The Great Belly: A Yogini’s Lament poor belly Consider the poor belly, zipped up and girded, its protuberance detested. It is the underdog of the body yet hardly anyone comes to its defense – not even yogis. Just google “belly and yoga” and you’ll find hundreds upon hundreds of websites, classes and DVDs all devoted to blasting its fleshy folds to oblivion. Today we desire something called “abs” and getting them is all about cultivating core strength and power, about firing up the third chakra, the seat of our will. And clearly, women are in the greatest need of assistance. It seems pointless to deny that ‘abs’ signify willpower and control while ample girths signify succumbing to the mindless desires of the body. That’s what bothers me about the images fed to us by the yoga marketing machine. The Fall of the Sacred Belly I find it telling that the belly, once revered as a symbol of abundance and fertility is today so despised. es, everything – nature, stars, rocks and human beings were considered sacred. Our Second Brain
Origami Simulator This app uses a compliant dynamic simulation method to solve for the geometry of an origami pattern at a given fold angle. The simulation sets up several types of constraints: distance constraints prevent the sheet from stretching or compressing, face constraints prevent the sheet from shearing, and angular constraints fold or flatten the sheet. Each of these constraints is weighted by a stiffness - the stiffer the constraint, the better it is enforced in the simulation. Axial Stiffness is the stiffness of the distance constraints. Increasing axial stiffness will decrease the stretching/compression (strain) in the simulation, but it will also slow down the solver. Face Stiffness is the stiffness of the face constraints, which help the axial constraints prevent deformation of the sheet's surface between the creases. Fold and facet stiffnesses correspond to two types of angular constraints.
Z bloga Lumpiata w drodze: Dziewięć etapów bycia singlem Wejdź na blog Lumpiata w drodze Drugi etap bycia singlem - odkrywasz wolność i możliwości, jakie ona daje. Próbujesz wszystkiego. Trzeci etap bycia singlem - odkrywasz, że takich osób jak Ty jest całe mnóstwo. Czwarty etap bycia singlem - przemeblowujesz dom i zaczynasz przyjmować. Piąty etap bycia singlem - pierwszy samodzielny wyjazd na weekend. Siódmy etap bycia singlem - w piątkowe wieczory zamykasz się w domu, ustawiasz statusy "niedostępny" i smakujesz samotności. Ósmy etap bycia singlem - w niedzielne popołudnie chodzisz sam do knajpy i nie zwracasz uwagi na te wszystkie rodziny i inne stada ludzi, którzy nie lubią być sami. Dziewiąty etap bycia singlem - na imprezie poznajesz fajną kobietę.
10 Lessons on Filmmaking from Director Alejandro Jodorowsky Alejandro Jodorowsky premiered his first directorial feature in 23 years at Cannes this year with the fictionalized autobiographical film The Dance of Reality. The man behind cult favorites El Topo and The Holy Mountain delighted audiences with his magic-realist account of growing up in Tocopilla, Chile. It was met with a standing ovation, and the director called the film’s reception in France one of the proudest moments of his life. The Dance of Reality is marked by fantastic, surreal characters, from an opera-singing mother to an overzealous anarchist to a painted religious guru. Jodorowsky fans were treated to a double bill at Cannes this year alongside Frank Pavich’s documentary Jodorowsky’s Dune, a film about “the greatest movie never made.” The script became the size of a phonebook and the budget was blown, ultimately lending to Dino De Laurentiis picking up the book rights to have David Lynch helm. 1. I work with my family because it is a therapy. 2. We have limits. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Das Unterbewusstsein - eine Einführung » Start : Alle Artikel : Lernen, Denken + Kreativität : Das Unterbewusstsein – eine Einführung Unser Unterbewusstsein hat sehr viel Macht und Einfluss auf uns und unser Leben. Wenn wir lernen, diesen Einfluss mehr und mehr für unsere Zielsetzungen zu nutzen, finden wir in unserem Unterbewusstsein Hilfe und Unterstützung. Der Einfluss des Unterbewussten Ihr Unterbewusstsein hat z.B. Einfluss auf folgende Bereiche Ihres Lebens: auf Ihre Verhaltensweisen und Reaktionenauf Ihre Einstellungen und Überzeugungenauf Ihre Wahrnehmungauf die Bedeutung, die Sie den Dingen geben, die geschehenauf Ihre Gesundheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden,auf Ihre Leistungsfähigkeit und Ihre persönlichen Erfolge. Wie uns das Unterbewusstsein beeinflusst Unser Unterbewusstsein lässt uns beispielsweise bestimmte Dinge sagen, die wir mit ein bisschen mehr Überlegung so nicht gesagt hätten. Die Macht Ihres Unterbewusstseins muss Ihnen keine Angst machen Die wirkliche Stärke erfolgreicher Menschen liegt in ihrem Unterbewusstsein
DESIGN FOR SOCIAL CHANGE - betahaus | Berlin What is Design for Social Change? Design for Social Change (D4SC) is a win-win-win social impact business for communities, local businesses and global brands. We are creating Changify – A Kickstarter for civic change linked to a realtime locality and brand index where your change projects are brought to life by direct backing from people and brands in your neighbourhood and you as a Changifyer earn points to spend in local shops in recognition of your good work. As a Changifyer, you create local change projects by spotting, rating and reporting on things you care about by taking photos, sending texts using any mobile phone, along with positive/negative ratings of a local place or issue. You can also share these on Facebook or Twitter to get more online backers. We aggregate data across social media and your reports to create a realtime Good Index that reflects the neighbourhood public sentiment on local places and issues. How did you come up with the idea? What are your future goals?
Today I Learned Something New - Part 2 Today I learned that Britain has a constitution that is not written down in any single document. Unlike France or America, Britain has never had a major event – such as a revolution – that would lead to a new system of government. Consequently, there has been no need to write up a constitution. British constitution is set on principles and institutions that have developed over hundreds of years. Much of the British constitution is embodied in statutes, court judgments and treaties. The Allied forces included professional artists and other creatives among their members. Jack Masey, who was recruited at the age of 18, recalls his time in the Ghost Army: We were told we were going to be using inflatable equipment to try and fool the Germans into thinking that we were a real army, when we were in effect, I suppose, a rubber army. via Guest post. Did you know that a gang once stole a 10-ton metal bridge in Czech Republic? Nutty as a… via via Read more…
Blog Archive » Sweden is North from Berlin If you ask many people in this city, nothing exists in the North from Berlin. They are already suffering under the Nordic weather that we have here and would never even in case of an emergency want to go further North. Coming from the South I was always fascinated by the North. It could be that there are some viking and rural fantasies playing a role there. When I visited Sweden last week I was kind of surprised how quiet and idyllic the whole scenario is. A bunch of bloggers and me where chosen to discover Goeteborg and Stockholm. 10 things I found out: 1.The Swedish people were really thirsty in the past and built there cities on the water. 2. 3. picture: Matze Hielscher 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. In the upcoming days I will post a little shopping guide for Stockholm.