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Understanding Depth of Field in Photography

Understanding Depth of Field in Photography
Depth of field refers to the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp. It varies depending on camera type, aperture and focusing distance, although print size and viewing distance can also influence our perception of depth of field. This tutorial is designed to give a better intuitive and technical understanding for photography, and provides a depth of field calculator to show how it varies with your camera settings. The depth of field does not abruptly change from sharp to unsharp, but instead occurs as a gradual transition. In fact, everything immediately in front of or in back of the focusing distance begins to lose sharpness — even if this is not perceived by our eyes or by the resolution of the camera. Since there is no critical point of transition, a more rigorous term called the "circle of confusion" is used to define how much a point needs to be blurred in order to be perceived as unsharp. When does the circle of confusion become perceptible to our eyes?

lomography Using Wide Angle Lenses A wide angle lens can be a powerful tool for exaggerating depth and relative size in a photo. However, it's also one of the most difficult types of lenses to learn how to use. This page dispels some common misconceptions, and discusses techniques for taking full advantage of the unique characteristics of a wide angle lens. Understanding Depth of Field - A Beginner's Guide Depth of field (DoF) is one of the most important concepts in photography. Understanding what DoF is, and knowing what factors affect it, are things all photographers should master. Many photographers know that you can control DoF by adjusting aperture. Using Telephoto Lenses You've probably heard that telephoto lenses are for enlarging distant subjects, but they're also a powerful artistic tool for affecting the look of your subject. They can normalize the size and distance difference between near and far objects, and can make the depth of field appear more shallow. Telephoto lenses are therefore useful not only for wildlife photography, but also for landscape photography. Read on to learn techniques for utilizing the unique characteristics of a telephoto lens . . .

Understanding Depth of Field - It's Not All About Aperture Understanding your fundamentals is, well, fundamental to photography just like it is in anything else. In a previous article, I discussed the basics of aperture and exposure. Now, moving forward I want to address one of the key elements of aperture which is depth of field. All variables in photography have a give and take, and with your aperture as we gain light we also lose depth of field. But aperture is not the only variable the affects depth of field, and in this article we will take a look at those other variables. First things first, aperture does affect depth of field and in a normal shooting scenario aperture is your first consideration (if not only for most) when considering your depth of field.

theconversation These days, we’re used to seeing pictures of planets sent back by spacecraft. Some pictures look colourful, others less so. But do they show what each planet really looks like? Depth of Field Explained When you focus your camera, the area around the focal distance will also be in focus. But this can fall of to blur quickly, or slowly. The acceptable amount of in focus area around what’s you are focusing on is called Depth of Field. Depth of field can be an easy concept to understand, but practicing it isn’t always straightforward. Flowers in uv and false bee vision. - noto Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) flower in natural colour (left), uv only (centre) and false bee colours (right). We’re attracted to flowers because of their form, scent, and colour, the very things that attract their pollinators. It’s clear that some colours are associated with particular pollinator groups, like red for birds and blue for bees. However, most pollinating animals perceive a different colour spectrum from us. Humans are unusual—but not unique—among mammals in having three colour receptor genes, which code for opsin proteins whose light reception peaks in the blue, green, and red wavelengths.

Photography 101: What Is Depth of Field? A common term in photography, depth of field is important to consider when creating any photograph. It is used at varying degrees to place either everything in the image into a sharp focus or to narrow the focus and highlight a subject, allowing other elements to be blurry. Photographers use depth of field to create certain effects and draw the viewer's attention to particular elements of the scene. It is important to understand how the aperture setting on your camera, the focal length of the...MORE lens, and the distance of your subject affects a photograph's depth of field. What is Depth of Field? Depth of field is the amount of your image before and beyond your focus point that will be in focus.

[UV] EL-Nikkor 75mm - 80mm - 105mm for UV? This is a comparison of three EL-Nikkor enlarger lenses for reflected UV photography. The candidates are the older EL-Nikkor enlarger lenses: 4/75mm (black), 5.6/80mm, 5.6/105mm (both black/chrome) [click on image to see a larger one] These are UV-VIS differentials to show the possible focus shift (ghost images, white or black depending on direction of the shift: left: 75mm, middle: 80mm, right: 105mm - identical exposure and processing for all. Depth of Field explained What is depth of field? Understanding depth of field is one of the first big hurdles in photography. Knowing how your aperture, focal length and focusing work together to affect depth of field and control what appears sharp in your photos will give you incredible confidence as a photographer. What is 'depth of field'? A camera can only focus its lens at a single point, but there will be an area that stretches in front of and behind this focus point that still appears sharp.
