Why the marketing technology genie isn't going back into the IT bottle InformationWeek just published a guest article of mine, Why Marketing Should Run Its Own Technology. While I’ve been advocating greater technology leadership to marketers for a while, this is my first attempt to “reach across the aisle” and make my case directly to the IT community. Always up for a lively conversation, I don’t pull any punches, describing three structural differences in this new era of technology-driven marketing that I believe will limit IT’s ability to control it. Admittedly, in the seemingly zero-sum game of corporate budgets and power, ceding anything is rarely a popular opinion. But if IT can better understand the forces behind these changes, I hope it will inspire open discussion and fresh ideas for embracing the future. Because in the big picture, this isn’t a zero-sum game inside an organization — the real competition is in the marketplace. A recent report by the CMO Council and Accenture, surveying both CMO’s and CIO’s, reached two conclusions.
Email Marketing: scopriamo 3 tool per le nostre campagne Affidabilità, personalizzazione, filtro antispam: scopriamo le caratteristiche di alcuni strumenti utili a far partire campagne di Email Marketing! Dopo aver appreso i 10 segreti dell’email marketing grazie a Keshagura vediamo oggi alcuni Tool attualmente in circolazione per realizzare la nostra nuovissima e fiammante campagna di email marketing. Prima di iniziare ricordatevi di tenere in considerazione i tre step fondamentali per ogni campagna di email marketing che colpisca nel segno: budget, timeline e business case. Il budget è uno degli aspetti fondamentali soprattutto perché dobbiamo tenere in considerazione il costo della maggior parte dei tool. 1 – iContact State tranquilli, la “i” non indica un prodotto Apple e quindi anche i fedelissimi del mondo Android potranno utilizzarlo senza avere sensi di colpa. Il tool è stato pensato e realizzato per consentire anche ad utenti alle prime armi di creare una campagna di email marketing in modo piuttosto veloce e semplice. 3 – Mail Chimp
Metadata – the New Language of Marketing October 28, 2010 Monday I talked about the social networking bubble. Marketers are getting sucked into the social-networking vortex and can’t find their way out. Business information is just getting started. Metadata is the new lingua-franca of business. Accurate metadata is the new currency of marketing. Markets are conversations. Personal data will shift the power balance in the conversations. Example: media. Example: authentication and authorization. Interruption advertising will have to change. Brands will never recover. The Open Web will overtake today’s silo-based social web, giving people the ability to manage relationships and data from anywhere, any time, using any device, without relying on a single company or web site. Your industry needs your help, and you can’t afford to ignore it any longer. SEO will still be valuable, and it will keep evolving. What I’m describing are the arms, legs, trunk, and ears of the pull elephant.
The Secrets of What Makes a Product Go Viral Ten years ago, had you ever heard of the hand sanitizer Purell? It existed, but nobody really used it. Then one day, it was everywhere. Grocery stores placed dispensers at the door, nail salons gave it to clients, and people started carrying travel size bottles in their bags. With little advertising, how did Purell catch on? Jonah Berger, an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business, has dedicated his career to answering that question. "People often think that contagious products just get lucky," Berger says. According to Berger's research, specific circumstances and attributes empower consumers to share a given product. Related: Creative Problem-Solving Strategies to Test Your Business Idea As many as half of consumers' purchasing decisions are driven by word of mouth marketing -- it's trustworthy and far more targeted than traditional advertising. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Related: 7 Steps to Get Publicity for Your Business
Placebo, es-tu là ? par Jean Brissonnet - SPS n° 294, janvier 2011 « En fait, vous n’avez pas besoin de donner un placebo pour obtenir un effet placebo et donc nous pouvons maintenant réfléchir à comment nous pouvons maximiser la composante placebo dans des soins de routine. » Damien Finniss 2010 La scène se passe dans un bloc chirurgical où l’on se prépare à effectuer une opération de la cataracte. Le patient est étendu sur la table d’opération. On est passé quelques minutes plus tôt pour étaler sur sa cornée le gel anesthésique qui permettra de réaliser l’opération sous simple anesthésie locale. – « Il est prouvé, affirme le chirurgien, que dans un traitement médicamenteux, 30 % de l’action obtenue est due à l’effet placebo » – Non, affirme le chirurgien, du ton de celui qui tient la première place, ce fait est avéré et a été prouvé par de nombreuses études ». L’anesthésiste hoche la tête avec un léger sourire, mais ne rétorque pas. Historique de l’effet placebo La remise en question Les polémiques Figure 4
joliprint : Turn any webpage into a readable PDF Creative Google Maps Manipulations by Christoph Niemann | Tech V By Ryan Deal posted April 15, 2010, 9:28 pm | Maps are boring but they get you places… most of the time. Well, that is until now. New York Times illustrator Christoph Niemann has created a series of Google Map Manipulations that are clever, unique, and darn creative. Here’s a bunch of our favorites which are also available as prints. Enjoy! Loper OS » Non-Apple’s Mistake I’ve been patient, I’ve been gracious And this mountain is covered with wolves Hear them howling, my hungry children Maybe you should stay and have another drink and think about me and you.Jonathan Coulton, “Skullcrusher Mountain” The howls of protest coming from iPhone and iPad developers are loud and shrill, and are sure to grow louder and shriller as their Golden Cage grows smaller and smaller, as I’m certain it will. The Golden Cage is indeed a cage, and a strong one. It appears that no one (not PG, either) has a grasp of the real problem behind Apple’s tyranny. I argue that Apple now has not one but two monopolies: I) A nearly-total monopoly on computer (and pocket computer) systems designed with good taste. Mr. Imagine that every car maker save for Toyota insisted on using the infamous East German Trabant as a standard of quality – yet blindly imitated random elements of Toyota’s visual design. You want a non-tyrannical Apple? Edit: [3] What else would you call this?
SaveIE6: Help us save the best browser around Ousted Kyrgyz president quits, leaves country Ex-Kyrgyz leader unhurt in clashes Ousted Kyrgyz president Kurmanbek Bakiev arrives in KazakhstanInterim government claims Bakiev has resignedProtesters took over the main government offices in the capital last weekBakiev's departure follows days of rallies by opponents and supporters Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (CNN) -- Ousted Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiev left the country and resigned Thursday after negotiations among the government, the president, and international states and agencies. The Kazakh Foreign Ministry said a plane carrying Bakiev had landed in Taraz, a town in bordering Kazakhstan. An official in the interim Kyrgyz government, Edil Basilyev, a senior adviser to interim government chairwoman Roza Otunbayeva, said Bakiev had resigned. Kanat Saudabayev, Kazakhstan's secretary of state and foreign minister, said in a statement an agreement was reached with the interim government of Kyrgyzstan and Bakiev for the president's departure. "Mr. Video: Back to normal in Kyrgyzstan
The recession and the Web design industry Apr 15 2010 By Andy Warpole In the autumn of 2008, at least for a few weeks, it looked as if the very walls of capitalism were going to fall on to the heads of its participants. There was panic on Wall Street, in the City of London, Berlin, Paris and most major financial centres as stocks crashed and the politicians spent billions of taxpayers money to prop up the banks. As the vocal billionaire commentator George Soros stated: “This is a crisis unlike any other. 18 months later and the dark prophesies of a repeat of the 1930s have not materialised. Within the Western economies different sectors have faired better than others. Image by albertlaw The dot com crash For those that have been involved in the industry since its inception then this is the second time they have experienced a recession – the first being 10 years ago. In the late 90s both investors and the technology sector rubbed off each other in an orgasm of expectation. And the management were completely out of their depth.
Iceland Volcano erupts causing floods and air traffic delays Video of Iceland volcano Eyjafjallajokull erupting causing floods and ash as far as 5KM in the air. Iceland volcano eruption that cause major flooding and air traffic delays - Image BY: Ingolfur Juliusson/Reuters virtually all airports in Denmark, Norway, and North Sweden were all closed, while flights as far as London, 1000 miles away from the eruption were halted. The BAA Britain’s airport operator wrote on their official page “Major disruption expected – Following advice from the Met Office, the national air traffic service (NATS) has introduced restrictions to UK airspace this morning as a result of volcanic ash drifting across the UK from Iceland.” “These measures currently affect Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow airports, which are closed. Passengers are instructed NOT to travel to these airports. The delayed flights caused chaos in the airports leaving tens of thousands of passengers stranded. Iceland Volcano causes flooding video
The new CS5 branding A few days ago Adobe announced CS5, I say announced because nothing is actually shipping yet. From our previous endeavor we already knew that something new was coming. The cat is now out of the bag and we get to see what the design team at Adobe has been up to. In this follow up of our previous article we will also let Shawn Cheris, the lead designer for Adobe’s Desktop Brand team do most of the talking. The legacy of splash screens In our previous article you could read about the goals that they set out for the branding update. One of our first decisions was that the splash screens needed to be the hero again. That all changed with CS3. Aicher's Angles You've also seen in the previous article that an isometric grid similar to Otl Aicher's work for the 1972 Munich Olympics became the foundation of the new visual CS5 system. We didn't start with the grid, but ended up there as a result of the themes we were exploring: geometry, dimension, and translucency. View larger version Influences
12 Cool Terminal Commands for OSX Here are a list of cool OSX Terminal commands we came across and found worth sharing. Just run the commands in your Terminal.app and see what happens... 1. Add An Exposè Button To The Desktop If you have reconfigured the F9 and F10 keys to something different you may want to use exposè. This hack adds a bigish blue button onto the desktop to enable you to use exposè. defaults write com.apple.dock wvous-floater -bool YES killall Dock 2. This little hack enables the double arrow set for up and down, left or right, to be at both ends of the scroll bar. defaults write “Apple Global Domain” AppleScrollBarVariant DoubleBoth 3. Make sure the above is pasted as a single line. defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-others -array-add '{ "tile-data" = { "list-type" = 1; }; "tile-type" = "recents-tile"; }' 4. defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}' When your dock restarts, you’ll see a spacer in the right-side. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. say [string] 10. 11. 12.