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The Corporation Film: Welcome

The Corporation Film: Welcome
by Katherine Dodds, April 14, 2014 THE CORPORATION has been stunning audiences with its revelations of an out of control business model that mandates the pursuit of profit without regard for anything, or anyone, else. A decade since the film first launched - its' message is more relevant than ever. Join HelloCoolWorld and the makers of The Corporation as we prepare for a 10th Anniversary year of organizing, action and dialogue. A decade ago we had a grassroots hit on our hands, and thousands of people from hundreds of organizations and citizens groups rallied to help us spread the word– but now, in a post 2008, and even post-Occupy world, with Bakan at work on a second book wondering if we are all psychopath’s now – it’s time to gear up again – because we’re not done yet! We need to re-write corporate charters, revive democracy, and revolt against the profit motive at any cost.

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