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Art of Hosting

Why the Art of Conversation Is Key to Sharing When Jason Simon graduated college, he had little tolerance for others’ beliefs. In hindsight, he pointedly observes, “I was inexperienced and lacked confidence. I thought I knew what truth was – what was in the best interest of humanity – and was resistant to other points of view.” Simon wasn’t aware of his close-mindedness or the effect it had on people until a close buddy told him, “Even your friends are intimidated. To his credit, Simon did something about it. Jason Simon of Caffeinated Conversations. And today, at 30, he’s made a career out of it. Simon is right: conversation is everything. Conversation is the basic unit of human sharing. Conversation is the engine that drives relationships. Two women enjoying a bit of sun, conversation, and coffee at Madame Rourkes Coffee Shop. Conversations tell us who we are. At its best, conversation is a non-zero-sum game. Two boys talking. We are designed for collaborative conversation. Check out the complete Conversation Commons series:

MindMeister The Art of Hosting Méthode de Décision au Consensus - Proposition à expérimenter et à - Groupes, Relation et Non Violence Les décisions peuvent être prises de manière dictatoriale (un individu décide), par la majorité, ou par consensus. Nous choisissons la décision par consensus car cette méthode de discussion/décision est la plus démocratique ce qui est consubstantiel à nos démarches de décroissance. Y parvenir est fondamental et requiert la participation, la volonté et la bonne foi de chacun-e. Le consensus ne consiste ni à atteindre un accord définitif ni à s’entendre sur tout. Les informations, objections, tendances de chacun-e sont réunies et synthétisées pour atteindre une décision acceptable pour tou-te-s ou l’approfondissement d’une réflexion ou d’un projet. Le consensus nécessite un accord de base sur un ou des objectifs et requiert la volonté d’y parvenir ensemble. Le consensus marche si les interrogations et les inquiétudes individuelles sont étudiées par la créativité de chacun-e et avec la dynamique de toutes les personnes présentes. Proposition pour une méthode du consensus Etapes du consensus

Overheard in D.C.: The Art of Conversation Conversation is an art form, and while some people are good at it, other can be downright awful. They can be crass, judgmental and feel far too comfortable with their conversation companion far too early. And as the conversation below demonstrates, they can sometimes say things that just put an end to the conversation altogether. Overheard of the Week Sunday night before MLK, Jr. Woman: Do you know the DJ here? We're only as good at publishing a weekly Overheard in D.C. as you are at eavesdropping and sending in what you hear. Hill Wisdom Some staffer bros are at a post-inauguration cookout and discussing the keys to media attention. One staffer: "They're always looking to write dog bites man stories. Also, in an embarrassed voice: "I admit it. Wanna Go Out? At the University of Maryland, two students are standing in a hallway looking at a noticeboard. Boy: "Oooh a speed dating event!" Too Much Information 10:30 a.m., on the L2 bus near Farragut. The Subway is Soooooo Much Better in New York - Collaborative mind mapping in your browser Design & Thinking - a documentary on design thinking Créateurs de liens depuis 30 ans ! L'information et le réseau sont des matières premières intangibles qu'il faut savoir exploiter et faire prospérer pour réussir, et ce, peu importe notre secteur d'activité. J’ai emprunté le titre de mon éditorial à François Pouliot, chroniqueur au Journal Les Affaires. En fait, ce titre coiffait un article paru dans la livraison du 12 avril 2014 du réputé hebdomadaire d’affaires québécois, qui portait sur les retrouvailles du Fonds Alpha, réservé uniquement aux étudiants de l’Université Laval. François Pouliot lui-même avait créé ce Fonds. Dans son texte, le chroniqueur relate une conversation qu’il a eue avec un président du Fonds, toujours étudiant, qui revenait d’une entrevue d’embauche chez une firme de courtage établie. Après quelques minutes seulement, l’étudiant s’est aperçu que l’on ne s’intéressait pas tellement à ses compétences financières. « Ton réseau, ton réseau, ton réseau, parle-nous de ton réseau », disait son interlocuteur. Je ne peux être plus d’accord.

The Art of Conversation [Main] [Previous] [Next] When you go up and talk to someone, the chances are that they won't just carry on what they're doing while they're talking with you, they're more likely to stop and adopt another posture (no doubt you can think of plenty of exceptions to this, but it's true most of the time). Also, it's normal to begin and end a conversation with some kind of greeting and farewell protocol (e.g. saying "Hello and goodbye."). Of course there are people who will just bounce up to you and say, "Have you done the monthly sales figures yet?" The traditional way of programming NPCs to respond to ASK ABOUT and TELL ABOUT (as in ask jones about monthly report or tell fred about election results ) doesn't really allow for such niceties. The idea is that an actor (NPC) typically starts in a type of ActorState called a ConversationReadyState that defines what he or she is doing prior to the conversation, and how the conversation is begun and ended. +++ ByeTopic "<q>Bye for now, then.

English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - Toolkit Try out these exercises to advance your innovative projects and build your adaptive muscles. Innovation may be essential these days, but what does that mean in the not-for-profit sector? There are two fundamentally different types of challenge that organizations face—‘technical’ problems and ‘adaptive’ challenges. This distinction is crucial to understanding innovation. The arts & culture sector is going through unprecedented changes that are profoundly disturbing ‘business-as-usual’ and increasing the need for new pathways to create public value. An innovation team’s composition and dynamics are potentially a reliable predictor of success when taking on a new challenge. Innovation teams must develop entirely new ways of thinking, break free from old assumptions, and initiate meaningful exchange and dialogue. By holding a multi-day “Intensive Retreat,” you create space to make crucial decisions, achieve consensus, and develop your approach to enrolling others in your project.
