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 PARK(ing) Day 2010 is Friday, September 17th

 PARK(ing) Day 2010 is Friday, September 17th Superfiction A Superfiction is a visual or conceptual artwork which uses fiction and appropriation to mirror organizations, business structures, and/or the lives of invented individuals (Hill). The term was coined by Glasgow-born artist Peter Hill in 1989. Often superfictions are subversive cultural events in which the artwork can be said to escape from the picture frame or in which a narrative can be said to escape from the pages of the novel into three-dimensional reality. The Museum of Contemporary Ideas[edit] In 1989 Peter Hill created his fictive Museum of Contemporary Ideas on New York's Park Avenue, complete with its billionaire benefactors, Alice and Abner "Bucky" Cameron who supposedly made their fortune from the Cameron Oil Fields in Alaska. With its "Encyclopedia of Superfictions", Hill's Web site is something of an information hub on methodically related artworks. Roots and precedents[edit] Practice[edit] See also[edit] Conceptual art Installation art Alternate reality game External links[edit]

Les Grands Sites Archéologiques Lascaux ARK-INC Superflux co-director Jon Ardern started the ARK-INC project while studying at the Royal College of Art. Born of his frustration with resistance to the mounting body of evidence about the dangers of growth, the project found its first platform in 2006, as an installation and trio of short films. Since Jon's graduation, ARK-INC has continued to grow, reflecting the challenges and tensions of the current societal environment. As a superfiction, the company has three main functions – selling products and services; gathering, crunching and distributing data; and providing infrastructure for a grassroots network of resilient ARK collectives. Products: ARK-INC's stable of products are designed to fit comfortably in the domestic environment of the current techno-economic paradigm. The flagship product in this line is the ARK RADIO, which sits innocuously on a living room or kitchen table. Disaster Tourism: A disaster is not the event itself, but the trauma of the event. ARK Publications:

Arts Appliqués Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters | Journal of the mental environment Gran Fury Gran Fury was an activist/artist collective that came together in 1988. Referencing both the specific Plymouth model used by the New York Police Department and their anger about the government's response, or lack thereof, to the AIDS pandemic, Gran Fury acted as ACT UP's (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) unofficial propaganda ministry, creating work that used the same strategies as advertising to reach a wider audience. [1] "Let the Record Show" and Formation of the Collective[edit] In July 1987, William Orlander, an ACT UP member and curator of the New Museum in New York City, invited ACT UP to create an installation in the museum's window. Practicing Art/Activism[edit] The collective aimed to push various individuals such as Ronald Reagan, New York Mayor at the time Ed Koch, and John Cardinal O'Connor to address the AIDS pandemic in a more practical, open way, as well as to inform the public on the importance of safer sex and clean needles. References[edit] External links[edit]

GUERRILLAGIRLS: Fighting discrimination with facts, humor and fake fur [ L u t h e r B l i s s e t t . n e t ] Il Teatro Situazionautico "Luther Blissett" nasce nel febbraio 1995 a Bologna, durante lo stage di teatro e psicogeografia condotto da Riccardo Paccosi. La base del suo lavoro consiste in una ricerca finalizzata a comprendere e sviluppare i meccanismi e le alchimie del teatro al di fuori degli spazi scenici abituali, muovendosi in situazioni non teatrali. Le azioni sceniche vengono, perciò, sviluppate in luoghi diversi: strade, piazze, autobus, supermercati ecc. inglobandone le caratteristiche e trasformandole in elementi costitutivi dell'azione stessa. Ciò inevitabilmente tende alla modificafione degli usi quotidiani dello spazio urbano, che viene, quindi, deterritorializzato. L'ambiente cittadino è quello più usato perché presenta una ricca possibilità di sfruttare situazioni diverse e perché principalmente è il luogo dei percorsi costretti e limitati (casa-lavoro-divertimenti) dove diventa alieno tutto ciò che esce da questi. Il T.

[ L u t h e r B l i s s e t t . n e t ] I seguenti gruppi: Amadossalto, Centro Ricerca Arti Performative-Teatro dell'Infetto, Inquinamento di Rifiuti Argonauti, Teatro Situazionautico Luther Blissett, Amorevole Compagnia Pneumatica, operano da diverso tempo sul territorio bolognese nel settore della ricerca teatrale e coreografica, orientati verso una attività professionale a pieno titolo. Dopo aver intrattenuto una contrattazione con l'Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Bologna, e vista l'impossibilità da parte dell'Amministrazione di risolvere il problema degli spazi per i giovani gruppi teatrali, in tempi brevi ed in modo esauriente, abbiamo occupato il Teatro dell'Accademia di Belle Arti, via Irnerio 45c, Bologna, spazio sottratto ad ogni possibilità teatrale da una trentina d'anni. Al fine di sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica e le autorità competenti, l'occupazione consisterà in una rassegna di tre giorni, dal 6 all'8 novembre, capace di offrire una visibilità e un'occasione di confronto sul problema. [...]

Buy Nothing Day - UK - Saturday November 24th 2012
