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101 Landing Page Optimization Tips

101 Landing Page Optimization Tips
An Opinionated Guide to Conversion Do you have abandonment issues because your landing page bounce rate is through the roof? Wasting precious time and money on ineffective PPC campaigns? Never fear. The tips are broken up into 14 chapters: You can also download the original 101 Tips as a PDF. Chapter 1: The Fundamentals Sticking to the fundamentals can take you from having a terrible landing page to having one that people find hard to poke holes in. Send people to a relevant and targeted pageYour homepage is a mish-mash of goal oriented communication – and usually for good reason. Chapter 2: Trust & Security With the proliferation of spam, pyramid and get-rich-quick schemes found in online marketing, becoming a leader with regard to trust can give your pages an instant leg up. Show a phone numberBy having a phone number present, it tells people you are legitimate and that there are real people at the end of the line. Chapter 3: Landing Page SEO

Landing Page Examples Collection [NEW] Looking for some design inspiration for your next landing page? We’ve just started a new landing page examples section in the Unbounce blog where we’re going to feature the best examples of landing pages that we find on our marketing travels. In each post we’ll break down the anatomy of the landing page and look at what’s good and where they could be improved. To kick things off here are 5 great examples of lead gen and click-through landing pages: The thumbnail shown is only a small portion of what is a long landing page from cosmetics company Glow. View the full analysis We’ll be adding new landing page examples every week, and if you have one you’d like to submit for inclusion be sure to drop me a line at

Anatomy of a Landing Page: Design Elements Exposed Bryan Eisenberg | March 26, 2010 | 8 Comments inShare3 Understand the 10 key elements of a landing page from headline to presentation. Landing pages have become an important part of the marketer's toolbox. To create effective landing pages, you should understand the anatomy of a landing page and it should be part of your landing page and optimization framework. Not all of the following elements always need to be on a page to create an effective landing page. Logo: The visitor needs some way to identify who they are potentially doing business with. Look at your landing pages and your competitors' to see if you can identify these essential elements. In my next column, I'll explain the five dimensions of landing page element design that impact its effectiveness. If you would like to see some of these elements in action, you can sign up for an upcoming Webinar I am doing on April 1, 2010 - "Don't Be April's Fool: Proven Techniques To Maximize Your Advertising ROI."

4 Proven Strategies to get Discovered on the Internet The game has changed! The power of the internet means it’s now possible to build a broader and more profitable online audience by carefully applying some specific approaches and techniques. All it takes is confidence and an internet connection. According to new research, 78% of internet users conduct product research online (Source: Hubspot). This has changed the game for the marketing companies relying on outbound marketing approaches, such as email newsletter campaigns, TV advertising and telemarketing. More people are online than ever before. More people regularly use the internet to shop and investigate products and services before they decide to buy. Most of us have adapted quickly to being online so that internet use has become more sophisticated. People are more likely to avoid unwanted online ads by using techniques and technology such as popup blockers, email spam filters, and call rejection. How to get discovered # 1: Make the Link Better links equal better business What is a blog?

Landing Page Optimization tips: analysis of 50+ sites to find out what increases sales and conversions Last week I offered free conversion rate optimization advice on a popular forum (known as Hacker News). Within a single day I got 50+ requests for help. It was definitely an enriching experience analyzing and dissecting all those websites and landing pages. As I was replying and providing my feedback to those 50+ sites, I started sensing a few common issues that affected conversion rates of all those pages. Without naming any specific URL or site, in this post I will detail where those sites lacked and what you can learn from my analysis to fix your homepage or landing page. Four common issues with landing pages According to my analysis, one of these four issues (if not all) were the most common causes of poor conversion rates. Let’s analyze the issues one by one. Issue #1: Too much text Example of a homepage with too much text Example of a balanced webpage (text + images) So, what you need is a proper balance between graphics and text. Issue #2: Lack of descriptive headline Conclusion Tags

Anatomie d’une Landing Page qui Convertit Très Bien Une landing page est une page de votre site dont l’objectif est d’amener vos lecteurs à accomplir une action précise telle qu’effectuer un achat par exemple. L’optimisation d’une landing page consiste à améliorer le pourcentage de visiteurs de votre site web qui sont convertis en clients ou qui génèrent un lead (comme remplir un formulaire). Une landing page réussie est optimisée au niveau de son contenu et des éléments visuels qui la composent. Si le sujet vous intéresse, je vous invite à consulter l’infographie ci-dessous de Neil Patel qui présente l’anatomie d’une landing page qui convertit très bien. Tags: landing page Catégorie: E-marketing Trends: Be Discovered in 2013 via Content Curation and the Interest Graph My name is Ally Greer. I’m a marketer with expertise in content marketing and curation. You’ve probably never heard of me. With over 500 million users on Twitter, 175 million on LinkedIn, and over a billion on Facebook, you probably haven’t heard of most people on the Internet. That said, I’m certainly not here to tell you how flooded the Internet is and discourage you from jumping into the information pool. In a digital world characterized by an overwhelming amount of noise, everyone is struggling to find relevant content from people and brands with an expertise on a specific subject. According to Michael Brenner, cofounder of Business 2 Community, content curation is the process of identifying relevant content for your audience from multiple sources, modifying or editing that content to reflect the needs of your audience and delivering the content to the appropriate channels of distribution. The truth is, you’re probably already curating content. Enter a platform like

Your Landing Page Sucks! Here are 10 Examples That Don’t… Don’t take that too personally, I’ve not actually seen your landing page yet. Rather, I’m going to cling to the assumption that it sucks simply because most of them do. Sad, but horribly true. Note: I’m bringing this post back from the archives. A) because it’s timeless, B) because it’s awesome and C) as a teaser to an upcoming landing page examples post. This is 10 teeny tiny thumbnails of the soon to be heretofore thought of as the greatest landing pages ever seen on November 23rd, 2010. A real-world style landing experience Imagine walking into a restaurant, and finding that the decor is gross, the music is too loud, the staff look sketchy, the menu has 400 options on it, they have an award on the wall for “Best meatloaf in Idaho, 1995″ and to top it all off, the place is empty. Excuse me waiter, could I just get the back button please? Soooooooo, today we’re going to take a trip down to the Top-Notch Landing Page Store and see if we can rustle up something to inspire your next design.

E-commerce : 14 leviers pour booster son taux de conversion | Canal-Web, le Blog Canal-Web a souhaitée vous retranscrire un article, très intéressant, du Journal Du Net portant sur les leviers d’accroissement des taux de conversions des E-commerçants. Chronique de Hervé ZobenbiehlerE-Business Architect, Activis Web-to-store, showrooming, comparateurs, avis des internautes, indice de confiance… Si l’achat en ligne a engendré une mutation profonde de notre manière de consommer, les e-commerçants doivent sans cesse renouveler d’ingéniosité. Avec des milliers de sites e-commerce et des internautes versatiles, la génération d’un volume de trafic sur son site est nécessaire et convertir ces visiteurs en clients est stratégique. Développer ses ventes relève d’une juste combinaison de leviers mêlant expérience du web, connaissance de votre visiteur et vos produits mais aussi audace. Comment améliorer vos performances digitales ? Conseil N°1. On la néglige trop souvent : la baseline. Conseil N°2. Assurément, vos métas tags doivent être efficaces et votre site GOOGLE friendly.

Meet Lior Ron, The Guy In Charge Of Google's Big Attempt To Kill Samsung And Apple With An 'X Phone' Google's $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola wasn't just for patents. It wants to make a phone that can compete with the iPhone and Samsung's successful line of Galaxy phones. To make those phones, it chose Lior Ron to lead development of an "X Phone" at Motorola, the Wall Street Journal reports. From the outside looking in, Ron appears to be an unusual choice to develop a new smartphone for Motorola. For the last five years he's been working on mapping projects at Google. While good maps are important for a smartphone, they are hardly the deciding factor for anyone looking at buying a new smartphone. He appears to have no hardware experience. He lists himself as the cofounder of two companies — GaitAid and Mapsicle. Google needs Motorola to deliver a hit. Beyond the smartphone profits, Google is concerned about the growing influence of Samsung. Forking would mean that Samsung takes the base layer of Android, then starts customizing it. We don't know what Samsung is going to do.

Thank You Pages ​| Landing Page Conversion Course | #LPOcourse In Part 8 of our course, we’re going to take a look at what happens after the conversion – confirmation or thank you pages. Your marketing doesn’t end with a conversion. Where there is intent there is opportunity. What is post-conversion marketing?Why is it important?Lead gen confirmation pagesEcommerce click-through confirmation pages 1. Post-conversion marketing is the process of continuing the conversation with your new lead on a confirmation page. 2. Confirmation pages are an underutilized place to get more from your lead/customer. So what can you put on your confirmation page to further your relationship? 3. How you market to your leads after the initial conversion depends largely on what they have just done, and it’s very important to keep the next step as contextually relevant as possible. Here are some examples of post-conversion tactics you can use to leverage your new leads: 4. Ask your newly converted customers to: Remember to follow along with a free Unbounce landing page account

E-commerce : les taux de conversion de chaque secteur | Canal-Web, le Blog Canal-Web a souhaitée vous retranscrire un article, très intéressant, du Journal Du Net portant sur le performances de 9 secteurs d’activités sur le web. Kantar Media Compete et Google mettent à jour leur baromètre des performances e-commerce. Au programme : taux de rebond, de refus, d’abandon et de conversion sur 9 segments. Kantar Media Compete et Google profitent du salon E-Commerce Paris pour publier la deuxième édition de leur baromètre sectoriel de la performance de conversion des sites e-commerce français. « Cette deuxième édition montre que sur l’ensemble des marchés, les taux de conversion sont en léger repli par rapport à l’an dernier, analyse Philippe Plichon, directeur du pôle Transaction chez Google France. Prêt-à-porter et chaussure : un taux d’abandon de 64% Au 1er semestre 2013, le taux de conversion des sites de prêt-à-porter a baissé de 16% par rapport à l’année précédente (voir le précédent baromètre). Le High-tech bénéficie d’un taux de conversion élevé Méthodologie :

Landing Page Optimization ​| Landing Page Conversion Course​ | #LPOcourse Today we’re going to dig into the most fun, most satisfying part of course – testing! Believe me, after you’ve run your first successful test you’ll be hooked. Every day that you don’t have a test running is an opportunity missed. The landing page optimization process consistes of 6 steps: Define your goals and success metricsBuild your first landing pageDrive traffic to your pageGather insight into page performanceCreate a test hypothesisA/B test your hypothesis Having a process for Landing Page Optimization (LPO) is the difference between making informed testing choices vs. coming up with random ideas. The diagram below shows the 6 steps of the LPO process, which includes the preparation stages where you set goals, build your page and start driving traffic to your page. 1. Conversion expert Peep Laja from recommends a 4-pronged strategy for defining your goals and success metrics: Step 1: Define your business objectives Step 2: Define your landing page goals 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Les 4 piliers d'une landing page parfaite Accroche, visuel (image ou vidéo), preuve et call-to-action : les principaux éléments d’une landing page efficace sont connus. Pourtant, certains points méritent d’être précisés pour en tirer le meilleur parti. Les 4 règles à respecter Préférez l’émotion à la logique Comme dans la publicité traditionnelle, l’émotion obtient de bien meilleurs résultats que la raison. Identifiez la ou les émotions les mieux adaptées à votre activité : la peur, l’amour, le sentiment d’appartenance, le leadership… Essayez différentes émotions (pas une par jour, hein…) pour évaluer celle qui augmente votre taux de conversion. Choisir ses mots Les 4 mots principaux : vous : s’adresser directement à votre ciblegratuit : le mot magique qui surpasse toutes les réductions et bons plansmaintenant : une offre limitée dans le temps introduit un sentiment d’urgenceparce que : expliquer et prouver Cultiver sa crédibilité Parmi les éléments qui peuvent rassurer l’internaute Plus d’options = moins d’action Restez simple !

Comparing the Anatomy of B2B Landing Pages by inShare67 Last week, my partner and brother, Jeffrey and I were doing an in-house training for a large B2B marketing team. At the end of our training, we had them review a bunch of landing pages across the web to see how they could apply what they learned over the two day training. In this column, we’ll take a look at 3 landing pages: Since they all pretty much sell the same thing, I thought it would be interesting to show several processes we use to review each of these landing pages based on: The anatomy of a landing page and the key design elements found. The prioritization of elements based on eyetracking studies using Feng-Gui. The Conversion Trinity It might help to review this short video on how your designer and you should be working together to set the priorities for your page: Here is my analysis of the conversion design of these 3 landing pages (the video takes less than 14 minutes): Please give me your feedback. Jeff Sexton,copywriter teacher and messaging consultant shared:
