Why Should You Care About Badges?
Jump to Navigation Why Should You Care About Badges? How are we using badges to enable a complex, robust ecology of learning to support more just & equitable social futures? About The Speaker(s) Cathy N. Resources Video: What Is a Badge? Ways to Participate Back to top Part of a Series: Opening New Pathways to Opportunities Add to my calendar Live Sep Sign up for our Newsletter Sign up for our monthly newsletter Share related resources Catch all our webinars Discover valuable news Hear from DML experts Connect to the DML field Give us feedback Who Is Behind This Site > Community Guidelines Terms of Use Supported by the MacArthur Foundation
Don't Be a MOOC Dropout: How to Survive and Thrive in a Massive Open Online Course
As you surely know, Massive Open Online Courses are the big trend in online education. The New Media Consortium Horizon Report 2013 views MOOCs as the technology trend of the year. The MOOC concept is spreading rapidly from what was initially developed by George Siemens and Stephen Downes. MOOCs are sprouting elsewhere around the globe, too. You might have heard about the great workload, the high MOOC dropout rates or being lost and overwhelmed within the MOOC environment. Before starting a MOOC Choosing a MOOC When choosing a MOOC, simply follow your interests. Think about your time and motivation As Debbie Morrison said in an earlier post, understand your own goals is key. That is all reasonable, but you should consider that MOOCs normally last at least a couple weeks, sometimes up to a quarter of a year, and are quite time-consuming. I don’t want to stop you from participating in a MOOC. by Sylvia Moessinger During a MOOC Start early enough The early bird gets the worm! Take it easy
My Open Learning: cMOOCs
Current 1) Open Online Experience 2013Overview: This year-long professional development course is open to anyone, and focuses on education technology for K- 16. It provides a rich, immersive experience into the study and use of educational technology in teaching and learning, and is designed on the “connectivist” model. For a brief definition of “connectivism,” click here. To view #OOE 2013′s Google + community learning page click here. Courses Logo for etmooc from etmooc.org 1) Edtech MOOC 2013, Alec Couros Course Duration: January 13 to March 30, 2013 Participation Level: see below This cMOOC [constructivist] Educational Technology & Media, included topics that ranged from connected learning, digital storytelling and literacy, the open movement and digital citizenship. This MOOCs’ overall objective was to create a learning community that is rich in interaction using social platforms [Google+ Communities, Twitter, #edmooc], and not a Learning Management System (LMS), as many MOOCs do.
A Short History of MOOCs and Distance Learning
Since MOOCs have started to multiply on the web, many discussions about their structure, effectiveness and openness have been appearing. Students, teachers, e-learning specialists, academics, the media: everyone has an opinion. However, not much commentary looks at the history of MOOCs with an approach to understanding why so many universities are creating them and massive numbers of students are joining them. A short history of distance learning and may explain much about the sudden popularity of MOOCs. The evolution of technology and of new learning experiences have always been closely related. Correspondence studyMultimediaComputer-mediated The first of these distance learning models grew exponentially in Europe and United States after the Industrial Revolution, especially because a more qualified work force was needed for the factories. The pre-history of MOOCs, electronic media Democratizing through openness and media One example is Introduction to Biology, from the EdX platform.
Learning Analytics (Education Analytics)
Something Familiar, Something Great: ELearning and Digital Cultures MOOC Review
I heard about MOOCs at our neighbor’s annual holiday party when Sarah told me she was taking a “wonderful” poetry class from a MOOC site called Coursera. Sarah is a busy mother and nurse, and it struck me as amazing that she was studying poetry with an international cohort. I had seen Daphne Koller’s Ted Talk about Coursera, but I didn’t realize free online classes like this were really real until I talked to Sarah. Being involved with education, I looked MOOCS the very next day. I scrolled through the Coursera listings and registered for Fundamentals of Online Education from Georgia Institute of Technology. Little did I know I would be part of the infamous MOOC crash later that month; I was in group #12 of the ill-fated course. The five-week course featured carefully-curated videos, readings and other digital offerings. What is this thing? From the very beginning we were asked to think about what our final project would be. Partway through the course, a thought struck me.
The Michigan Tailoring System (MTS)
About MTS Released by the Regents of University of Michigan in August 2008 The first publicly available software for creating and disseminating individually tailored health communications Uses open source licenses Available free of charge for noncommercial education and research purposes Compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux MTS makes it possible to create and deliver richly tailored programs. Researchers, health organizations, and health practitioners can write tailored messages, test them in real time, and see the results for a given individual, without the need for constant technical support and assistance from a team of computer programmers. MTS Overview Screencast An overview of the MTS Workbench, what's it for and how you can use it for your own tailored output. User Manual Wiki Documentation for the MTS Workbench is provided online in a Wiki. MTS Wiki MTS has two major components: MTS Flowchart Dictionary Message Editor Testcase Editor Preview Publisher
How Can MOOC Platforms Be More Dynamic?: A Comparison of Major MOOC Providers
This past winter, like many prospective students, I browsed through hundreds of college course descriptions to find subjects right for me. Yet, unlike other students, I wasn’t enrolled in a degree program. Instead, in February, I became the MOOC equivalent of a full-time student. I enrolled in five course (listed here), from five different universities (over 1,600 miles apart), attending lectures weekly, submitting assignments almost daily and interacting with other students on a regular basis. Moreover, the courses I choose were on three different platforms from major MOOC providers, Canvas, Coursera, and edX, and in this review I would like to discuss the advantages and shortcomings of each. MOOC technologies, and the very platforms they are embedded into, are in their infancy. Comparing MOOC platform navigation and layout A brief glance at the dashboards of the first two platforms, Canvas and Coursera, reveals almost identical layouts. Discussion forums Adam Heidebrink (3 Posts) Hello!
University of Michigan
MOOC Review - Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part I
After successfully finishing Algortihms: Design and Analysis, Part I, I want to share my experience with those of you thinking of taking this course, so you can understand what to expect and what kind of benefits this MOOC brings to you. The course is brought to us by Professor Tim Roughgarden at Stanford University via the Coursera platform. As is specified in the description, it draws on material from the same course taught on campus but is not equivalent to it. However, if your main concern is to gather basic knowledge on the main topics of algorithms, I truly believe this course will suit your needs. The course is addressed to people who want to follow a computer science path, covering topics including asymptotic analysis, divide and conquer algorithms, sorting and searching, basic randomized algorithms, graph search, shortest paths, heaps, search trees and hash tables. In my case, I studied electrical engineering and gained some experience on programming during my studies.