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Pixar theory: This grand unified theory explains how Monsters Inc.’s Boo grows up to be the elderly witch from Brave. Courtesy of Pixar Back in July, Jon Negroni went down an animated wormhole with his Grand Unified Theory of Pixar, an absurdly close reading of the studio’s canon that weaves together each of its 14 feature films to create a world that stretches several thousand years into the future only to eventually loop back upon itself. Negroni has condensed his original theory for Slate. (A longer version of this article originally appeared on Negroni's personal blog.) The Grand Unified Theory of Pixar is a long tale, spanning centuries, of a struggle for the domination of Earth among humans, animals with humanlike consciousness, and sentient inanimate objects—AI machines. 1. 2. So, what happens to the animals that the witch experiments on? The next movie in the universe’s timeline is The Incredibles, which is set in the 1950s and ’60s and falls nine or so centuries after Brave on the Pixar timeline. This marks the beginning of the rise of the AI machines. Screengrab courtesy of Jon Negroni/Pixar Edge Animate CC JavaScript API Anatomy of an Edge Animate Composition Edge Animate Runtime Edge Animate animations depend on the Edge timeline and symbol JavaScript libraries. This documentation corresponds with version 3.0 of those libraries. You can download an un-minified version of the Animate runtime and preloader for your reference here. Download the unminified Edge Animate runtime. CDN Hosting Using the Adobe Content Distribution Network (CDN) is a great way to speed up Animate composition delivery. Don't use the CDN if your composition needs to run without an Internet connection or if you want to use your own hosting exclusively. The Animate Runtime CDN uses the following URL: The HTML page Edge Animate inserts a single JavaScript tag in the of the HTML page, which allows the composition to download progressively. Note: When debugging (especially in Chrome or Safari) you may need to refresh the browser in order to see all the files used by your composition. JavaScript files project-name_edgePreload.js Triggers Events : le web design puisé à la source Little origami elephant You know how sometimes you need to take a break from work and fold an elephant? Here's my attempt, following this YouTube video in which Jo Nakashima shows how to make an origami elephant designed by Li Jun. This guy's pudgy derriere is even cuter than his face. Alsacréations : Actualités et tutoriels HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, standards du web channelling guides Channelling Spirit Guides Communication with spirit guides take patience and practice. Our guides are there but not all the time; they too have others things to do as part of their development in the higher realms. They come when they are needed, they help and protect us. They can’t make decisions for us on issues that are entirely up to us. We are given free will for that. Sitting comfortably with your feet flat on the floor or laying on the bed, find what is comfortable to you. Stay relaxed and just breathe normally, you feel calm and peaceful. If nothing happens the first time you try meditating do not be put off. As you progress with learning to communicate with your guides, you will gradually begin to notice which guide is with you at the time. If your more interested in finding out about your own spirit guides why not visit our free chat room.
