Barstock Kit Recently Viewed **sRecentPrefix** **sRecentItem** <div id="recenthtitem"><a _HREF_="_SSURL_?PRODREF=_PID_&NOLOGIN=1" ><img border="0" src="_THUMB_" width="75" alt="_NAME_" title="_NAME_" /><p class="actxxsmall">_NAME_</p></a><p><a href="javascript:DeleteRecent('_PID_');"><img src="xit.jpg" border="0" /></a></p></div> **sRecentSuffix** **sRecentEmptyList** Shop By Product By Manufacturer Information Home More Pages Best Sellers Little Demon V8 Plans (Download)
If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It: Ancient Computers in Use Today It’s easy to wax nostalgic about old technology--to remember fondly our first Apple IIe or marvel at the old mainframes that ran on punched cards. But no one in their right mind would use those outdated, underpowered dinosaurs to run a contemporary business, let alone a modern weapons system, right? Wrong! While much of the tech world views a two-year-old smartphone as hopelessly obsolete, large swaths of our transportation and military infrastructure, some modern businesses, and even a few computer programmers rely daily on technology that hasn’t been updated for decades. If you’ve recently bought a MetroCard for the New York City Subway or taken money from certain older ATMs, for instance, your transaction was made possible by IBM’s OS/2, an operating system that debuted 25 years ago and faded out soon after. A recent federal review found that the U.S. Here are a few stories of the computers that time forgot, and the people and institutions that stubbornly hold on to them.
Science centers Föreningen svenska Sience centers Föreningen Svenska Science Centers är en fristående intresseförening för science centers. Balthazar - Sinnenas verkstad (Skövde) Här är fullt av klurigheter och spännande experiment som blandas i tillfälliga utställningar och fasta upplevelser. Biotopia (Uppsala) Ett Science center i Uppsala med betoning på biologi och upplevelser av naturen. Dalenium - Gustaf Daléns Upptäckarcentrum (Stenstorp) Genom en spännande blandning av interaktiva stationer, experiment och vetenskapliga shower är Dalénium det perfekta utflyktsmålet för familjen, företaget, föreningen och skolan. Experimentlabbet (Kalmar) Experimentlabbet är fullt av spännande aktiviteter, utställningar och experiment som gör det lättare att förstå hur vår värld fungerar. Faktotum (Eskilstuna) Faktotum är ett Science center där experimenten har koppling till Eskilstunas industri. Fenomenalen (Gotland) Här kan du prova tekniska och vetenskapliga uppfinningar. Fenomenmagasinet (Linköping) Navet (Borås)
By Product Recently Viewed **sRecentPrefix** **sRecentItem** <div id="recenthtitem"><a _HREF_="_SSURL_?PRODREF=_PID_&NOLOGIN=1" ><img border="0" src="_THUMB_" width="75" alt="_NAME_" title="_NAME_" /><p class="actxxsmall">_NAME_</p></a><p><a href="javascript:DeleteRecent('_PID_');"><img src="xit.jpg" border="0" /></a></p></div> **sRecentSuffix** **sRecentEmptyList** Shop By Product By Manufacturer Information Home More Pages Best Sellers Little Demon V8 Plans (Download) How to complete 'Snake' and accept the emptiness of life It takes 13 minutes and seven seconds to complete Snake, the decades-old game that enjoyed a renascence through Nokia's early mobile phones. 13 minutes, seven seconds, one hundred pellets. But what is this endless pursuit of pellets for? What reward lies at the end of this snake's insatiable desire for food? Nothing. Victory in life only results in death.
What Teachers Can Learn From Vsauce's YouTube Show One of the Internet's most popular science stars explains why kids watch his lessons for entertainment. VSauce When I told my sons, ages 11 and 15, that I would be interviewing a series of unconventional and inspiring educators about their teaching methods, they insisted—nay, demanded—that I sit down with them and watch their favorite teacher, Michael Stevens, host of the wildly popular YouTube education channel Vsauce. They queued up their favorite episodes, “What If The Earth Stopped Spinning?” Three hours and two bowls of popcorn later, I’d become yet another number in the Vsauce subscription and view counter, and I’d also pieced together some theories on what makes Michael Stevens such an effective and popular teacher. Stevens understands that the best teachers don’t just hurl vast shovelfuls of wisdom at their students, hoping some of it sticks as it whizzes by. For example, in the video, “What If Everyone Jumped at Once?” Know your subject well enough to explain it to someone else:
Lunar Laser Ranging experiment - Wikipedia The Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment from the Apollo 11 mission. The first successful tests were carried out in 1962 when a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology succeeded in observing laser pulses reflected from the Moon's surface using a laser with a millisecond pulse length.[2] Similar measurements were obtained later the same year by a Soviet team at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory using a Q-switched ruby laser.[3] Greater accuracy was achieved following the installation of a retroreflector array on July 21, 1969, by the crew of Apollo 11, and two more retroreflector arrays left by the Apollo 14 and Apollo 15 missions have also contributed to the experiment. The unmanned Soviet Lunokhod 1 and Lunokhod 2 rovers carried smaller arrays. The Apollo 15 array is three times the size of the arrays left by the two earlier Apollo missions. Its size made it the target of three-quarters of the sample measurements taken in the first 25 years of the experiment. Details[edit]
56 hours, 81m points, and the fall of Missile Command’s 30-year-old-record Some numbers just stick out. Joe DiMaggio hit safely in 56 straight games. UCLA Men's Basketball won 88 in a row. And for the classic gaming niche, Victor Ali's 80,364,995 points on a single quarter in Missile Command looms just as large. Today however, seemingly out of nowhere, a challenger rose up and dethroned the 30-year-old record live on And, let's answer the natural question, how does Sandberg play for so many hours straight without breaks? Sandberg's Twitch page is relatively new, but it's filled with test streams of Missile Command play and his previous attempts at the record. Sandberg's performance will need verification from Twin Galaxies, the arcade turned international scoreboard for classic gaming (featured in the documentary Chasing Ghosts). Atari released Missile Command in 1980 and players have continued to strive for the record ever since (check out this newspaper clipping of a 40-million-plus round in 1981).
Marie Rådbo - astronom Intressanta astronomiska länkar Komet Hale-Bopp Planeterna Främmande planetsystem Sonder och satelliter Hubble Space Telescope Utforskningen av Mars Cassini-Huygens vid Saturnus International Space Station, ISS Keplerteleskopet Satelliter på himlen Undervisning Nationellt resurscentrum i fysik Hands-on Universe Amazing Space NASA Education Blandat Astronomins historia Nasas hemsida ESA:s hemsida ESO SETI, sökande efter utomjordiskt liv Dagens astronomiska bild Onsalas Rymdobservatorium Föreningen Svenska Astronomiska Sällskapet Chalmers Aerospace Club, en studentförening Bad astronomy Astrobiologi Nordiskt nätverk i astrobiologi Rymdkanalen Tidskrifter Populär astronomi Astronomy Sky and telescope App för kvällens stjärnhimmel Itunes Android