Divine Comedy: Paradiso Wikipedia | The Empyrean
This content is from Wikipedia. GradeSaver is providing this content as a courtesy until we can offer a professionally written study guide by one of our staff editors. We do not consider this content professional or citable. Please use your discretion when relying on it. From the Primum Mobile, Dante ascends to a region beyond physical existence, the Empyrean, which is the abode of God. Beatrice, representing theology,[45] is here transformed to be more beautiful than ever before, and Dante becomes enveloped in light, rendering him fit to see God[45] (Canto XXX): "Like sudden lightning scattering the spirits of sight so that the eye is then too weak to act on other things it would perceive,such was the living light encircling me, leaving me so enveloped by its veil of radiance that I could see no thing.The Love that calms this heaven always welcomes into Itself with such a salutation, to make the candle ready for its flame St.
Paradiso (Dante)
The Paradiso assumes the medieval view of the Universe, with the Earth surrounded by concentric spheres containing planets and stars. The Paradiso begins at the top of Mount Purgatory, at noon on the Wednesday after Easter. After ascending through the sphere of fire believed to exist in the earth's upper atmosphere (Canto I), Beatrice guides Dante through the nine celestial spheres of Heaven, to the Empyrean, which is the abode of God. The nine spheres are concentric, as in the standard medieval geocentric model of cosmology,[1] which was derived from Ptolemy. During the course of his journey, Dante meets and converses with several blessed souls. "But all those souls grace the Empyrean; and each of them has gentle life though some sense the Eternal Spirit more, some less However, for Dante's benefit (and the benefit of his readers), he is "as a sign"[3] shown various souls in planetary and stellar spheres that have some appropriate connotation. The florin, the "damned flower," Canto 9.
Empyrean Lord - Aion Wiki - Aion classes, races, skills, and more!
The Twelve Empyrean Lords are powerful beings created by the god Aion to protect humans from the Balaur army. In time, the Lords would lose two of their number and become divided, leading to the war between the Elyos and the Asmodians as the two factions split up into the Shedim Lords and the Seraphim Lords. The Twelve Empyrean Lords [Edit] The Empyrean Lords are split according to the following groupings: Five Seraphim Lords: Lords of the Elyos[Edit] Leader: Ariel, Lady of Light Kaisinel, Lord of Illusion Nezekan, Lord of Justice Vaizel, Lord of Freedom Yustiel, Lady of Life Five Shedim Lords: Lords of the Asmodians[Edit] Leader: Azphel, Lord of Shadow Lumiel, Lady of Wisdom Marchutan, Lord of Fate Triniel, Lady of Death Zikel, Lord of Destruction Two Tower Guardians[Edit] These make the remaining two of the twelve Empyrean Lords, who sacrificed their lives to defend Atreia when the Tower of Eternity was shattered in the Cataclysm. Israphel, Lord of Space Siel, Lady of Time The Daeva[Edit]
Fallen Angels : 12,000 Year Old Ancient Texts Deciphered
Book of Enoch: Watchers and the Nephilim - Part 1/3
Numerology of Nine Grades of Angels.
The world tree or mountain are conditional symbols of a centre where there is the global vertical axis, that in aggregate with a horizontal surface of the world forms coordinates of world space. Namely vertical global axis corresponds with the central numerological number 5 which is in the centre of magic square of nine numbers in a context of numerology, and other numbers of the magic square symbolize horizontal measurements of the world. Horizontal and vertical measurements of the world are congruous, namely vertical axis has numerical gradation which are projections of numbers on a horizontal surface. Accordingly physiognomy of human facial traits correspond with numerological numbers on different coordinates which designate versatile phenomena of world around, but which coincide in features of a human face. The following page compares physiognomy of a human face to circles of the universe in the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. previous - upwards - following
Bird Tribes - Angelic Tools for Planetary Awakening
Who Are the Bird Tribes? by 'Feathers the Dawn' The most profound understanding of 'the Birdtribes' involves a grasp of the holographic, fractal and unified nature of existence. Shifting the lens to the world of differentiation or individuation, the metaphor of 'the Birdtribes' is also evoked in reference to angels, starseeds, benevolent interdimensional entities, divine and timely messengers. Bird Tribes throughout history - Both interpretations of the Bird Tribes - that is, of divine inspiration and benevolent individuated entity - are featured in the iconography of virtually every Indigenous, religious and/or folk tradition. Animistic and shamanic traditions the world over - from Ancient Greece and Rome to Africa and Native America - observe the appearance and movements of birds as portents - whether good or ill. As a Greek philosopher remarked,"The gods did not reveal all to human beings - but humans, as they apply themselves, learn more".