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Bryophytes de France

Bryophytes de France

Bryophyte Ecology Photo by Michael Lüth Bryophyte Ecology is an ebook comprised of 5 volumes written by Janice Glime, Professor Emerita of Biological Sciences at Michigan Technological University. Coauthors include Irene Bisang, J. Lissner, W. Table of Contents (Coming Soon) Glossary About the Book About the Author, Janice Glime Copyright Information Follow Browse the Volumes of Bryophyte Ecology: Bryophyte Ecology Volume 1: Physiological Ecology Bryophyte Ecology Volume 2: Bryological Interaction Bryophyte Ecology Volume 3: Methods Bryophyte Ecology Volume 4: Pollution (Coming Soon) Bryophyte Ecology Volume 5: Uses Cornish Bryophytes Scope and aims This Flora attempts to give a comprehensive account of bryophytes (mosses, liverworts and hornworts) in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Its predecessor, A Bryophyte Flora of Cornwall by Jean A. Coverage and treatment of old records The species accounts in this Flora assign records to three date-classes: 1791-1949 (Very old), 1950-1992 (Old), and 1993-2010 (Recent). The reader is referred to Paton (1969a: 680-684) for an historical survey of bryology and bryologists in Cornwall. Only limited use can be made of the nineteenth century bryophyte records and indeed all the pre-1950 records for comparisons with modern data. Recording of bryophytes using squares of the National Grid began in the early 1960s. Recording by Mrs Paton was organised from its outset to cover the 10-km squares (hectads) of the National Grid, partly for use in the Cornish Flora, but also as a contribution to recording for the national Atlas. Recording since 1993 Presentation of data EN Endangered † B.I.

eCoLiBry Afin de pallier le déficit de connaissance concernant les bryophytes, les lichens et les algues charophytes de l’Ouest de la France, un programme scientifique a été initié fin 2014 par le Conservatoire botanique national de Brest pour collecter et partager des données sur la répartition géographique de ces espèces. Ce programme, dénommé CoLiBry (Connaissance des charophytes, des Lichens et des Bryophytes de l’Ouest de la France) concerne la Normandie occidentale (ex Basse-Normandie) et les régions Bre­tagne et Pays de la Loire. En appui technique de ce programme, un Système d’information et une application de consultation et de saisie en ligne (eCoLiBry) ont été développés. Groupes taxonomiques pris en compte Cette première version d’eCoLiBry concerne les bryophytes, les lichens et les charophytes.

Irish Lichens - Index lichenologie
