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101 Recommended Educational Web Tools

101 Recommended Educational Web Tools
Classrooms are fundamentally changing right now. You may not see it or even feel like it’s happening anytime soon. But the simple amount of web tools out there designed to genuinely improve education is astounding. With so many tools, it’s hard not to feel like technology is banging on education’s door louder and louder. In an effort to showcase some of the best web tools for teachers, many people put together lists, slideshows, and presentations detailing what they think are the most important or best. This presentation from Eric Schreefel at GoEdOnline is one of the most robust and useful lists around. 1. Related:  vivekyadav Encyclopedias, maps, online libraries, quotations, dictionaries & more. Cooperative Learning: Assigning Individual Tasks to Group Members Introduction When I first started using cooperative learning in my classroom, it was truly on a trial and error basis. And I'm here to tell you, I made LOTS of errors. I finally figured out that I was not giving my students sufficient directions and organizational tools. On their own, my kids determined who was going to talk (everyone), when the talking was to occur (constantly), and just exactly WHO was going to do WHAT (no one). Clearly, I had not given sufficient forethought to this. What follows on this page, as well as the Overview to Cooperative Learning and Grouping Strategies pages, is what I've learned from all my trials and errors. I'm not saying that I've covered everything here, but I am saying that this is certainly a much better way to start this endeavor than what I chose. Quick Links for THIS Page You may use the following quick links to go directly to what interests you on this page. Preparing Students for Group Work Return to Top of Page Members of each group should TRY to...

Downloadable resources - For teachers - Pearson Longman - best English courses. Christmas trees - for students Traditions of taking branches and leaves from trees into the home in the winter are very old indeed - much older, in fact, than Christmas. Christmas trees - for teachers Teacher instructions and answer key Da Vinci - for students When people talk about greatness, Leonardo da Vinci is often described as the greatest person who has ever lived. Da Vinci - for teachers Dealing with stress - for students We have all felt it many times. Dealing with stress - for teachers Films you will never forget - for students Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner is... Films you will never forget - for teachers Guy Fawkes - for studens Remember, Remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder, Treason and Plot, I know of no reason Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes - for teachers Hurricane - for students Severe and extensive damage; the air is filled with spray, it is almost impossible to see. 118 km/h and Hurricane - for teachers New Year is Here - for students

20 Great Websites For Elementary Educators 6 Time-Saving Writing Apps For Students 10.00K Views 0 Likes For anyone who has ever had to write a paper, you know that getting the ideas down when they come to you is important. These mobile apps will get you started and keep you going. The 12 Technologies Forever Changing School Libraries

About SirsiDynix Ingenuity wasn't born overnight. For more than 30 years, libraries have used SirsiDynix technologies to bring the power of their collections to their communities. Our story began when Northwestern University developed a system to automate its library card catalogs in the 1960s. Since then, we have been a committed partner to libraries around the world, employing technology that allows librarians to do more than just keep track of their collection. Today, more than 23,000 library facilities in more than 70 countries use our products and services to bring the power of knowledge and information to 300 million users worldwide. As stated in the American Library Association's 2010 State of America's Libraries Report, "The local library, a traditional source of free access to books, magazines, CDs and DVDs, has become a lifeline, offering technology training and workshops on topics that ranged from resume-writing to job-interview skills." Libraries today are more than buildings full of books.

GoConqr - Changing the way you learn Free online support for teachers Skip to main content View related sites Change Language We use cookies. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies Accept The 10 Best Web Tools For Flipped Classrooms While flipping the classroom is still one of the hottest trends in education, it’s got nothing on time-saving and downright useful apps and web tools. In an effort to provide a quick look at some of the best web tools for flipped classrooms, I thought it would be useful to poll the @Edudemic Twitter followers . Including the tweets, I also got at least 40 emails from friends, colleagues, and administrators from around the world. One thing stood out to me: there were a lot of repeats! Many folks who have tried the flipped classroom model or are currently deploying it have leveraged a lot of the same web tools. Below is a simple list designed to help get any educator, administrator, student, or parent a bit more familiar with some of the most popular web tools for flipped classrooms. Wikispaces Using In Flipped Classrooms: Many teachers who wrote into the ol’ Edudemic account say they use Wikispaces to power their classroom blog. Poll Everywhere Edmodo Screencast Celly Dropbox YouTube Twitter

Directories - Libraries Digital Librarian: a librarian's choice of the best of the Web Directories: Libraries See Also: Librariana Africa Research Central - California State University, San Bernardino. Les bibliothèques sur Internet en France dans le monde Association des Directers de Bibliotheques Departmentals de Pret. University Libraries Italian Internet library catalogues (OPACs) Special Libraries Government Libraries Australian Libraries Gateway - National Library of Australia. - Database contains location and descriptive information about a wide variety of health and biomedical resources. The European Library - Portal to The European Library British Library integrated catalogue, Biblioteca Nacional (Portugal), Online-Katalog Der Deutschen Bibliothek, Helsingin Yliopiston Kirjasto (main catalogue), SBN OPAC (Italy), Koninklijke Bibliotheek (main catalogue), OPAC HELVETICAT (SNL), and Slovenian National Bibliography. Guide to libraries and documentation services - Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Netherlands. Africa Asia Australasia

New Padagogy Wheel Helps You Integrate Technology Using SAMR Model Sometimes a visual guide comes along and it just makes total sense. That’s how I felt about Allan Carrington’s clever ‘Padagogy Wheel‘ which we featured on Edudemic last week. Check out the previous version then view the one below to see the differences. From what I can tell, putting the wheel on this site has generated a bit of buzz and I’m glad we could help spread the knowledge. But I was quite amazed this morning when I saw that the Padagogy Wheel had been updated. This new Padagogy Wheel (which honestly is less about iPads and more about technology integration now) should encourage you to focus on redefining your current standards, the current role tech plays in your classroom, and just about everything else. Want to print out the poster? The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

ESL Classroom Fun Teaching Tools - Game Count Down timers Free ESL/EFL Online & Classroom Games ESL Games World is the ultimate English learning fun lab with lots of interactive exercises for teachers and students of English. This site is brought to you free of charge by the same team that brought you the, and We have no doubt that you will find this website a handy tool for your teaching and learning of English. ESL Powerpoint (PPT) Games If you are the type of person who prefers to have games on powerpoint or as printable handouts, we have been thinking of you. It is total fun and highly engaging fun lessons with these resources. Printable ESL Board and Card Games We offer a variety of printable ESL board games and card games to help give your students lots of communicative practice.

50 Education Technology Tools You Can Start Using Today 6 Time-Saving Writing Apps For Students 8.22K Views 0 Likes For anyone who has ever had to write a paper, you know that getting the ideas down when they come to you is important. 5 Useful iPhone Apps For Student Bloggers
