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Falling Fruit

Falling Fruit
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How to Keep Monsanto OUT of your Home Garden We encourage our readers to start their own gardens whenever possible. It's a highly rewarding activity! Great for kids to see the miracle of life happening in their own backyard and connect with our mother earth. However, we need to be careful about where we source our seed. We found this excellent article at the Healthy Home Economist website that goes into more detail about how to buy organic or heirloom seeds without supporting Monsanto... What most of these home gardeners don’t realize is that corporate behemoth and GMO titan Monsanto has been gobbling up the seed market faster than a caterpillar can munch a tomato plant! Monsanto has worked very hard to position themselves in the organic seed market... In addition, Monsanto now apparently owns the trademark for many of the names of the heirloom seed varieties themselves! It's not as easy as it used to be. We've got to work a little harder and do our homework to get non-Monsanto seeds Buying Seeds Without Supporting Monsanto

La guerre des graines “Qui contrôle le pétrole contrôle les nations, qui contrôle l'alimentation contrôle les peuples” disait le diplomate américain Henri Kissinger. "La guerre des graines" est un film utile. Il montre en quoi les semences sont en enjeu vital pour l'humanité et comment, à l'époque actuelle, se joue une bataille entre ceux qui aspirent à retrouver une autonomie agricole d'un côté, et une poignée de multinationales avides de profit, de l'autre. Une enquête menée en France, en Inde, en Belgique et en Norvège, réalisée par Stenka Quillet et Clément Montfort et diffusée sur Arte en 2014. Le film peut être visionné librement ci-dessous, sur youtube ou dailymotion. [Note de Bio Consom'acteurs du 31/01/2016 : le 25 janvier 2016, le Sénat a voté la loi de reconquête de la biodiversité, qui élargit notamment le droit des agriculteurs à échanger leurs semences produites sur la ferme, interdit les brevets sur les gènes natifs des végétaux et animaux, et interdit les semences non reproductibles.

Myths: Busted--Clearing Up the Misunderstandings about Organic Farming - Guest Blog - Scientific American Blog Network We at Scientific American welcome responses to our articles. A recent blog post by one of our network bloggers, Christie Wilcox—"Mythbusting 101: Organic Farming > Conventional Agriculture"—engendered much discussion online and we received several offers to write responses. This blog post by Jason Mark is the response we accepted. Of course, as our bloggers have editorial freedom, Christie Wilcox may also write her own response to the response. If she does so, I will add the link here.....Edit: Christie Wilcox has responded. When I saw that Scientific American was carrying a web story by a regular SciAm blogger determined to bust some of the “myths” surrounding organic farming, I was excited. As the co-manager of an urban farm2 that uses organic practices, I was annoyed by the distortions in the article. Busting Myth #1: Organic Farms and Pesticides. Wilcox claims that organic farms “spray their crops with pesticides all the time.” Which brings us to Wilcox’s next point. Notes:

Agriculture Urbaine: les gurus qui nous aident à jardiner en ville L’agriculture urbaine est en plein essor grâce à ses bénéfices pour la santé, l’environnement et aussi pour faire des économies. Grâce à Internet et les réseaux sociaux, oser l’agriculture urbaine devient de plus en plus accessible. A la fin du XIX siècle, se sont développés les premiers jardins ouvriers pour permettre aux travailleurs d’améliorer son alimentation et, en conséquence, leurs conditions de vie. Aujourd’hui, même si les enjeux sont différents, l’agriculture urbaine est en plein essor grâce à ses bénéfices pour la santé, l’environnement et aussi pour faire des économies. Curtis Stone c’est le guru pionnier de l’agriculture urbaine. Son site The Urban Farmer donne les clés pour augmenter la productivité des petites portions de jardin et offre des services de consultation gratuits pour mettre en place son propre jardin urbain. Curtis Stone offre également un cours en ligne pour devenir un expert et bien réussir sa petite ferme urbaine. Les Artisans du Végétal Le saviez-vous ?

Why Permaculture Isn’t Just Organic Farming Even most practitioners of permaculture have trouble defining it, partly because its not just one technique of doing this or that, but mostly because the theory encompasses too much to narrow the idea into a simple definition. Sure, there is agriculture, but it’s also a movement that branches into all things good for earth and people, from community sharing to sustainable energy to reforestation. All the same, it’s not just that. Thoughtful design — of our homes, of our gardens, of our cities — all play a key role in any discussion of permaculture. In essence, the practice is more than any one of these things and yet participates in them all. For many, though, it’s the agricultural component that initially attracts them to permaculture. The Crops Both organic farms and permaculture sites are in the business of growing food, but there are fundamental differences in what food they cultivate. The Technique Flickr On the other hand, these ideas are serious breaches of the permaculture ethics.

Les Jardins Respectueux The Drought Fighter - Craftsmanship Magazine Topics: Climate Change, Drought, Farming, Fertility, Food, Organic Agriculture, Science, Soil Health, Urban Farming Locations: California, Sebastopol Materials: Bugs, Carbon, Compost, Plants, Soil Masters: Paul Kaiser: Drought Fighter Could a controversial farmer in California have found the most effective way to grow food in a warming world? By TODD OPPENHEIMER On Singing Frogs Farm, a relatively minuscule, 8-acre operation in Sebastopol, California, Paul Kaiser says he is grossing more than $100,000 an acre just by harvesting vegetables. One afternoon last March, on a small vegetable farm that Paul Kaiser runs in a particularly chilly valley in Sebastopol, California, a group of agriculture specialists gathered around a four-foot steel pole. The group successfully repeated the exercise, over and over—for photo ops, and to be sure that Kaiser really had accomplished the various feats he talks about, which he does almost incessantly these days. This is a big deal. “What creates life?”

Formations Bio Sainte Marthe | Agriculture biologique et filières Home Composting Made Easy Related Content Kitchen Composting These tips will help you keep your kitchen compost free of rotten smells and fruit flies. Many people start composting for practical reasons. Composting mimics and intensifies nature’s recycling plan. Adding compost to garden soil increases its water-holding capacity, invigorates the soil food web and provides a buffet of plant nutrients. Starting a new compost pile can be a fast, easy project. 1. Precise balancing of materials is crucial in commercial composting operations, for example, the composting of city sewage, manure from animal feedlots or byproducts from food manufacturing plants. 2. High temperatures in the compost heap are generated by bacteria as they work high-nitrogen materials, so hot compost that’s protected from leaching may be a superior source of this essential nutrient. If you want the best compost, you want cured compost. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. For this job, I use a solar cooker made from a 20-inch cardboard box lined with aluminum foil.

Le Jardin des Simples: Où trouver nos plantes Nous sommes présent dans plusieurs magasins, amap, marchés et foires du Poitou. Voici leurs coordonnées: Magasins et épiceries L'Epicerie Fermière 10 Avenue du Commandant Bernier 79500 Melle 0549073259 L'office de Tourisme du Pays Mellois3, rue Emilien Traver79500 Melle0549 L'Assos' Bêche à Melle79500 La Mothe st Heray Epicerie de produits locaux "La Chaumière" 4, rue du Mirage 79800 La Mothe st Heray Biocoop Le Pois Tout Vert Porte Sud Zone commerciale Auchan Sud 14, Route de la Solaie 86000 Poitiers Le Pois Tout Vert Demi Lune 55, Avenue du Plateau des Glières86000 PoitiersLe Marché de Léopold50, avenue du 11-Novembre86280 St Benoït05 49 42 73 Plaisirs FermiersPoitiers Sud, derrière Auchan1, rue Gustave-Eiffel05. Val de SérignyLa Belle Indienne86230 Sérigny05 49 86 08 66 NIORT et alentours
