Instructional Technology/Utilizing Technology for Meaningful Learning The information provided in this section of the Instructional Technology Book is provided by students in the Master's of Education program at the University of Mary Washington. Students are in the Leadership in Educational Technology program and are working in conjunction with Dr. Teresa Coffman in the ITEC547 Special Topics course (Integrating Technology for Meaningful Learning) during the Fall 2008 semester. This chapter will investigate and explore the various theories and resources on technology tools and meaningful learning. The course also created classroom activities that explores the idea of technology and meaningful learning. Here is the page to help with formatting text Please feel free to add to our research and classroom activities to grow the wiki of meaningful learning! What is Meaningful Learning? Vision – What does meaningful learning look like? Elementary Leadership in Technology: IT Starts at the Top History
Active Learning | Infusion Level | Language Arts Objectives Students will learn to use Pages for publishing a magazine. Students will learn to use a shared file. Students will learn to use a digital camera to load pictures, crop pictures and drop into a shared file. Procedure Each student applies for and is offered a job at the magazine: Pre-AP CLASS. NETS Profiles for Technology Literate Students Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities. Materials iPhoto Pages Word Scanner Digital Camera Projector and Laptop Grade Level: 6-8 The Power of Project Learning By Wayne D'Orio Here’s a riddle: Imagine there is a learning technique proven effective through 100 years of use that is now enhanced by the power of today’s technology. Imagine it can excite learners to continue their work well past the parameters of the school day. What is it, and would every school in the country do it? It is project-based learning, and the answer is yes, and no. Project-based learning can be traced back to John Dewey and it has come and gone since the early 20th century. Why Project-Based Learning? While project-based learning can be decidedly low tech, the recent surge of interest has been driven by the increase in technology capabilities in public schools. “Friedman’s book had an incredible impact,” says John Mergendoller, executive director of the Buck Institute for Education in Novato, California, a nonprofit research organization promoting problem- and project-based learning. Two other factors help Tech Valley’s mission. What Makes a Great Project?
21st Century Learning: A visit to the GA DOE Center for Classroom Innovation What does learning in a 21st century classroom look like? We had the opportunity to visit the Georgia Department of Education’s Center for Classroom Innovation. The room is setup with different spaces depending on the kinds of learning and collaboration taking place. The room also offers flexibility with some mobile furniture such as rolling chairs, rolling tables, and screens that divide the space into different learning areas. The spaces include: The room is also equipped with these technologies: Wireless internet with multiple access pointsDocument cameraXbox with KinnectLaptop cart3D projector w/3d glasses for a class2 Mondo boards (large touch screen computers) w/videoconferencing capabilitiesPlug and play connections to easily display content from any device You can view a slideshow of the room and find out more here. This visit began taking shape several weeks ago when we were invited to bring a class to the space to engage in a lesson and be filmed. In class, Mrs. Mr. Like this:
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards Georgia has joined 44 other states, the District of Columbia (D.C.), and 2 territories, along with the Department of Defense Education Activity, in formally adopting a set of core standards for kindergarten through high school in English language arts, mathematics, and grades 6-12 literacy in science, history/social studies, and technical subjects. The CCGPS provide a consistent framework to prepare students for success in college and/or the 21st century workplace. These standards represent a common sense next step from the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). What do CCGPS mean for Georgia? The CCGPS for English Language Arts, mathematics, and literacy in science, history/social studies, and technical subjects will ensure that all Georgia students have an equal access and opportunity to master the skills and knowledge needed for success beyond high school. CCGPS Online Professional Development Professional Learning Webinars Professional Learning Georgia Public Broadcasts
How teachers use social media in the classroom to beef up instruction While plenty of their parents might see using social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and blogs as a leisure time activity, students today know better: These days, those web portals can be some of the best places to find information on the subjects they’re covering in school. In fact, professors have been integrating these tools into their curriculum with positive results. Elizabeth Hilts, an adjunct professor at Fairfield University, is a fan of using a class blog for her freshman and advanced English classes. “I set up class blogs ... these are designed to help students develop their 'writer’s voice' while providing them with an additional outlet for developing their opinions about complex topics in conversation with others,” Hilts says. Dr. Even Pinterest, the photo-sharing creative site, can be a boon for teachers. “Social networking has all the same risks as the traditional online safety risks. Related 21st-century classroom stories on MNN:
Creativity Contract - Luke Upchurch Portfolio Brainstorming Documentation: Brainstorming is a great past time of mine. Growing up I always used this type of tool to study and get ready for tests. It always helps me organize my brain and my thoughts. During the tests, I even think in web formation or any type of formation that a studied, be it a tree or anything like that. I researched brainstorming in the classroom and found a website that talks about it. Pandit, D. (2010, Sep 3). Self-Evaluation: Self Evaluation For Brainstorming Graded on a Scale From 1-4, 1 being incomplete, 4 being the best Creativity ------------------------------------------------------------------4 o Does this project show out-side-the-box thinking Accuracy of the Information --------------------------------4 o Is the information correct? Attractiveness------------------------------------------------------------4 o Is the project aesthetically pleasing? Looking Back------------------------------------------------------------4 Overall Grade: Puzzles and Gaming Excel
Creative Thinking, Research, Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Foundation Building Activites