרי אחרת...". • לתפור חף מפשע - הסרט המלא שהיה במבט שני.

