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Sunset House
A self-built tiny house in West Virginia made completely from reclaimed materials and window pane façade. More photos here.
10 Homes Built from Straw | green-building
Written by Ryan Hollitz | 19 December 2009 Posted in Blog - Green Building New building materials could really make your house green from the ground up! Straw! :) via [thedailygreen.com] In the classic story of the Three Little Pigs‚ a naive piglet decides to build his home out of straw, which soon gets the huff and puff treatment by a big bad wolf, resulting in the poor little pig's untimely end. Many may wonder why a person would want to build a home made out of straw, but apart from providing a place to hide from the big bad wolf, they have some substantial benefits. Read on to discover just how right that first little pig was to build his home out of straw. Photos: Brett Weinstein/Realty Advocates 1. This unique, beautiful straw bale home in Oakland, California recently carried a $1.1 million price tag. Photo: JD Peterson 2. This gorgeous home, perched on owner Henry Siegel's 2 1/2-acre leafy lot, offers panoramic views and cozy comfort. Photo: University of Bath 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
McGlasson weeHouse
A small prefab home in Northern Minnesota designed by Alchemy Architects. Rent it here.
Earth Hands & Houses - Strawbale, earthbag and natural building courses
Alek’s Tiny House
I recently completed my tiny house and wanted to share. I designed every inch of this unique home and did most of the construction myself as well. About a month ago Itowed it from Iowa to its current location in Sebastopol, CA, where these pictures were taken. A self-designed, self-built tiny house in Sebastopol, California.
Being Somewhere - Low Impact Living
The Wee Treehouse
A 100 square feet treehouse near Woodstock, New York with solar and rainwater collection systems. Built by Linda Aldredge.
A Low Impact Woodland Home
The site before starting Hole dug and level, post positions marked out, dry stone foundation walls down, first retaining wall built against front bank. 30 or so small trees and a bit of chainsawing later. Lift logs, prop up, nail together and continue until no longer wobbly. Split logs over the top and palettes on the floor. Tree in to prop up sleeping platform. Straw delivery. Build straw bale wall inside, a fun and quick job. Pop windows in the holes, stuff straw into any gaps then chainsaw trim the bales smooth with cute roundy corners. Father-in-law and tool bench, 4.30am. Spring, mud on the roof, plastering and whitewashing done, landscaping nearly finished, beer brewing, bread in the oven.
Jennie’s Restored Spartan
Aloha! I just wanted to share my new tiny home. I found this old Spartan trailer at a yard sale, gutted it and my mom and I remodeled it with the help of a few friends. I am obsessed with tiny living and I just love your page A vintage Spartan trailer restored in California. Shared and owned by Jennie Porter. Originally shared at Tiny House Swoon.
Being Somewhere - Low Impact Living
New Booklet Now Available Wild by Design is a mini design toolkit to inspire creative solutions for people to live in harmony with nature This is a house I built for our family in Wales. It was built by myself and my father in law with help from passers by and visiting friends. 4 months after starting we were moved in and cosy. I estimated 1000-1500 man hours and £3000 in materials. Not really so much in house buying terms (roughly £60/sq m excluding labour). The house was built with maximum regard for the environment and by reciprocation gave us a unique opportunity to live close to nature. Some key points of the design and construction: Dug into hillside for low visual impact and shelter Stone and mud from diggings used for retaining walls, foundations etc. Click here for plans of the house The Building Process The Design: The design of the house comes mostly from the combination of the following considerations: NB.
Zen Cabin
A small treehouse sleeping cabin with Japanese-influenced styling in Mmonpazier, France. More info. here (translated to English).