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Bootstrap Xtra extends Bootstrap from Twitter

Bootstrap Xtra extends Bootstrap from Twitter
Bootstrap was built from Preboot, an open-source pack of mixins and variables to be used in conjunction with Less, a CSS preprocessor for faster and easier web development. Check out how we used Preboot in Bootstrap and how you can make use of it should you choose to run Less on your next project. How to use it Use this option to make full use of Bootstrap’s Less variables, mixins, and nesting in CSS via javascript in your browser. Not feeling the .js solution? What’s included Here are some of the highlights of what’s included in Twitter Bootstrap as part of Bootstrap. Variables Variables in Less are perfect for maintaining and updating your CSS headache free. Commenting Less also provides another style of commenting in addition to CSS’s normal /* ... */ syntax. // This is a comment/* This is also a comment */ Mixins up the wazoo Mixins are basically includes or partials for CSS, allowing you to combine a block of code into one. Font stacks Gradients Operations Compiling Less Ways to compile

15 Incredible Sites Built With Twitter Bootstrap Here at Untame we have a special place in our hearts that is only filled by one thing – responsive design and smart design (okay, okay: two things). Twitter Bootstrap is a flexible front end framework that provides developers and designers an incredible set of tools that they can wield in as large or as small a capacity as needed. In any number of uses, there are tons of great sites that benefit from the Twitter Bootstrap framework and we want to highlight just a few! The Pink League Improvely Discoursehq leanix CodrSpace BreweryDB Opencooks NoteSurf Resource Guru Gusta Cup Trek Bagel Hint Percentage Calculator Sweet Soundtrack NameVine Well there you are!
